☆Let’s Think
If you were a parent, would you
send your child to a public school or a private school? Why
In Japan, the board of education
manages the education of the community. They choose textbooks, change school
rules, and dismiss teachers. However, the members are not elected from parents
or community members. In the U.S., the board of education, and in the U.K., the
school governing body, consists of parents, community members, and students. Which
do you think is better? Why?
for Points
The concept of children as the
asset of the community will be revived and this will lead to more involved
citizens’ actions to require better childcare from the government and stimulate
awareness in citizens’ power in the government.
Parents are the most serious
about providing quality education to their children..
The community, rather than the
government, often know what should be taught at school, so their voices should
be reflected more in education.
e.g. About 100 years ago, in
Taisho era, merchants of the city of Osaka felt the need of language skills in the
international trade and funded to make a language school for young merchants.
The government nationalized the school after WWII, naming it Osaka University
of Foreign Studies.
Mind development will be
accelerated. e.g. Some communities have started
support systems for learning by retiree volunteers and has improved
performances of children at school.
Leaving education to specialists
is the best policy. The government has the department of education and trains
qualified professionals to provide a good education.
Voting is the channel to reflect
citizens’ opinions.
Influential entities such as strong
men can prevent proper education.
e.g. There are people who are
against girls’ education because of their belief.
☆Sample Essay Structure
【Thesis】I am totally for the active role of parents and communities in
school education in terms of mind development.
【Supporting Details】Exposure to various individuals in the community will stimulate
awareness and cognition. 《Example》For example, after-school schooling volunteers provide children with
knowledge and experiences crucial to mind development. They teach them morals, pass
them down community history, culture, and tradition or tell them wise perspectives
that are not taught at school. The interactions also give children a sense of
security. 《Follow-up》The organic way of nurturing is often more effective than moral
teachings at school.
【Counterargument-treatment】It is true that too many cooks can spoil the
broth as the saying goes, but it is the golden rule of a good society that
youngsters are taken care of by the adults around them to raise the next
generation for the continuation of the community.
【Conclusion】Therefore, communal involvement is vital in education. (147 words)
【Introduction】With caveats, I think parents and communities
should play an active role in improving the quality of education.
【Benefits】Citizen’s involvement makes reforms appropriate, easier, and faster.
Financial aid from the community for education can increase. Also, adults can
learn more about child-rearing.
【Caveat 1】On the other hand, ideology can overwhelm reality and the school
system can be disrupted such as children being forced to follow unnecessary
【Caveat 2】Also, the power structure among parents or in the community may
undermine the education, leading to greater inequality.
【Conclusion】Active participation of the adults in education is fundamentally
good, but unless it is decided to what extent parents and communities are
involved in education, adverse effects may follow. (114 words)
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