
Mooc edX 1.3.2 Commonly confusable words


actuate: He was actuated by community spirit.

admittance: a No Admittance sign

apprise: apprise/inform/notify A of B

arrant: arrant nonsense

errant: tuck errant curls behind one's ear

bale: a bale of cotton

bated: bated breath in trepidation

cache: a place to store valuables

cachet: an official seal

caret: V

complaisant: I would rather go after what I truly want in life even at the cost of failing than be complaisant because of fear.

continuous: continuous Jim Crow

relegate: relegate a cup to a flower pot

deprecate: Never deprecate your students' achievements.

infuse: infuse the container with the content

suffuse: suffused with lust

disinterested: unbiased

dual: dual fuel

duel: Duel in the Sun

effectual: effectual measures

immanent: Presence of God is immanent in the text of Christianity.

expedient/expeditious: A politically expedient act was passed expeditiously.

farrago: a farrago of fact and myth

faze: not fazed by intimidation

flair: artistic flair

flaunt: flaunt one's wealth

flout: flout the stupid law

flounder: The ship floundered in the storm.

fount: fountain

forbear: forbear with someone's faults

forego: based on foregoing explanation/definition

horde: a horde of atttackers

invidious: put someone in an invidious position

luxuriant: a luxuriant tree

magnate: media magnate

manor: load of the manor, manor house

mete: mete out justice to

militate: Asking the question militated against the anchor's promotion.

mnemonic: mnemonics: AN OSAS COMP

moreish: moorish

palette: palette brush

pallet: pallets for forklifts

pique: pique someone’s curiosity

wrack: wracked by bombing

raze: raze a forest, razer

rein: rein oneself in, rein in antibiotic usage, rein in bloated bureaucaracy

reticent: reticent to express one’s view, a reticent attitude to

riffle: ruffle

scupper: scupper pipe for redemption

sewerage: sewage in the sewerage

spasmodically: My neighbors spasmodically attack me.

spurious: spurious news station

straitened: His father died when he was ten, leaving the family in straitened circumstances.

strategic/tactical: for long term goal / more concrete and more short perm purpose

substantive: substantive adjective as in the gap between the rich and the poor

tack: tack something to a wall with a pushpin

tended: Well-tended house

tenderedtendered price

tenet: religious tenet, basic tenet of Buddhism

wont: It's my wont to walk before breakfasr.  use and wont

wile: wile away the waiting hours


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