
国際教養学部AO入試 supplement, x-gender, intolerance

Read the following script and answer the question.

NHK World Japan    Wednesday June 12, 2019

1.    Why do you think X gender recognition has been slow in Japan? Use bullets to describe.

2.    What other intolerances do you know of that exist in Japan and in other parts of the world? Answer in bullets.
In Japan:

In other parts of the world:

3.    What kind of mindset will solve the problem of intolerance?

Answer Keys

1.      Why do you think X gender recognition has been slow in Japan? Use bullets to describe.
traditional mindset to exclude those who are different from us
no time to be aware of the existence of non-binary gender due to poverty or busy daily life driven by the fear of the future
lack of education

2.      What other intolerances do you know of that exist in Japan and in other parts of the world? Answer in bullets.
In Japan:
intolerance towards
disaster victims
black people
the disabled
the poor
the rich
immigrants and refugees
some type of occupations

In other parts of the world:
all of the above except for the last in some areas
intolerance towards religion

3.      What kind of mindset will solve the problem of intolerance?
The mindset that consciously exercises empathy of those who are different is necessary to solve the problem of intolerance. We should avoid doing what we do not want others to do to us.

We should also watch ourselves to see if we are acting equally to anyone because we tend to be unaware of our discrimination.

Those who habitually release stress by bullying others should stop it. It is addictive and thus destructive to them, getting rid of their ability to enjoy true joy of life, as well as to those who are bullied by them.

In addition, we should also know that the idea of excluding others who do not share what we believe is important excludes us from happiness. It reduces chances to expand our world. It makes our image bad among those who are discriminated against by us. It leads to hate crimes, by those who discriminate against others, and terrorism, by those who are discriminated against.

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