
TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Drill "including" , "such as", and "where"

 Translate the Japanese into English, using the following sentence patterns A or B.

You can use words and expressions in parentheses if you like.


A.     , including …, ~ 「~、も含め、~」/ 名詞 such as 名詞の例 「名詞の例の様な名詞


1.       人々は、喫煙者たちも含め、喫煙は肺癌や高血圧の様な病気を引き起こすということを知っている。(cigarettes, lung cancer, high blood pressure)








2.       ズームやライヴ・ストリーミングの様な技術は、幼い子供や高齢者を含むあらゆる社会的地位の人々が新しい習慣を作るのを助けた。

(Zoom, live streaming, create a new habit, people of all walks of life, young children, senior citizens,)








B.     ~ 場所, where…, . 「~ 場所, 場所ではなのだが、~。」又は「~ 場所 (場所では)~。」


3.       ファースト・フードは古代ローマ以来存在したが、古代ローマではレストランが焼きチーズと魚ソースを売っていた。(ancient Rome, fish sauce, baked cheese)








4.       外国人観光客はしばしば京都(京都ではある王朝が訳400年栄えた)を訪れ伝統的な日本文化の本質を経験する。(foreign tourists, dynasty, thrive, essence, the traditional Japanese culture)








Pre-Grammar & Writing 暗記例文 13


覚え方のこつ: 1)先に下線部から覚える 2)言って覚えて書いて確認!


1.       ナンシーの医者は、彼女が数日間休むべきだと主張している




2.       トムは電話に出てこないので、家を出たに違いない



3.       率直に言って、あなたがむしろしばらくここにいたらよいと思う



4.       その法律が可決した時支持者たちは歓声を挙げた







TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Do you think cigarette smoking should be stopped by making it illegal or should it remain legal? - revised -

Writing Topic

Some people think that smoking cigarettes should become illegal, since it provides little benefit and a great deal of health risk, others feel that individuals should be free to smoke cigarettes if they choose to do so. Do you think cigarette smoking should be stopped by making it illegal or should it remain legal?



Let’s Think

1.       If cigarette smoking becomes illegal, which of the following is banned?

a.     Cigarette smoking in public places

b.     Cigarette smoking at home

2.       Discuss the first idea in the writing topic. Does smoking provide little benefit? What kind of health risks does smoking provide?

3.       Discuss the second idea in the writing topic. Can freedom of choice be applied to the choice of smoking?

4.       This topic is the choice between health and freedom. Should cigarette smoking be illegal to protect one’s health or legal to respect one’s freedom and personal responsibility?


Hints for points

Cigarette smoking should be illegal.

1. It is toxic and causes cancer and other serious diseases.

2. It is addictive.

3. Second-hand smoke/smoking is a serious threat to public health.

- Counterarguments: 1) There are measures to take to prevent second-hand smoke such as separate-smoking and ban on smoking in public areas. (Smoking will remain legal while smoking in certain areas will be illegal.) These measures are not practical because there are many smokers who do not comply with the rules and you cannot catch or shut up smoke completely. 2) Banning smoking will undermine the economy. Some estimate shows that the smoking related loss, mainly medical costs, surpasses the loss caused by tobacco ban. Even though the estimate is not flawless given other factors such as unhealthy lifestyle and environmental pollution, it is intuitively convincing, since fixing something costs more than preventing the destruction of it in general. 3) Smoking helps smokers release stress.  The so-called relaxing effect of smoking is a myth. It is scientifically proved that smoking has no such effect and actually increases stress by raising blood pressure.

- Conclusion: To protect public health, individual freedom can be limited.


Cigarette smoking should not be illegal.

1. You have the right to do whatever you want to do even if it endangers your health.

2. Other dangerous things such as alcoholic drinks or mountain climbing are not illegal.

3. Smoking is a necessary evil like drinking and gambling because it is an established part of society. If cigarettes are banned, some cultures will be affected. For example, coffee shops or music clubs will be affected. Also, cigarette industry would go underground if banned. It will be a source of income for gangs.

- Counterarguments: Secondhand smoke harms other people. Only public smoking should be banned.  - Conclusion: As long as measures are taken to prevent second-hand smoking, the choice between health and fun should be left to each individual.



Sample essay structures

Sample essay structure 1

Main IdeaCigarettes should be made illegal to protect younger generations and to solve the problem of passive smoking.

Reason 1 Smoking harms one’s health badly.

Reason 2 The number of those who start smoking can be greatly reduced.

Counter-counterargumentIt is true that individuals have the right to choose to do what they want to do but smoking harms other individuals and should be restricted to protect the public good.

ConclusionI am convinced that cigarette smoking should be banned because it will improve public health, especially that of the young generation.



Sample essay structure 2

Main IdeaIt is more dangerous to ban smoking than to make public totally smoke-free.

Reason 1 Smoking ban would harm democracy.

Reason 2 Making smoking illegal would just stir the society.

Counter-counterargumentIt is true that smoking provides little benefit and many health risks. However, the government should not force people a lifestyle, even though it can recommend it. Also, there are measures to protect other individuals from secondhand smoke.

ConclusionEven though objectively it does no good, smoking should stay legal.


Your Sample Essay Structure

Main Idea = Outline I agree/disagree with --- because …

Reason 1

Reason 2

Counterargument-treatmentIt is true that smoking provides little benefit and a great deal of health risk / I partly agree with the feeling that that individuals should be free to smoke cigarettes if they choose to do so. However, …



Conclusion = Wrap-up



Essay for Ideas and Expressions

The family of a heavy smoker lose him twice. Long before he dies of a disease related to this unhealthy habit, when they realize that they cannot persuade him to quit smoking, they start a silent but desperate mourning of his premature death. It is grinding to watch your beloved harm himself every day. Still, this is actually a minor aspect of the tragedy of tobacco. Even though it might be difficult to ban smoking because of smokers’ feelings and economic circumstances, cigarettes should be made illegal to solve the problem of second-hand smoke and to protect younger generations.

Smoking seems to be a necessary evil and a matter of self-responsibility just like drinking and gambling, but the problem of second-hand smoke separates it from other indulgences. Cigarette smoke directly harms those who are around the smoker. Children of smokers are more susceptible to respiratory diseases than those of non-smokers. Many people are sensitive to cigarette smoke and feel ill when they inhale it. Although separate-smoking and public smoking ban are promoted, many smokers do not obey the rules and it is impossible to block the contaminated air completely. Also, it is difficult to provide the evidence of unwanted exposure to smoke once the smoker puts it off and walks away. When toxic fumes are in public places every day, it is natural for the government to regulate them.

   Banning smoking is difficult but possible. It seems that cigarettes stay legal because their social influence is not as big as that of drugs and they support the economy. Cigarettes do not make the user dangerous in the way drugs do and smokers can keep functioning in society for decades. Also, the cigarette industry is an established part of economy and produce tax income, so that it is very difficult to discourage the practice. However, changes necessary for public health have occurred in the past. Cigarettes were a replacement, advocated by the government, for chewing tobacco, which was found to be contributing to the transmission of tuberculosis through saliva spat on the ground by the users. The government can make smoking illegal if there is a will to protect public health.

   By making smoking illegal, the number of those who start smoking can be greatly reduced. Smokers find it difficult, and many of them believe it unnecessary, to quit smoking even though it has been scientifically proved that smoking causes lung cancer and other diseases. This is because smoking is addictive. When some toxic substance is addictive, making it illegal is one of the effective ways to reduce its harm. This is especially effective in preventing those who are not addicted, mostly the young, from initiating the habit, since people usually stay away from things that are illegal.

Smoking seriously harms non-smokers as well as smokers, and this ends the discussion on freedom of choice. To protect the health of citizens, especially younger generations, society is ultimately to be totally cigarette smoke-free although care should be taken for smokers and those involved in the industry.



Pre-Grammar & Writing 暗記例文 12



覚え方のこつ: 1)先に下線部から覚える 2)言って覚えて書いて確認!



1         私たちはその都市を楽しんだ。その町は多くの呼び物があった




2         彼らはメキシコ市を楽しんだ。そこで彼らは休暇をとったのだ。




3         石油は、黒い金と呼ぶ人もいるが、現在世界で最も価値のある資源のひとつだ。





4         私のクラスには20名の生徒がいる。彼らのほとんどは極東出身








Pre-Grammar & Writing  暗記例文 11


覚え方のこつ: 1)先に下線部から覚える 2)言って覚えて書いて確認!



1         彼は、その新らしい赤ちゃん彼の祖父にちなんで名づけられるべきだと主張した




2         適切な身元確認なしでこの部屋に入ることは誰も許可されないことが重要だ




3         政府は、新しい幹線道路が建てられるべきだと提案した




4         私達は、その逮捕された男性は無実だと主張した





TOEFL iBT Independent Writing supplement

Translate the Japanese into English, using the following sentence patterns A or B.

You can use words and expressions in parentheses if you like.


A.     What is …. 「~なものは…だ。」

1.       誰かを成功させるものはチャンスではなく勤勉だ。(chance, diligence)






2.       一生に一度の機会の結果を左右するものはあなたのしてきた努力です。

(once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, make or break)







3.       そのフィギュアスケーターをチャンピオンにしたものはその難しいジャンプに挑戦しようという彼女の決定だった。(figure skater, challenge)








B.     It is true that , but I believe that …. 「確かに~だが、私は…だと信じる。」

確かに科学の発見は継続的努力を要するが、型破りなことを試す人々が何か完全に新しいものを発見すると信じる。なぜなら将来の人間に必要なものは触れないで放置されたものの中にあるからだ。(scientific discovery, take constant efforts, the unconventional, something left untouched)






1.       確かにチャンスに賭けることは大きな成功につながるかもしれないが成功率は非常に低いと思う。(bet on a chance, lead to, the success rate)






TOEFL iBT Independent Writing What aspect of your hometown would you like to change, and in what way?

Suppose that you had the power to change one thing about your hometown. What aspect of your hometown would you like to change, and in what way? Support your ideas with specific details and reasons.


Let’s Think

1.       What does the following proverb mean? Do you feel the same way?

“Every bird thinks its own nest charming.”

2.       Here are some hints to think of what to change about your hometown.

1)     Suppose you were an outsider. What part of your town is embarrassing?

2)     Remember other towns and cities you know and compare them with yours. Is your hometown as beautiful as they are, as convenient as they are, or as exciting as they are?

3)     Think of your ideal town and find what your hometown lacks to be it.


Here are some things that can be the hint for the change you could write about:

1.     facilities: hospital, community center, library, swimming pool

2.     system: events, neighborhood watch group, disaster planning

3.     environment: green, pollution, littering, relationships, manners


Now make a presentation of your idea about what to change about your town in front of your partner or group members. Ask each other questions or make suggestions about the presentation.

Use the following procedure if you like.

1.     Problem: What is wrong?

e. g. Senior citizens do not have places to get together. Some of them gather at local coffee shops but it is rather expensive to do it every day.





2.     Goal: How would you change it?

e. g. I would make all coffee shops in town free to the elderly and also have them have nurses and counselors on call. The expenses would be subsidized by the municipal office, in other words, tax money.






3.     Expected Benefits: How will it benefit my hometown?

e. g. All seniors in town will have chances to enjoy themselves, their safety and health can be monitored easily, and the fact that my town has places for the elderly is something to be proud of in itself.






Essay for Ideas and Expressions    Barron’s Writing for the TOEFL iBT, pp. 247-248



To increase the volume of your essay, find the shortest paragraph and …

1) describe/develop the main idea well: If a paragraph has only one or two sentences, chances are that you have not described/developed well enough. Make sure that each paragraph has its main idea, supporting details (examples), conclusion, and additional supporting details like counter-argument treatment if necessary.

2) describe/develop each sentence well: A statement usually has some exception or needs some condition or concession. Look for a sentence that you can add a reason, condition, concession, or any other additional information, and add “except …”, “as long as …”, “although …”, etc.

3) describe words well: Which of the following sentences gives a clear picture of someone’s pet? 

A) I have a pet.   B) I have a cute cat.   C) I have a little fluffy kitten. With two adjectives and a specific noun, Sentence C) depicts an adorable pet well and it happens to be the longest of the three. Also, use transitions such as First, Also, Moreover, Finally, or Therefore, when necessary.

4) discuss other choices: Even if the Writing Topic does not say, “Discuss the two views” or “Compare and contrast the choices,” you can write about other choices. Doing so will make your essay more convincing and longer. Make sure that you do not digress.

5) take up counter-arguments if necessary: While you are writing, sometimes a counter-argument, “Well, but what about this case?” comes up to your mind. Then it is better not to ignore it but take it up and give a counter-counter-argument or two. By doing so, you can confirm your argument. If you can do it well, you will get a high score.


The key to remember is to try to put what you want to say into words as accurately as you can. Then you cannot help adding some more words and sentences, and some more... In the end, your essay will have many words.