Case-in-point Material for TOEFL Essay Writing
Writing Topic:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Business can do anything, as long as it is legal, to make a profit. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Case in point:
Health insurance companies in America make profits by “legally” denying coverage to the insured. When Michael Moore, the Oscar-winning movie director, took up this problem in his documentary “Sicko,” the industry had a smear campaign and “legally” succeeded in it in preventing America from having a government-funded health insurance system. In America, about 45,000 people die each year due to lack of health insurance coverage.
The Health Insurance Industry's Vendetta against Michael Moore (
Case in Point 訳:
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(1)
174. 2010/11/25 Slept about 6 hours. Woken up in between around 3:30 a.m. and read a book for two hours. Remember rather strong electric shocks when falling asleep and waking up. The first one last night had a big Zoooooon noise. Many of them gave me fits. Strangely, it seems that shocks give me fits more often when my hands are in my beddings. The last two shocks came when I was totally awake. It was when I was lying in bed after trying to get up once. One twisted my right hand which was placed on my bedding above my belly. The other gave me a blow like a rock. When I woke up I could not walk straight for a few seconds. I felt a drilling sensation on my skull and felt nauseas. I still feel them now at 11:25.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(1)
173. 2010/11/24 I was able to sleep about seven hours last night, although sleep was disrupted several times by rather strong electric shocks and at one time I gave up going back to sleep and studies for an hour to make myself tired enough to be able to fall asleep despite attacks.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(1)
172. 2010/11/23 I could sleep only for at most two hours in total last night because of the incessant electric shocks. Most of them came to my head but others came to joints and stomach. I had several hiccup-like twitches at the same time. I sometimes heard ggggg sound accompany the shocks. Those came to my head were stronger than usual and felt like bangs or explosions. I gave up sleeping past 5:00 a.m. Since then till now (22:30) I have not slept at all except for falling asleep for probably twenty minutes or so once *with my CD player placed facing Room 202 playing 80s electric guitarists’ performances (Night of the Guitar Live) at sound level four out of ten in the afternoon. I tried to sleep more all day but every time the shock came. The biggest one covered my head, chest and stomach and made me have a rather big fit, which might have looked as if I had a hiccup. It also gave me a faint optical illusion of geometric patterns for a second. Since I started sleeping with the bedroom light on, the shocks stopped giving me dramatic fits which I think could have clearly shown the fits are not due to disorder in me but due to something outside of me. I think I heard a giggle behind the wall of Room 202 right after the fit. With another electric shock to my head and torso at around 16:00, I gave up and worked.
*Usually, I am not a loud neighbor and so there is no possibility of this long lasting abuse being retaliation to noise on my side. I do not listen to music very often, especially without earphones, although I used to till around 43 years old. It just hit me two days ago (on Sunday) that if I play rather loud music all day my abuser(s) might not be able to take enough rest to abuse me at night with his/her/their electric/supersonic device(s) . But it does not seem to have worked while shocks have been stronger compared to those in the last two weeks. They can rest while I am out for work at least 7 hours. Also, it is possible that different people are doing this each night, for type of attacks are different, in property, strength, target body parts of mine as I have recorded by now.
*Usually, I am not a loud neighbor and so there is no possibility of this long lasting abuse being retaliation to noise on my side. I do not listen to music very often, especially without earphones, although I used to till around 43 years old. It just hit me two days ago (on Sunday) that if I play rather loud music all day my abuser(s) might not be able to take enough rest to abuse me at night with his/her/their electric/supersonic device(s) . But it does not seem to have worked while shocks have been stronger compared to those in the last two weeks. They can rest while I am out for work at least 7 hours. Also, it is possible that different people are doing this each night, for type of attacks are different, in property, strength, target body parts of mine as I have recorded by now.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(1)
171. 2010/11/22 Went to bed a little after 11:00. Hit by electric shocks mainly in the head but I was sleep-deprived enough to fall asleep especially last night. Woken up by something around 3:00 and 7:30 a.m. but again fell asleep again easily each time though I felt electric shocks. Woken up around 10:00 a.m. by incessant electric shocks on my head, hand, arm, and uncle, sometimes twitching them. I took off my eye cover* and started falling asleep again when pains which felt like an electric centipede crawled on my eyes. I got up and felt like I had been hit in the head all night. I could not walk straight for several seconds. *I sleep with an eye cover because I have been sleeping with my bedroom light on after I found out that the electric shock becomes dramatically weaker when the light is on this spring. Before I used to get shocks that shake my whole body all night (when it was most violent, between last spring and this spring).
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(1)
170. 2010/11/21 Sensations which felt like being sliced in the center of my brain by a fine beam woke me up at around 3:40 a.m. after I slept several hours. When I went to sleep I also experienced electric shocks in my head and on my hand, which I ignored. I stopped to sleep with my back on the side table because I started having backache and moving like a 70-year old. I read a book till 5:30 and tried to sleep but the same kind of slicing sensations prevented me from falling asleep every time I was about to. I gave up and got up at 7:30, and stayed awake all day. I could not walk straight when I woke up. I do not feel sleepy now.
Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay Writing, High school students having part-time jobs)
Writing Topic
Do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea for high school students to have part-time jobs in addition to their studies?
Without any knowledge of the real world, it is difficult to get motivated for study. Students should get a glimpse of it by working once in a while.
Through the experience of enjoying spending money they have earned themselves, they are encouraged to be independent in and learn the importance of money.
Time management can be another skill that working part-time might help us acquire.
Students do not necessarily have to work to see the real world, their family and community are their reality. By watching and participating in the activity of the society they belong to, they can learn what they are and what they need to do for the future.
We live in an academic-career based society, and school is trying to help students get equipped with qualifications before they go into the real world
Time spent working at MacDonald’s for extra money is less productive that spent studying for future career.
Even though it is part-time, a job is a job. Being a student might not often be an excuse to do it half way for the sake of, say, midterm exam.
Do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea for high school students to have part-time jobs in addition to their studies?
Without any knowledge of the real world, it is difficult to get motivated for study. Students should get a glimpse of it by working once in a while.
Through the experience of enjoying spending money they have earned themselves, they are encouraged to be independent in and learn the importance of money.
Time management can be another skill that working part-time might help us acquire.
Students do not necessarily have to work to see the real world, their family and community are their reality. By watching and participating in the activity of the society they belong to, they can learn what they are and what they need to do for the future.
We live in an academic-career based society, and school is trying to help students get equipped with qualifications before they go into the real world
Time spent working at MacDonald’s for extra money is less productive that spent studying for future career.
Even though it is part-time, a job is a job. Being a student might not often be an excuse to do it half way for the sake of, say, midterm exam.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(1)
169. 2010/11/17 Electric shocks weak but strong enough to wake me up and noises, including male voices, incessantly coming from Room 202 and probably 204 kept me awake last night. I think I slept at most three hours. I have a one-day substitution job at Chofu branch today. I do not know if I can do a decent job because I did not have enough sleep the day before yesterday, either. Probably I had only 6-hour sleep and I have been sleep deprived, around 5-6 hour sleep on average, for more than 5 years because of the electric shocks and noises made by my neighbors.
One thing strange that happened in the past two weeks was that the night of November 8th, there were no such disturbances I remember and I slept till noon the following day, which was the first time in years. The day (9th) was the first day of the police alert in Tokyo for G20 held in Yokohama.
After that day, things have been almost the same, although the electric shocks seem to have become slightly weaker and less often, except for additional nasty harassments at a swimming pool, which I visited on the 13th and 16th. I was grabbed by the middle of the inner thigh when my legs were in a folded position of breast stroke. I was set up to almost touch the groin of an old man for whom I kindly made room by swimming away from him so that he could come into the water and who, for an old man, amazingly quickly came to the direction I was swimming towards and set the part about two feet from my extended arm, from the tip of my fingers, and looked at me with a deviated smile when I stopped swimming and lifted my face. And I accidentally(?) contacted the bodies of other swimmers, strangely all males, with my arms, legs, the inner ankle, unusually very frequently-around five times in two hours each time. All happened in a not crowded pool in my neighborhood. Also, there were two males who spat in the water near me and there were two males, although setting the face in a designated hole, making a loud noise with their throats like Ghhhhhhhhhhkah Poh! right next to me. Right after the first unpleasant noise, I was stared at by 4 or 5 males gathered near me in a not crowded pool, and right after the second one, the man who made it laughed loudly, seemingly turning to me, which I coldly ignored in disdain and swam away from.
This past week was the worst in swimming pool harassment since June, when I started swimming for the first time in more than ten years. I stopped ten years ago because one day an old man came near me and spat into the water in front of me. That was around the time the harassment by infinite number of people for no reason I know of was beginning to intensify and grow in number although still limited to the area in and around the town I used to live in and the transportations I used to use to commute. Before, I had swum for 7 years or so and had experienced that kind of harassment only a few times. (I still remember an old man suddenly came close to me standing with my back to the starting point, and started back stroking. To start it he put his both arms next to each side of my body even though there was enough room next me for a person to start back stroking. All through the time, he was wearing an obscene smile. But other than that, I do not remember any strange experiences such as being grabbed or unusually frequently contacting bodies of other male swimmers.)
When I was grabbed by the middle of the inner thigh, which happened a few meters from the goal, I stopped and looked back. A rather tall, athletic-type male with a large skull and high cheekbones around 30 was standing and apologized, smiling frivolously. I walked away, called for the lifeguard, and told her what happened. She started walking towards the male. I went to a different zone of the pool and looked back. The male was saying something to the lifeguard, looking at me with a Bingo! smile. Pointing at the male, I said the same thing that I told her again in a loud voice so that others could hear and made a gesture of pinching between my thumb and the other fingers in the air. The male, strangely happily excited and broadly smiling, continued making an excuse.
Several other males gathered around him and started staring not at the male but me, eyes fixed on my face. I realized I had slid up my goggles when I spoke to the lifeguard. (I always keep my goggles on in a pool even while I am resting because I know perverse males enjoy looking at me or making me see them looking at me without goggles, and in fact some males even try to look into my eyes through my mirror goggles.) I put my goggles back on and swam to the other side, knowing that things would not turn better, if worse, for me. From long experience of being bullied by the mass, I knew the lifeguard would do nothing other than that. Actually I was thankful to her because she went over to the male and inquired him. And in retrospect I think I was lucky this time because if the lifeguard had been a male, there is a good chance that he would have harassed me by words, stares, mocking attitudes and so on. When I swam back, although it was between breaks, the already not crowded pool had even fewer swimmers. About 5 persons, including that male, had gone. Most of those left were males I think because there had been two females other than me before the incident. (Have you heard that in Japan there are grabbers who do their business in pairs or a group, some of whom have been actually arrested?)
Before I left the pool, I talked to the lifeguard again. She told me that the male had said that the line had gotten stack and he had been swimming looking at the bottom. If I remember correctly, there were three or four persons, including me, in every two courses on average at that time and I am not a slow swimmer. I sometimes unintentionally catch up with men who are slow or swimming slowly. “But it was not crowded, wasn’t it? ” said I, ”And I am not a slow swimmer.” She said nothing and kept smiling, looking at me but not really having an eye contact. She was viewing me. I repeated what happened again and I got the same reaction. I demonstrated exactly how and what part he grabbed me, with her leg. (I regret I did not ask her if it was Ok for me to touch her although it is not considered really offensive in Japan to do so without asking, although she also showed no reaction about that, and incidentally even though I have experienced that kind of rudeness countless times. I thought of asking permission for a second but I was too eager to explain and a little irritated by her no-reaction.) She again made perfunctory reactions, smiling and saying, “Ha..…(Well…).” I gave up and said I had reported that incident because it is said that if you do not report harassments, they (the culprits) will take it that you let them harass you. Her eyes shone and now she was looking straight into my eyes, with the expression which I have seem numerous times, whose meaning I have never comprehended, but which it is clear has nothing to do with respect or sympathy. I thanked her and left. A male lifeguard, short, massive, and clearly a bully, was in my way and viciously glaring at me. I fixed my eyes on him and kept walking straight toward him. We civilly passed each other.
One good thing about swimming is that since I started wearing a swimsuit with a stand-up collar, the number of males, including male lifeguards, who keep standing at the goal towards which I was swimming with a breast stroke and staring at me, or more accurately at my lower neck, drastically decreased.
One thing strange that happened in the past two weeks was that the night of November 8th, there were no such disturbances I remember and I slept till noon the following day, which was the first time in years. The day (9th) was the first day of the police alert in Tokyo for G20 held in Yokohama.
After that day, things have been almost the same, although the electric shocks seem to have become slightly weaker and less often, except for additional nasty harassments at a swimming pool, which I visited on the 13th and 16th. I was grabbed by the middle of the inner thigh when my legs were in a folded position of breast stroke. I was set up to almost touch the groin of an old man for whom I kindly made room by swimming away from him so that he could come into the water and who, for an old man, amazingly quickly came to the direction I was swimming towards and set the part about two feet from my extended arm, from the tip of my fingers, and looked at me with a deviated smile when I stopped swimming and lifted my face. And I accidentally(?) contacted the bodies of other swimmers, strangely all males, with my arms, legs, the inner ankle, unusually very frequently-around five times in two hours each time. All happened in a not crowded pool in my neighborhood. Also, there were two males who spat in the water near me and there were two males, although setting the face in a designated hole, making a loud noise with their throats like Ghhhhhhhhhhkah Poh! right next to me. Right after the first unpleasant noise, I was stared at by 4 or 5 males gathered near me in a not crowded pool, and right after the second one, the man who made it laughed loudly, seemingly turning to me, which I coldly ignored in disdain and swam away from.
This past week was the worst in swimming pool harassment since June, when I started swimming for the first time in more than ten years. I stopped ten years ago because one day an old man came near me and spat into the water in front of me. That was around the time the harassment by infinite number of people for no reason I know of was beginning to intensify and grow in number although still limited to the area in and around the town I used to live in and the transportations I used to use to commute. Before, I had swum for 7 years or so and had experienced that kind of harassment only a few times. (I still remember an old man suddenly came close to me standing with my back to the starting point, and started back stroking. To start it he put his both arms next to each side of my body even though there was enough room next me for a person to start back stroking. All through the time, he was wearing an obscene smile. But other than that, I do not remember any strange experiences such as being grabbed or unusually frequently contacting bodies of other male swimmers.)
When I was grabbed by the middle of the inner thigh, which happened a few meters from the goal, I stopped and looked back. A rather tall, athletic-type male with a large skull and high cheekbones around 30 was standing and apologized, smiling frivolously. I walked away, called for the lifeguard, and told her what happened. She started walking towards the male. I went to a different zone of the pool and looked back. The male was saying something to the lifeguard, looking at me with a Bingo! smile. Pointing at the male, I said the same thing that I told her again in a loud voice so that others could hear and made a gesture of pinching between my thumb and the other fingers in the air. The male, strangely happily excited and broadly smiling, continued making an excuse.
Several other males gathered around him and started staring not at the male but me, eyes fixed on my face. I realized I had slid up my goggles when I spoke to the lifeguard. (I always keep my goggles on in a pool even while I am resting because I know perverse males enjoy looking at me or making me see them looking at me without goggles, and in fact some males even try to look into my eyes through my mirror goggles.) I put my goggles back on and swam to the other side, knowing that things would not turn better, if worse, for me. From long experience of being bullied by the mass, I knew the lifeguard would do nothing other than that. Actually I was thankful to her because she went over to the male and inquired him. And in retrospect I think I was lucky this time because if the lifeguard had been a male, there is a good chance that he would have harassed me by words, stares, mocking attitudes and so on. When I swam back, although it was between breaks, the already not crowded pool had even fewer swimmers. About 5 persons, including that male, had gone. Most of those left were males I think because there had been two females other than me before the incident. (Have you heard that in Japan there are grabbers who do their business in pairs or a group, some of whom have been actually arrested?)
Before I left the pool, I talked to the lifeguard again. She told me that the male had said that the line had gotten stack and he had been swimming looking at the bottom. If I remember correctly, there were three or four persons, including me, in every two courses on average at that time and I am not a slow swimmer. I sometimes unintentionally catch up with men who are slow or swimming slowly. “But it was not crowded, wasn’t it? ” said I, ”And I am not a slow swimmer.” She said nothing and kept smiling, looking at me but not really having an eye contact. She was viewing me. I repeated what happened again and I got the same reaction. I demonstrated exactly how and what part he grabbed me, with her leg. (I regret I did not ask her if it was Ok for me to touch her although it is not considered really offensive in Japan to do so without asking, although she also showed no reaction about that, and incidentally even though I have experienced that kind of rudeness countless times. I thought of asking permission for a second but I was too eager to explain and a little irritated by her no-reaction.) She again made perfunctory reactions, smiling and saying, “Ha..…(Well…).” I gave up and said I had reported that incident because it is said that if you do not report harassments, they (the culprits) will take it that you let them harass you. Her eyes shone and now she was looking straight into my eyes, with the expression which I have seem numerous times, whose meaning I have never comprehended, but which it is clear has nothing to do with respect or sympathy. I thanked her and left. A male lifeguard, short, massive, and clearly a bully, was in my way and viciously glaring at me. I fixed my eyes on him and kept walking straight toward him. We civilly passed each other.
One good thing about swimming is that since I started wearing a swimsuit with a stand-up collar, the number of males, including male lifeguards, who keep standing at the goal towards which I was swimming with a breast stroke and staring at me, or more accurately at my lower neck, drastically decreased.
Class Supplement (Globalization)
Topic: Do you agree that your country has become more similar to other countries because of modern communication and transportation methods?
Ideas and Expressions:
Top-down Development: from general ideas to specific ideas〈一般→具体〉
The development of communication and transportation methods has enabled large corporations to spread the same products all over the world more thoroughly than before and boosted the homogenization of the world, at least materialistically. People in cities everywhere now spend most of their time surrounded by or using something western or American. They live in buildings made of concrete and steel whose interiors are filled with electronic appliances and modern furniture, wear clothes found in western movies, music videos, and fashion magazines, and eat meat-and-bread-based food served in western style dishes every day or at least several times a week. My country Japan is not an exception because it has been in capitalism for a long time. 交通・通信技術の発達は大企業が同一製品を世界市場に流通させることを可能にした。現在世界中の都市で西洋的生活様式が日常化しており、日本も例外ではない。
Trends in popular music reflect the changes of a society very clearly. Japanese tastes for pop music have become more similar to those of other countries than before. Japanese pop songs were slow and sounded like traditional folk music before, but now most of them are up-tempo and sound like American or British pop. It is clear that musical tastes of Japanese people are becoming similar to those in foreign or western countries and, since music affects many aspects of life, it can be said that our society is becoming more similar to those in other or western countries. 流行歌は社会の変化を反映する。日本の流行歌は以前より海外のものに近い。音楽は様々な面に影響を及ぼすので、日本人は西洋化してきていると言える。
This change has been caused by the development of communication and transportation methods. The pervasiveness of western music corresponds to the development of technologies. The change of media from the radio to TV to the Internet and more opportunities for concert tours enabled western music industry to market and familiarize its products to more people in my country. 音楽嗜好の西洋化はメディアの発達によって西洋音楽によりアクセスしやすくなった事と交通機関の発達によってコンサートツアーが容易になった事による。
Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has made efforts to modernize itself, and now it is one of the largest economies in the world. It is natural that it has become more similar to other developed countries in fundamental aspects of daily life such as housing and clothing. Therefore, there is no denying the statement that my country has become more similar to other countries. 明治維新以来近代化を進めてきたので、全く西洋化していないとは言えない
Ideas and Expressions:
Top-down Development: from general ideas to specific ideas〈一般→具体〉
The development of communication and transportation methods has enabled large corporations to spread the same products all over the world more thoroughly than before and boosted the homogenization of the world, at least materialistically. People in cities everywhere now spend most of their time surrounded by or using something western or American. They live in buildings made of concrete and steel whose interiors are filled with electronic appliances and modern furniture, wear clothes found in western movies, music videos, and fashion magazines, and eat meat-and-bread-based food served in western style dishes every day or at least several times a week. My country Japan is not an exception because it has been in capitalism for a long time. 交通・通信技術の発達は大企業が同一製品を世界市場に流通させることを可能にした。現在世界中の都市で西洋的生活様式が日常化しており、日本も例外ではない。
Trends in popular music reflect the changes of a society very clearly. Japanese tastes for pop music have become more similar to those of other countries than before. Japanese pop songs were slow and sounded like traditional folk music before, but now most of them are up-tempo and sound like American or British pop. It is clear that musical tastes of Japanese people are becoming similar to those in foreign or western countries and, since music affects many aspects of life, it can be said that our society is becoming more similar to those in other or western countries. 流行歌は社会の変化を反映する。日本の流行歌は以前より海外のものに近い。音楽は様々な面に影響を及ぼすので、日本人は西洋化してきていると言える。
This change has been caused by the development of communication and transportation methods. The pervasiveness of western music corresponds to the development of technologies. The change of media from the radio to TV to the Internet and more opportunities for concert tours enabled western music industry to market and familiarize its products to more people in my country. 音楽嗜好の西洋化はメディアの発達によって西洋音楽によりアクセスしやすくなった事と交通機関の発達によってコンサートツアーが容易になった事による。
Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has made efforts to modernize itself, and now it is one of the largest economies in the world. It is natural that it has become more similar to other developed countries in fundamental aspects of daily life such as housing and clothing. Therefore, there is no denying the statement that my country has become more similar to other countries. 明治維新以来近代化を進めてきたので、全く西洋化していないとは言えない
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
168. 2010/11/02 A force hit the middle of my spine, causing a strong jolt of my whole body on early morning of Monday, which was the climax of the last six days of severe sleep deprivation (disrupted, 5 or 6 hours on average, every night) and physical shocks and pains which seem to be caused by some electric/supersonic device behind the wall of Room 202 (next door). Because of this I was too tired to write this blog on Monday (last night) and went to bed earlier at around 11:30p.m. Strangely there were not any assault I remember, although when I woke up I had a feeling that some weak pulse-like thing had kept hitting my brain. I took TOEIC on Sunday for the first time in seven months. I had forgotten that harassment becomes harsher right before I take a test, but especially this English test. (I try not to take it seriously, but just in case it has something to do with the harassment I have been suffering, I will note the following: before the test, a woman sitting behind me kept making impacts that stung my head before I asked to be moved to the front row, where the woman diagonally behind me made strange voices several times during and after the test. These annoying behaviors were better than I have had in the past.) A good thing is that the substitution job at Machida is over and I do not have to commute and get harassed more harshly than other days on the way to and back from that branch.
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