Between June 7 to 14, On some days I experienced electric shocks that made my jaw shut suddenly, and almost every day saw fluorescent light like fine flashes when I woke up and day by day the phenomenon lasted longer and longer.
Here are memos I took since my last record:
2011/06/07 Slept about 3+4 hours. Same kind of shocks as those I experienced yesterday. Also, I kept seeing fluorescent light like fine flashes, which I felt only when I woke up or for several hours after waking up, till evening, which did not used to last so long till recently, and the noises in the head were wavy and loud all day.
A lot of noises like someone moving something and sometimes a big male voice from 22:00. Shock on the wall which shook the table fixed to the wall in my room when I was sitting in front of it.
2011/06/08 Slept 1:00-5:00 and 8:30-12:00 (4+4 hours). Aroud 8:00, I heard someone leave the next door and opened my door to see who it was but could not. I opened the window facing the street and I saw a thin woman/man around 165-170cm in a dark jacket walking away quickly. During the second sleep, the shocks were either weak or none, thought I felt something like that when I was falling asleep. Headache when woke up again. Little fluorescent light like effect.
2011/06/09 Attacks kept me awake till 3:00 a.m. Drank hot mild to sleep. Woke up at 11:00. I saw fluorescent light like flashes and it lasted till 21:00.
2011/06/10 Slept 2:30-8:30. Noises in my head were loud and saw fluorescent light like flashes when I woke up. Went swimming. Took a nap 5:00-8:00.
2011/06/11 (Sat.) Slept 3:00-10:00 When falling asleep, I felt electric shock attacks. When woke up, I saw fluorescent light like flashes and my eyes were tired all day.
2011/06/12 (Sun) Slept 4:00-10:30. When I woke up, the noises in my head were loud and wavy. I also saw fluorescent light like flashes.
2011/06/13 (Mon.) Slept 2:00-9:00. When I was taking this note before going to bed, I heard a noise that sounded like someone moved or hit something suddenly behind the wall in the next room.
2011/06/14 (Tue) Slept 2:00-9:00. Noises in my head loud when I woke up and fluorescent light like flashes lasted all day. Male voices in the next room starting around 22:00. After I started typing these notes, they became silent.
Right after I put these records on the net, a noise like something dripping down with irregular intervals started behind the fall near my PC.
Then after I sat in front of my OC for ten minutes or so, I noticed my lower body felt funny. It was like the inside of the vessels in my lower body felt ticklish. I also noticed that the noises in my head were very loud and wavy. I stood up and went to the kitchen and both of them started subsiding. When I came back after making hot mild, both of them had become normal.
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