
Mooc edX 1.3.2 Commonly confusable words


actuate: He was actuated by community spirit.

admittance: a No Admittance sign

apprise: apprise/inform/notify A of B

arrant: arrant nonsense

errant: tuck errant curls behind one's ear

bale: a bale of cotton

bated: bated breath in trepidation

cache: a place to store valuables

cachet: an official seal

caret: V

complaisant: I would rather go after what I truly want in life even at the cost of failing than be complaisant because of fear.

continuous: continuous Jim Crow

relegate: relegate a cup to a flower pot

deprecate: Never deprecate your students' achievements.

infuse: infuse the container with the content

suffuse: suffused with lust

disinterested: unbiased

dual: dual fuel

duel: Duel in the Sun

effectual: effectual measures

immanent: Presence of God is immanent in the text of Christianity.

expedient/expeditious: A politically expedient act was passed expeditiously.

farrago: a farrago of fact and myth

faze: not fazed by intimidation

flair: artistic flair

flaunt: flaunt one's wealth

flout: flout the stupid law

flounder: The ship floundered in the storm.

fount: fountain

forbear: forbear with someone's faults

forego: based on foregoing explanation/definition

horde: a horde of atttackers

invidious: put someone in an invidious position

luxuriant: a luxuriant tree

magnate: media magnate

manor: load of the manor, manor house

mete: mete out justice to

militate: Asking the question militated against the anchor's promotion.

mnemonic: mnemonics: AN OSAS COMP

moreish: moorish

palette: palette brush

pallet: pallets for forklifts

pique: pique someone’s curiosity

wrack: wracked by bombing

raze: raze a forest, razer

rein: rein oneself in, rein in antibiotic usage, rein in bloated bureaucaracy

reticent: reticent to express one’s view, a reticent attitude to

riffle: ruffle

scupper: scupper pipe for redemption

sewerage: sewage in the sewerage

spasmodically: My neighbors spasmodically attack me.

spurious: spurious news station

straitened: His father died when he was ten, leaving the family in straitened circumstances.

strategic/tactical: for long term goal / more concrete and more short perm purpose

substantive: substantive adjective as in the gap between the rich and the poor

tack: tack something to a wall with a pushpin

tended: Well-tended house

tenderedtendered price

tenet: religious tenet, basic tenet of Buddhism

wont: It's my wont to walk before breakfasr.  use and wont

wile: wile away the waiting hours



Mooc edX UQx: Write 101x Englsih Grammar and Style Activity 1-2: Bow-tie-wearing martinets (prescriptivists) versus flaming liberals (descriptivists)

I would like to take a middle-ground approach to grammar between the poles of a grammar nazi and of Noam Chomsky as the linguist of generative grammar, whose research subject is all human speech. Although knowledge of the standard grammar is indispensable in our language life, being too particular about grammatical rules will put the cart before the horse in communication. Few people, including prescriptivists, stop and correct their speech every time they make a minor grammatical mistake, because it is the message, not the grammar, that is the most important in a sentence. On the other hand, although I accept anything that is uttered by humans as a language, I also believe that following the rules of the standard of a language is indispensable in proper communication, especially in avoiding misunderstanding.

I wrote "Few people, including prescriptivists, stop and correct their speech every time they make a minor grammatical mistake, because it is the message, not the grammar, that is the most important in a sentence. " I agree with the point, but I am not sure if it can be clearly said that it is the message, not the grammar that is the most important in a sentence. Probably the message and grammar are inseparable. The grammar makes the message. Therefore, the sentence above should be ""Few people, including prescriptivists, stop and correct their speech every time they make a minor grammatical mistake, because it is the message, not the minor grammar rules, that is the most important in a sentence. "

Mooc edX UQx: Write 101x Englsih Grammar and Style 1-1 Discussion 1 It is cruel to not teach children grammar.


I agree with your statement that it is the right of every child to learn their grammar. Children cannot fully understand what is written in their textbook or what their teacher says without assimilated knowledge of grammar. The point of a sentence depends on its structure, as well as on the words and phrases used in it, because grammar is logic on the level of a sentence. It clarifies the relations of the words, phrases, and clauses in a sentence to make the sentence a sold building block of the logic of a passage. Therefore, the ability to understand the language used in class down to the grammar level is the prerequisite of children's academic life, and the same applies to the ability to express in proper grammar. In this sense, it may not be an exaggeration to say that it is cruel to not teach grammar to children, and certainly it is a fundamental right to learn the grammar of the language used in studies, especially for children.


Pre-TOEFL Writing Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future.

Winter 3  Writing Topic

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.



Let’s Think  考えてみよう

Remember experiences in your childhood that were difficult at that time. Was it only tough for you, or did it do you good in the end? Did you learn anything from it? Did you become stronger than before?


Note: This statement says “most” experiences, not “all” experiences. Thus, traumatic experiences such as disasters and wars are not necessarily included. メモ: この意見は「ほとんどの」経験と言っていて、「全ての」経験とは言っていない。従って、災害や戦争の様なトラウマになる経験は必ずしも含まれない。


Words and Expressions

1.     You learn that you can cope with it when you face a difficulty and get up to it.


2.     We acquire new skills and knowledge through problem-solving.


3.     Some boring practices like piano lessons will give you a skill that is useful to have in the future.


4.     By going through tough times, you learn that you are not alone and that someone will help you if you ask for help, and you will have a feeling of gratitude.


5.     You will be more empathetic to others and insightful about their problems.



Your Essay Structure  エッセイ構

Introduction = OutlineI agree with the statement that most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. There are three reasons and specific examples to support my opinion.

Point 1          

Point 2

Point 3

Conclusion = Wrap-upFor the reasons above, most tough experiences become morals for the future.


Sample Paragraph Development  段落展開例

A.      Main IdeaBy going through tough times, you learn that you are not alone and that someone will try to help you if you ask.

Reasons and ExamplesThis is because you become confident about the difficulty because you know you can do it. For example, I moved to a city in the United States when I was seven years old because of my father’s job and went to a public school in my neighborhood. At first, I was anxious because I understood little of what my teacher and classmates were saying, but in a month, I made friends with some classmates and communicating with them. Although I still had many things to learn, I was confident that I would be able to live there, and now I am sure that I can live anywhere in the world.

Wrap-upYou become stronger than before by overcoming them.





B.      Main IdeaBy going through tough times, you learn that you are not alone and that someone will help you if you ask for help, and you will have a feeling of gratitude.

Reasons and ExamplesI have been bullied and abused by many people for a reason I do not know for years. Trying not to take it seriously, I did my best to end it, but it never ended. I got tired, and thought I understand why some people commit suicide, when I asked for help on the Internet. No one replied, but things have gotten better since then. I think some people have been helping me.

Wrap-upI thank them, and I am sure I will help others in the same situation.





Pre-TOEFL Writing The reason why movies are so popular

Winter 2  Writing Topic

Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.




Let’s Think  考えてみよう

Most people feel happy when they hear the word movie. What pleasant things do you think of when you hear the word movie?



Note: The word actor means both male and female actors. There is also a word actress for female actors.

メモ: アクターという単語は男女両方の俳優を意味する。女性の俳優用にはアクトレスという単語もある。


Words and Expressions

1.     Watching movies, we enjoy experiencing something special through acts of attractive people.


2.     Movies take us to a world that is different from ours.


3.     By watching a movie, we can witness or live a life of another being.


4.     Movies broaden our views and change our values.


5.     Documentary films tell us what we should know about that the school and the media seldom take up.


6.     Going to a movie is a special event.


7.     Movies give us power to live. After watching a movie, we feel positive about life.




Your Essay Structure  エッセイ構

Introduction = OutlineI think movies are popular for the following reasons.

Point 1          

Point 2

Point 3

Conclusion = Wrap-upFor the reasons above, people all over the world love to watch movies.


Sample Paragraph Development  段落展開例



A.      Main IdeaWatching movies, we enjoy experiencing something special through acts of attractive people.

Reasons and ExamplesMovie actors are professionals of acting who have something attractive. They are beautiful, pretty, gorgeous, handsome, or cool. Even actors who are not so-called good-looking people have something that please our eyes or ears, such as stunning expressions or enchanting voice. With such features and acting, actors make us believe that the person they are playing is real and help us experience the drama.

Wrap-upSuch experiences are special, and thus we like movies.





B.      Main IdeaMovies broaden our views and change our values.

Reasons and ExamplesGood movies have eye-opening themes. For example, Michael Moore’s documentary Where to Invade Next shows us that there are countries which have social systems that we believe are only in dreams. Who knows that a country without homework and entrance examination is ranked best in students’ performances? Seeing such a movie, we reflect on our life and society and think what we can do to change the status quo.

Wrap-upMovies are popular because there are moments of surprises and deep thoughts in them.






TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Drills 1) Which do you think is worth spending the tax money on, infectious diseases such as Covid-19 than or space exploration? 2) Do you think it is more worthwhile for students to think about today’s vital issues than to prepare for preparing for tests?


Drill 1  Which of the two answers to the following question is easier to read? How can you improve it? Statement:  Which do you think is worth spending the tax money on, infectious diseases such as Covid-19 than or space exploration?


Answer A: I think it is worthwhile to spend the tax money on infectious diseases. When COVID-19 spread around the world in 2020, schools were shut down. I could not see my classmates, and it was frustrating. My mother was worried about my education. I took online courses. Although some were good, but I was not so motivated to continue studies with my tablet, which is tiring. We could not go out to have fun or take a trip, either. I was not able to see my grandparents for two years. I missed them, and they missed me, too. Pandemic causes so many problems and pains. Therefore, I want governments to do enough research on new viruses.


Answer B: It is necessary for governments to spend money on wading off pandemic. Governments used to do it before. For example, the Obama administration had spent liberal amount of budget on CDC, the agency for pandemic prevention and control. They even used to simulate operation in case a breakout should happen. Unfortunately, the Trump administration had cut budget and reduced the number of the leaders when the coronavirus pandemic occurred. As a result, almost 800,000 people died in the U.S. alone. Businesses went bankrupt, and suicide rates went up. On the other hand, space exploration is not a pressing matter, and it is funded by the private sector.



Drill 2  Discuss the following statement, write a short essay on it including expressions below, and write comments on or correct mistakes of each other’s essay. Do you think it is more worthwhile for students to think about today’s vital issues than to prepare for tests?


名詞 such as 名詞の具体例 「~ 例えば名詞の具体例の様な名詞 ~」

● It is for 名詞 to do … 名詞するのは~だ。」


Hints for Points: climate crisis, fascism, threat of wars, increase of hate, the entrance examinations based on multiple-choice standard tests, Finland ranks the highest in education, and it has neither homework nor entrance examination.












