Writing Topic
Do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea for high school students to have part-time jobs in addition to their studies?
Without any knowledge of the real world, it is difficult to get motivated for study. Students should get a glimpse of it by working once in a while.
Through the experience of enjoying spending money they have earned themselves, they are encouraged to be independent in and learn the importance of money.
Time management can be another skill that working part-time might help us acquire.
Students do not necessarily have to work to see the real world, their family and community are their reality. By watching and participating in the activity of the society they belong to, they can learn what they are and what they need to do for the future.
We live in an academic-career based society, and school is trying to help students get equipped with qualifications before they go into the real world
Time spent working at MacDonald’s for extra money is less productive that spent studying for future career.
Even though it is part-time, a job is a job. Being a student might not often be an excuse to do it half way for the sake of, say, midterm exam.
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