
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

168. 2010/11/02 A force hit the middle of my spine, causing a strong jolt of my whole body on early morning of Monday, which was the climax of the last six days of severe sleep deprivation (disrupted, 5 or 6 hours on average, every night) and physical shocks and pains which seem to be caused by some electric/supersonic device behind the wall of Room 202 (next door). Because of this I was too tired to write this blog on Monday (last night) and went to bed earlier at around 11:30p.m. Strangely there were not any assault I remember, although when I woke up I had a feeling that some weak pulse-like thing had kept hitting my brain. I took TOEIC on Sunday for the first time in seven months. I had forgotten that harassment becomes harsher right before I take a test, but especially this English test. (I try not to take it seriously, but just in case it has something to do with the harassment I have been suffering, I will note the following: before the test, a woman sitting behind me kept making impacts that stung my head before I asked to be moved to the front row, where the woman diagonally behind me made strange voices several times during and after the test. These annoying behaviors were better than I have had in the past.) A good thing is that the substitution job at Machida is over and I do not have to commute and get harassed more harshly than other days on the way to and back from that branch.

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