
TOEFL iBT Academic Discussion and Writing 9-1 A job that won't be replaced by robots in the future - revised -


What is one job that you think won’t be replaced by robots in the future and why?



Let’s Think

Do research on the following questions and discuss them with others.

1.        What is Janet’s point? Provide a case in point.

2.        What is Thomas’s point? Provide a case in point.

3.        What is your answer to this question? Share your opinion.



Hints for Points

1.        Social worker

2.        Medical personnel

3.        Zoo attendant

4.        Musician, dancer, and artist

5.        Athlete

6.        Writer and movie director

7.        Manager and CEO

8.        Detective

9.        Researcher



Response for Ideas and Expressions

I believe the job of artists won’t be replaced by AI. Fine art that AI produces, for instance, are just a combination of existing information of works related to the given theme. For example, AI would be able to copy works of Vincent van Gogh or produce works that look like a van Gogh. However, they won’t be able to reproduce his anxiety or longing in a new piece because an AI doesn’t have a suffering spirit that van Gogh had. It has no spirit at all. Neither does it have a hand or eyes wired to the brain where the suffering and joy of life occurs. For the same reason, it won’t be able to make humans laugh with humor except for unintended ones. It cannot have empathy or mercy, nor can it have dream or vision. It has no concern, insight, or inspiration, either. It has no passion. It cannot love even a puppy. Not a bit of mind shared by life exist in it. Thus, it cannot make a masterpiece that truly impress us. Unless humans lose spirit, heart, or mind, AI artists won’t be able to fool us. At best, it would be a tool for inspiration whose random results we may find interest in. (209 words)



Response plan

Topic Sentence:

Supporting Details:








Write your response in 10 minutes. Show each other your responses. Write down questions or suggestions to each other’s response.


















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