172. 2010/11/23 I could sleep only for at most two hours in total last night because of the incessant electric shocks. Most of them came to my head but others came to joints and stomach. I had several hiccup-like twitches at the same time. I sometimes heard ggggg sound accompany the shocks. Those came to my head were stronger than usual and felt like bangs or explosions. I gave up sleeping past 5:00 a.m. Since then till now (22:30) I have not slept at all except for falling asleep for probably twenty minutes or so once *with my CD player placed facing Room 202 playing 80s electric guitarists’ performances (Night of the Guitar Live) at sound level four out of ten in the afternoon. I tried to sleep more all day but every time the shock came. The biggest one covered my head, chest and stomach and made me have a rather big fit, which might have looked as if I had a hiccup. It also gave me a faint optical illusion of geometric patterns for a second. Since I started sleeping with the bedroom light on, the shocks stopped giving me dramatic fits which I think could have clearly shown the fits are not due to disorder in me but due to something outside of me. I think I heard a giggle behind the wall of Room 202 right after the fit. With another electric shock to my head and torso at around 16:00, I gave up and worked.
*Usually, I am not a loud neighbor and so there is no possibility of this long lasting abuse being retaliation to noise on my side. I do not listen to music very often, especially without earphones, although I used to till around 43 years old. It just hit me two days ago (on Sunday) that if I play rather loud music all day my abuser(s) might not be able to take enough rest to abuse me at night with his/her/their electric/supersonic device(s) . But it does not seem to have worked while shocks have been stronger compared to those in the last two weeks. They can rest while I am out for work at least 7 hours. Also, it is possible that different people are doing this each night, for type of attacks are different, in property, strength, target body parts of mine as I have recorded by now.
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