
TOEFL iBT Academic Discussion and Writing 7- 2 Large social metworks or amaller, intimate circle of friends?


Social dynamics are intricate and highly individual. While some people thrive in large social networks, others draw comfort from a smaller, intimate circle of friends. Reflecting on this, which approach do you find more appealing or beneficial, and why?



Let’s Think

Good points of large social networks

1.        The more, the merrier.

2.        Contact with a large number of people with different backgrounds can widen your views.

3.        Various information and help are available.

4.        A large network of people is potentially a power to make a difference.

5.        Large networks of people can include your close friends.


Good points of a smaller, intimate circle of friends

1.        They have mutual interest or hobby.

2.        A small group is more relaxing.

3.        They are like a family, understanding each other very well.

4.        It is easy to have fun together if the number of the group is small.

5.        Only family and real friends will help you in difficult times.

6.        Individuals of the same value are precious.

7.        Life with intimate relations is fulfilling.


Hints for Points

Responses for Ideas and Expressions

Having large social networks is more appealing and beneficial to me. Acquaintances on the contact list who share various interests and specialties will be beneficial in various aspects of life, from work to hobbies to emergency. It is easy to find a business associate, a hiking partner, an adviser, or a private doctor among them. Besides, there will always be someone to talk to. Another advantage would be that a large network of friends will make (it) possible to start a huge project or a movement. Tens of thousands of people on social media, for instance, share information, have protests, boycott, rescue, or donate, which often lead to positive results. Lastly, although helps in hardship will usually come from family and very close friends, anonymous helps from those who are concerned could be protecting you while you are unaware, and in this sense, acquainting yourself with as many people as possible will let you survive and make life profoundly meaningful to you. (162)


Smaller. Intimate circle of friends

I would be lucky if I enjoyed relationships with a smaller, intimate circle of friends. Usually, they are a close-knit group of old mates of decades of relationships. What connects them is time they have spent together. They often live close to each other, and get together frequently. By doing so, they bond and deepen their intimacy. Often, their relationships include their family members. All of these conditions make them feel as if they were a family. Trust exists between them as a warm tie and protect them mentally. In the modern world, where human bondage is weak, such relationship is a treasure. The drawback of such groups would be that they tend to be exclusive and content with fun the thrill of which only the members share, sometimes making themselves strange and out of touch in the eye of those outside of the group. With this caveat in mind, I would be more than happy if I could stick together with a few close friends, sharing good times and bad times till the end of my life. (178 words)



Response plan

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