
TOEFL iBT Academic Discussion and Writing Do automobliles have produced greater benefits or greater problems?


Based on the societal implications, do you believe automobiles have produced greater benefits or greater problems?



Let’s Think

1.        Give other examples of Isabelle’s point, “the unparalleled convenience offered by automobiles”.

2.        Give other examples of Oscar’s point, “monumental environmental cost”.

3.        What other advantages and disadvantages do cars have?

4.        What is your answer to Professor Clarke’s question? Why?



Hints for Points

1.        Cars offered more choices of relationships, such as individuals living out of your town.

2.        Automobiles accelerated geographic mobility. Living far from the work place is possible.

3.        Automobiles have replaced animals for work. They can carry more things faster than animals.

4.        Cars have activated economic activities.

5.        Noise pollution is another drawback of cars.

6.        Life of drivers is more sedentary and so less healthy than that of non-drivers.

7.        Car accidents has raised death rates.

8.        Dependence on oil distorted the politics since



Response for Ideas and Expression

I think benefits of automobiles are greater than their problems. Although the negative by-products of cars such as toxic gas emissions and noise pollutions pose threat to our lives, too many breakthroughs that made modern life possible are attributed to them. The advent of automobile evolved traveling, allowing us to reach the destination faster, more easily, and with less cost. This brought about the modern economy, where products and population are moved faster in large amounts. Then helped by the mass production of cars, the speed of development was accelerated, which lead to the expansion of our civilization and development of our culture, enriching our lives. Highways are built and new activities are born. Even new kinds of entertainment like driving and car racing occurred. Indeed, today’s world is not possible without cars. Therefore, automobiles have benefitted us more than they harmed us. (143 words)


Admitting that the contribution of automobile to society is huge, I insist that the problems of cars are unignorable. The biggest costs of cars are air and water pollution and global warming, whose progress is due largely to the exhaust gas emissions from cars. Global warming has caused climate change, which is the cause of large numbers of death and threat to our own species as well as other species. Automobiles also have made humans arrogant. Freedom acquired at the wheel in a vehicle that allows you to travel faster than any animal with potentially dangerous power often metamorphoses a humble traveler to a macromania, who has illegitimate sense of power above pedestrians and other drivers. This mentality often stays with the driver even when he is not driving and it now makes the norm of our society, which is characterized by high velocities with violent moves that leaves no space for sensitivity, courteousness, or kindness and make them no more than naivete and weakness to take advantage of. A neurotic comparison of drivers and non-drivers would reveal the difference of brain wiring between these two tribes. The degrading of humanity is an incomparable cost. (195 words)



Response plan

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Write your response in 10 minutes. Show each other your responses. Write down questions or suggestions to each other’s response.




















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