205. 2011/02/17 No electric shocks other than a few when falling asleep. Slept 5.5 hours.
2011/02/18 From underneath hit a strong shock accompanied by flash-like illusion and a gggggggg noise several times a few minutes after I went to bed. I took my futon up to the loft and lay there. One strong shock came from below my head when falling asleep and beam-like electric shocks came several times while I was asleep and when I was waking up. Although wearing earplugs, I was woken up by the video-game/car-blast like noise early in the morning. I slept 5.5 hours.
2011/02/19 I slept in the farthest corner in the loft and experienced almost no shocks. I was woken up by the video-game/car-blast like noise at around 5:00 a.m. and slept again till 9:20. I slept about 7 hours.
2011/02/20 Slept in the same area. Felt some shocks several times when falling asleep and waking up. Slept about 6 hours.
I had not thought of sleeping in the loft partly because this avoidance of the assaults did not work when I tried it at the onset of them, about three and a half years ago. Also, the loft in the apartment is very narrow with walls on both sides when I lie only the length of stretched arms, which made me reluctant to sleep between them since in the old apartment I had not other choice but sleep next to one of the walls and suffered severe assaults.
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