
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2011/06/02 Slept 4:00-11:00. Attacks on head and hands, giving me fits. Computer game/car blast like noise all night. Strong beam-like attacks between ears made me take up earmuffs which I had worn to escape the noise.

2011/06/03 Attacks caused flashes in my eyes when I was falling asleep in odd hours. Also, strong beam-like attacks between ears. Incessant electric attacks made me wake up around 4:30 and get up at 4:58 after having a shallow sleep for about 3 hours. Needle-like funny feelings in the bottom and legs-I’m still feeling them now while I’m typing this record at 5:13. Other attacks are to my head and hands. They gave me big fits many times. Noises in my head were loud and wavy when I woke up. Computer game/car blast like noise all night. Feel the existence of someone behind the wall when I plugged my PC and while I’m typing this. Also, felt two persons behind the wall when I got up in the loft. The funny feeling in the bottom and legs disappeared in 2 and a half hours after getting up.

Worked till 7:00 or 8:00 and went to bed again. Attacked in the head severely but fell asleep or fainted. Incessant stabbing shocks in the brain. Woke up around 14:00. Heard someone make a noise behind the wall when I stood up after I lost thought for a few seconds kneeling and drooping near the desk fixed to the wall.

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