
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

Last Saturday, I noticed there is something wrong with my eyesight. When I looked at a dark corner of the classroom I was in, the part looked like an old movie screen with scratches. In other words, it looked like raining. The same thing happened today, a week later, too. Also, my eyes have been tired all day these days and see the fluorescent light like flashes all day. My feet feel as if they were in rough thick wool socks when I walk around outside. Even though the number of strong attacks that cause fits has declined, I feel more tired these days.

If there is a machine which produces strong magnetic field like an MRI, and if someone/some people are switching it on and off, in the next room, it should be giving the sensation I get every night. When the attacks are strong, they are too strong for me to feel their nature, for I have fits or I huff or my jaw shuts. The shocks are too strong to feel anything subtle. But the weaker ones tell me that they are magnetic or electric. The make me feel as if my brain were being attracted to one direction.

2011/06/15 Slept from 2:00-9:00 (7 hours). Fluorescent like flashes in my eyes. The sound in my head loud and wavy. When I was going to bed several electric shock attacks on my head.

2011/06/16 Slept from 2:30-7:30 (5 hours) Almost the same as yesterday. The difference was that the power was a little stronger today than yesterday.

2011/06/17 Slept from 2:50-7:30 (5 hours) A very big fit which felt like a strike with a fist made my whole body shake right after I lay and closed my eyes, flowed by several sucking electric shocks on my head. I felt the after concussion feeling all day. Around 8:00, a young woman in white see-through and black tights, eyes dead, went out of the next door, joined by a stocky man around 30, and went towards the highway.

2011/06/18 Slept form 1:00-5:00 (4 hours). Prevented from going back to sleep by electric shock attacks on my head. I gave up and got up around 7:00. I twittered it. When I stood up, I felt someone behind the wall and hit and kicked the wall hard, and the part a little (3 feet) away from the point was hit back a second later. A woman’s conciliatory voice was heard. ).My speech slurred all day. Made many mistakes. Feet felt funny (thick socks, many needles). Eyes tired. Fluorescent like feeling in the eyesight. Sound in my head loud and wavy all day. Around 22:00 voices of male and female in the next room. Now, a little after midnight, it is silent.

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