
Pre-TOEFL What is the most important animal in your country? Why? - revised -

Writing Topic

What is the most important animal in your country? Why is the animal important? Use reasons and specific details to explain your answer. あなたの国で最も重要な動物は何ですか?


Let’s Think

If something is important, it is treated carefully, it becomes a symbol of something important, or its name often appears in the language or the culture it belongs to. It has been closely related to the history and culture of the country. 重要なものは大切にされたり、何かの象徴になっていたり、その文化の言語によくでてくる。その国の歴史や文化と密接に関係がある。


Hints for Points

1.     Dogs play a significant role in our folk tales. 犬は民話で重要な役割を果たす。

2.     Cranes are birds of happiness and their designs are used in celebrations.


3.     They appear in many expressions and proverbs. 様々な表現・諺に現われる。

4.     Horses were indispensable in the samurai culture  侍文化で馬は必須だった。

5.     The flag symbol of the Japan national football team is Yatagarasu, a legendary holy crow with three legs.


6.     There are fox legends and shrines worshiping the fox as the symbol of abundant crop throughout Japan. 狐の伝説や豊作の象徴として狐を祭る神社が日本中にある。


Sample Essay Structure

Introduction = OutlineI think the fish is the most important in the animal kingdom in my country, Japan. There are two reasons. 私の国日本では魚が動物界の中で最も重要だと思う。

Point 1Fish is one of our staple foods, and we have lived on it.  e.g. fish broth, sushi, etc.


Point 2Fishery is one of the essential industries in this island country. e.g. surrounded by the ocean, scarce resources, the Kuroshio Current, skills developed throughout history, seasonal news on catch landings, etc. 漁業はこの島国にとって重要な産業のひとつだ。(海に囲まれている、少ない資源、黒潮、発達した技術、水揚げに関する季節のニュース等)

Point 3Fish appear in many aspects of Japanese life. A traditional Japanese garden often has a pond with beautiful carp in it. Also, it might be very difficult to describe our traditional products without using the word “fish.” For example, fish patterns are seen in the design of cloth for kimono, paper for hand crafts, or pottery. 魚は日本人の生活の様々な面で出てくる。(日本庭園の池の鯉、魚のデザインの生地、工芸品の紙、陶器)

Conclusion = Wrap-upIt is true that many other animals are valuable for various reasons in our culture. However, eating is the most basic behavior in life and the fish has been more familiar food to us than any other animals, They also exist in significant areas in our history and culture. Therefore, it can be said that  fish are the most important animal in our society. 他にも様々な理由で価値のある動物はいるが、食事は生活の基本であり、魚は一番身近な食物。また歴史と文化の重要な分野に存在する。従って最も重要な生き物


Your Sample Essay Structure

Introduction = Outline

Point 1        

Point 2

Point 3 / Follow-up

Conclusion = Wrap-up



Note fish 「魚」可算名詞 単複同形 「魚肉」不可算

Fish appear in many aspects of Japanese life.  (魚たち)

The fish is the most important animal in Japan. (魚類)

Japanese people have lived on fish. (魚肉)


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