Writing Topic
Consider the following statement. What we are taught in school greatly affects the way we perceive the world. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Support your response by including specific reasons and examples.
☆Let’s think
the statement can help brainstorming. Fill in the blanks, and answer the
following questions.
is “the way we perceive the world”?
I think “the way we perceive the
world” is our ______________________.
e.g. the way we see the world, world-view,
understanding of the world, interpretation of the world, etc.
are we taught in school? How do they affect the way we perceive the world?
◍ Code of conduct (how to behave): collective
behavior/respect for autonomy (independence of mind), academic achievement goal
orientation, competition, gender socialization, team work, bullying, etc.
◍ History: Holocaust, slavery, WWII, the French Revolution, Civil Rights
movement, the Union Movement
◍ Science: Copernican theory, a
theory of biological evolution, Out of Africa theory, etc.
◍ Ethics: the Enlightenment, diversity,
tolerance, cooperation, etc.
◍ Civics: ideas of democracy and
citizenship, privileges and obligations (rights and duties), how the government
works, electoral system (voting system), etc.
◍ Languages: a language that makes
you realize your culture is not No. 1, etc.
◍ Art: a piece of work that makes
you realize that your reality is not absolute, nor is it the best, etc.
else affect the way we perceive the world? Why?
I think __________________ (
e.g. family and friends, community, environment, media, etc.) also affect
the way we perceive the world because .
to other things that you listed in question 3, can you say that what we are
taught in school GREATLY affect the way we perceive the world?
e.g. Yes, because education is
given during the critical years in mind development. / No, because school is
only a part of life.
there any objective evidences that prove or disprove the statement?
Evidences that prove the statement:
◍ Most people in modern society believe
in science. 近現代社会の大抵の人は科学を信じている。
◍ Depending on the country and
generations, people have different ideas. e.g. living god in the imperial
Japan, communism in communist countries, war crime territorial issues, same-sex
marriage, etc.
国や世代により人の考えが違う。(例) 大日本帝国の現人神、共産主義、戦争犯罪、領土問題、同性婚等
that disprove the statement:
◍ Propaganda through media make
people believe in wrong ideas. メディアを通した宣伝活動で人は間違った考えを信じる。
◍ Virtues taught in school are treated as idealistic notions and ignored
in the real world. e.g. 〔cooperation < competition〕〔helping the needy < the law of the jungle〕〔equality < discrimination/oligarchy〕 etc.
学校で教えられる美徳は現実社会においては理想主義的な考えとして扱われ無視される。(例 〔協力<競争〕、〔困っている人を助ける<弱肉強食〕、〔平等<差別/少数独裁〕等)
◍ The acquisition of one’s mother
tongue is done by six years of age and language is related to thought and
culture. Therefore, one’s fundamental world-view is formed before one starts
☆Sample Essay Structure
【Introduction】I agree with the statement that what is taught in school greatly affects
our view of the world.
【Point 1】Any regime makes great
efforts to control what is taught or not taught in school.
【Point 2】In general, what we learn
later in life has less impact on our thought than what is taught in school.
【Counterargument-treatment】Close relationships
and media also have strong influence on us, but school education has no less
influence because it is the authority in education.
【Conclusion】For better or worse, it
is difficult to be free from what school education instills in our mind.
【Introduction】As the proverb goes, strike the iron while it is hot. I disagree with the
statement that what we are taught in school greatly influences the way we
perceive the world.
【Definition】One’s perception of the
world is the fundamental view of the world such as ideas about space or gender.
【Language and world-view】One’s view of the world
is established during the time of language acquisition.
【Counterargument-treatment】Some would say that
school gets rid of ignorance because the latest information is provided at school.
However, the ideas learnt in school and later in life are secondary and
variables in one’s perception of the world.
【Conclusion】What we learn at school
affects only a fraction of our perception of the world.
☆Sample Counterargument
Treatment 反論処理例
【Counterargument】Family and media also have strong influence,
【Explanation】There is no denying that
adults members of a family will form much of the children’s understanding of
the world, and the media form the adults’ understanding of the world.
【Confirmation of your
argument】However, school education
has no less influence because it is the authority of education.
【Example】For example, younger
generations are more liberal in general than older generations because school
education gradually removes prejudice from people and instill tolerance in
them. No matter what their parents say about foreigners or gays, most young
voters choose the policies allowing immigrants to come into their country and
gays to marry because school teaches them about human rights, and they know
what they learned is right.
【Wrap-up】People listen to reasons,
and enlightenment that people get at school provides an unwavering base for
structuring world-view.
【Counterargument & Explanation】Some would say that
school gets rid of ignorance because the latest information is provided at
【Confirmation of your
argument】However, the ideas one
learns at school are secondary and variables in one’s perception of the world.
【Example】For example, we know
through school education that the earth orbits the sun, spinning once a day
and, but we still say that the sun goes up and down and see the world that way.
A person who were born and raised in the International Space Station would have
a correct view of the gravitational relationship between the sun and the earth.
This shows that our perspective of the world is established in our early years.
One can also unlearn or be brainwashed after graduation. Especially, media
plays a significant role in forming our views these days. Anti-vaxxers and Trumpers
are affected by news stations, podcasts, and social media accounts that tell
them false ideas.
【Wrap-up】School education accounts
for little in the formation of one’s world-view.
Your Sample Essay
【Point 1】
【Point 2】
【Point 3 /
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