
Pre-TOEFL Writing   Most important discoveries are accidental. - revised -

Writing Topic

Consider the following statement. Most important discoveries are accidental. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Support your response by including specific reasons and examples.



Let’s Think

1         What are the synonyms and antonyms of accidental?

2         What is the difference between discovery and invention?

3         What kinds of discoveries are regarded as important? Is the discovery of the expansion of the universe important? Why? Do you want to know exactly where you are now?

4         Search for examples of accidental, important discoveries.

5         Do you know of any important discoveries that are not accidental?

Hints for Points


1. No one knows what is really important. 何が本当に重要か誰も知らない。

It is said that our ancestors found that roasted meet tastes better and is better for digestion when they found burnt game after a fire. We have been reaping the result of serendipitous discoveries since then. We do not know a lot about nature, so we cannot know where something important exists. Scientists, who know about the physical world, stress the importance of basic research, which is done because we do not know what we should expect as the outcome. Among the outcomes, the findings that happened to be useful to us are called important discoveries.



2. Today’s useful technologies are found accidentally. 現在の便利な技術は偶然見つかった。

Technology for stainless steel, plastic, rubber that is resistant to heat, dynamite, X-ray, anesthetic, microwave ovens, Velcro, Post-it, and instant glue are all discoveries that came unexpectedly.




3.. Budget allocation decides what will be found. 予算配分によって発見されるものが決まる。

There is no finding something important without money. In a narrow sense, importance is priority, and today’s important discoveries are products of strenuous efforts financed by those in power. Governments and big businesses support projects that would yield significant findings. Atomic energy, DNA, semi-conductors workable at room temperatures, and iPS cells, Higgs boson, and gravitational waves are all crucial scientific discoveries that were made systematically with huge subsidies and through the collaboration of a large number of people in the related fields after some geniuses who knew well about the area of science thought of the idea and constructed the theories. There are cases in which scientists find a treasure in byproducts, such as the finding of carbon nanotube, but such cases are exceptions. Few important discoveries happen by accident.



4. Necessity named chance is the mother of discovery. 偶然という名の必然が発見の母である。

There seems to be what you might call a necessary coincidence. There is a thought before a so-called accidental finding occurs. Many Europeans had suspected that a ship which keeps going west would never fall but reach a shore before the “accidental” discovery of America. The mural in the Lascaux cave might not have been discovered unless the children who happened to see it were educated enough to be aware that it was something special. Before the “Eureka!” moment came to Archimedes in the bathtub, he had taken a bath thousands of times, but only when he had been thinking hard about a problem did he “discover” the answer in the related phenomenon the moment he dipped his body in the bathtub. An important discovery comes inevitably to a thinker.




Essay Structure

Sample 1

IntroductionI agree with the statement that most important discoveries are accidental because chance is

what the word discovery is all about.

Point 1Fundamental studies in science make a thorough investigation, in addition to reasoning, and discover something extremely important accidentally.

Point 2History is full of examples of chance discoveries.

Counterargument-treatmentApplied science intends to find something, but its method largely depends

on trial and error. Recent trend of cutting subsidies for fundamental studies will narrow the range of our knowledge and lower possibilities of new discoveries of significance.

ConclusionWe do not know so much about the world as we might think we do.








Sample 2

IntroductionI disagree with the opinion that most important discoveries are accidental because it is

necessary to notice the importance of something to make a discovery.

Point 1Interest always exists before an important scientific discovery.

Point 2The same can be said about non-scientific discoveries.

Counterargument-treatmentScientists might modestly attribute their discoveries to pure luck.

However, to say something is accidental, total absence of interest in what is discovered should be proved, and

in no case of discovery can we find it.

ConclusionStrictly speaking, there is no serendipity.








Your Sample Essay Structure


Point 1

Point 2

Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment



Paragraph development

Main IdeaInterest always exists before an important discovery.

Example in GeneralFor example, important scientific discoveries with legendary stories of accidental events that led to the findings have been made by scientists who had been inquiring about the related problems.

Specific ExamplesNewton had been interested in matter and motion before he saw a phenomenon and found gravity. Fleming, who discovered penicillin when he saw a part unaffected by mold in a petri dish,

was a bacteriologist and had been handling molds in his laboratory for years.

Follow-upIt is true that there are stories like a grade school boy finding a piece of a meteorite by accident, but the boy who was interested in unusual stones found it, not the other people who had stepped on it.

Wrap-upAn important phenomenon or matter is meaningless till a mind of inquiry contacts it.




【補足】小学生が隕石を偶然見つけるというような話は確かにあるが、 それを踏みつけていた他の人達ではなく変わった石に興味のある少年が見つけたのだ。



Your test paragraph development

Main Idea


Example in General



Specific Examples








TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Drills 1) Most women are not violent. 2) Most significant events in life are accidental. - Revised -

Drill 1  Which response to the following statement is better? Why? Statement: Most women are not so violent as men.


a.     I cannot agree. I had seldom been attacked by others until bulling started. Then almost all women as well as men started attacking me mentally and physically. Actually, those physically attacked me were mostly women. This might surprise men, but the fact is that women stay nonviolent in front of men, while they are as violent as or more violent than men.


b.     I agree. Although I have a traumatic experience of female violence, it is personal. It is true that there have been warlike female politicians, but they are exceptions. Meanwhile, most violent crimes are committed by men. The victims of domestic violence are usually women. Whether the cause is biological, social, or psychological, statistics clearly show that more men than women are involved in violence.


Drill 2  Discuss the following statement, write a short essay on it including sentences with the structures below, and write comments on or correct mistakes of each other’s essay. Most significant events in life are accidental.


●While it is true that , S V …,「確かに~だがSV… だ。」

●It seems that .「~の様に思える。」


Hints for Points: Most people make plans about important events in life, such as marriage and childbirth. Birth and death happen by chance. You do not plan to be fond of someone or something. You cannot decide when or how to get sick or die. While it is true that you can make an informed decision and make efforts to live a good life, most events in life are uncontrollable. It seems that we have little control of our fate.



















Pre-TOEFL Writing Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (16-18 year-old) teenage children. - revised -

Writing Topic

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (16-18 year-old) teenage children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 次の意見に賛成ですか反対ですか?10代後半(1618歳)の子供の重要な決定は親か他の保護者がすべきだ。具体的な理由と例を使って自分の意見を支持してください。


Let’s Think 考えてみよう

16-18-year-old people are high school students in general. They are between children and adults. Examples of important decisions might be decisions on whether to go to university or not, whether to study abroad, or whether to have a part-time job. 1618歳は子供と大人の中間。重要な決定は大学進学、留学、アルバイトなど


Hints for Points  要点のヒント

Agree  賛成

1.     Parents are responsible for their children’s actions till they see them leave.


2.     Adults have more experience, knowledge, and common sense than their children.  



Disagree  反対

1.     high school students should learn to be independent. 高校生は自立することを学ぶべきだ。

2.     One should decide on one’s own future. 自分のことは自分で決めるべきだ。


Sample Essay Structure エッセイ構成例

Introduction = OutlineAlthough it would be wise for children to ask their parents for advice when they make decisions, I entirely disagree with the idea that people aged 16 to 18 should leave important decision-making about them to their parents.

Point 1Older teens are mature enough to make final decisions.  e.g. voting right

Point 2Parents should not deter their children’s pursuit of happiness by making key decisions over their head.  e.g. which major to choose

Counterargument-treatmentMistakes may occur, but trial and error is necessary to be independent.

Conclusion = Wrap-up Late teens should control their own lives for themselves, and not allowing it is over-parenting.


【要点110代後半は最終決断するのに十分な年齢だ。 選挙権

【要点2】親は重要なことを勝手に決めることによって幸福の追求を阻止してはならない。 専攻科目


【結論=まとめ】 十代後半は自分で自分の人生を管理すべきであり、そうさせないのは過保護だ。


Your Sample Essay Structure

Introduction = Outline

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3

Conclusion = Wrap-up


Sample Paragraph Development  段落展開例

Main IdeaParents should not deter their older teenage children’s pursuit of happiness by making key decisions over their head.

Supporting DetailsExtreme paternalism is fascism. Such actions not only violate their children’s basic human rights but also ignore their existence. Parents must not decide, for example, their son’s future career, nor can they decide whether their daughter should go to university. These actions will force children to either obey or disobey, and neither way will make them happy. If they follow the decision, they will lose their lives. Then they will lose their real personality and sense of responsibility, for their lives are not theirs but their parents’. The self-abandonment will crush their soul in the end. Those who defy their parents will save their self, but their family life will never be the same as before. Ambivalence between the instinct to escape the authoritative parents and their love for them will tear their heart apart.

ConclusionAll these tragedies are unnecessary. To avoid them, it is vital for parents to understand that their older teenage children deserve no less respect as an individual with a personality than their adult acquaintances.

