
TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea for high school students to have part-time jobs in addition to their studies? - revised -

Writing Topic

Do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea for high school students to have part-time jobs in addition to their studies? Explain your opinion on this question offering specific reasons and examples.



Let’s think

1.       Which of the following two sentences do you agree with more? Why?

a.     High school students should have part-time jobs.

b.     High school students should have part-time jobs in addition to their studies.


Note: This question has a condition at the end, “in addition to their studies”. This excludes the case of working at the expense of studies. The question takes it for granted that students’ main job is studying, and asks if it is good to work for money in their free time.


2.       Have you ever had a part-time job? If so, share the experience with other students.


3.       Does your school allow you to work part-time? Do you know the reason for the policy?


4.       What do you think high school students should learn other than academic subjects?


5.       Discuss the advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) of high school students having part-time jobs in addition to their studies.






6.       Do you agree or disagree with the statement of today’s writing topic?



Hints for points


1.     You can help increase your family income, or you can learn what it is like to work for money.

2.     Part-timers can contribute to society.

3.     By having a part-time job, you can meet many kinds of people.

4.     Part-time jobs help you (to) think about your future.



1.     Having a part-time job will deprive you of time for other things that you can go through only when you are in high school, such as club activities, volunteering, and spending time with your friends.

2.     People who want to go to a good university may fall behind the competition.

3.     Working involves what students do not have to go through, like harassment and violence.


Sample Essay Structure

Main Idea I think it is a good idea for high school students to work part-time for self-development and involvement in the community.

Reason 1 Working for money as a member of a team with many kinds of people will make students emotionally mature and help them acquire work ethic.

Reason 2 In addition, they can participate in running the society.

Counterargument TreatmentIt is true that other activities such as volunteering help students learn about society, but hands-on experience as a wage-earner effectively helps them become a sympathetic adult.

ConclusionPart-time job is an experience that a high school student should have to be a good citizen.


理由 1いろいろな人とチームの一員としてお金のために働くと情緒面で成長し労働倫理を獲得する。

【理由 2】加えて、社会を回すことに参加することができる。




Your Sample Essay Structure

Main Idea

Reason 1

Reason 2




Sample Counterargument-treatment

CounterargumentSome may say that students do not need to work to learn about society.

Supporting Detail of CounterargumentExtracurricular activities such as volunteering are in place for social interaction.

Confirmation of your ideaHowever, working part-time effectively facilitates students to become sympathetic adults through real experience of working as a wage-earner at the bottom of the hierarchy.

Supporting DetailsSocial activities that school promotes are those set aside for high school students, and this makes it hard for them to acquire new perspectives. Volunteering students are regarded as good children and appreciated for doing some job. On the other hand, part-timers are often looked down upon and ill-treated. For example, a common part-time job, waiting, is not free from harassment, and they may learn that people tend to be hard on those who are in the weaker position. The person with the experience will sympathize with waiters and waitresses and cannot be obnoxious to t in the future.

Wrap-upDoing a part-time job is necessary to promote students’ growth, and it should be done during high school years, when they are most sensitive.









Other Ideas about Counterargument Treatment

Counterargument: You can work after graduation or during your college years.

Confirmation of Your Idea: Without any knowledge of the real world, it is difficult to have a clear picture of your future and get motivated for studies.

反論: 卒業後か大学在学中に働ける。

自説の確認: 実社会の知識がないと将来の明確な展望を持つのも勉強の動機付けは難しい。


Counterargument: Staying away from the real world will make students out of touch, and they will fail in career choice.

Confirmation of Your Idea: Through other medium and power of imagination, students can know about the real world. Moreover, career option depends on other factors such as aptitude and interest.

反論: 実社会から離れていると学生は現実離れしてしまい、職業選択に失敗するだろう。

自説の確認: 他の媒体と想像力で学生は実社会について知り得る。更に、進路選択は適性や興味のような他の要因による。



Your Sample Paragraph Development



Supporting Detail of Counterargument



Confirmation of Your Idea



Supporting Details







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