
TOEFL iBt Independent Writing, A large company or a small company?

Writing Topic
Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Let’s Think
1.    What is better about hanging out with a small group of people compared to a large group of people?
2.    What is better about working for a small company compare to working for a large company?
3.    Which question was easier for you to answer, Question 1 or Question 2? Why do you think so?

Note: When the writing topic is about something you are not familiar with, like working for a company in this writing topic, using an analogy can work, that is, thinking about something similar to the key word/idea in the topic, hanging out with a large/small group of people to working for a large/small company in the case of this topic, can help you to have a feel about the topic.

Hints for Points

The following ideas about the advantages and disadvantages of a large company and a small company are taken from the website called Lifehacker

Hints for Points
The following ideas about the advantages and disadvantages of a large company and a small company are taken from the website called Lifehacker

Your Sample Body Structure
Body Structure Form 1
About a large company
About a small company
My Choice

Body Structure Form 2
Reason 1
Reason 2

About the other choice and my view about it

上智国際教養学部公募推薦入試 傾向と対策 - rewrite -

傾向 最近のニュース・話題を基にした普遍的なテーマ

年度                     最近のニュース・話題                                   普遍的なテーマ
2014年度            2020年東京オリンピック招致                       big sporting events and their effect
2015年度            SNSの影響                                                    technology, computer
2016年度            大学改革                                                        university education
2017年度            OECD加盟国先進国中日本の留学率最下位   globalization, development aid,
2018年度            政府開発援助額17年ぶりに増加                   global corporation
対策       英検1級筆記試験エッセイとTOEFL iBT Independent Writing のトピックを使って練習
参考HP  (https://www.cel-eigo.com/contents/essay/index.html)

Day 1 Homework 
Write an essay answering the following three questions.
1.    Should university help students prepare for finding a good job?
2.    Should university help students expand their views?
3.    Is university education for finding a good job or expanding one’s views?

Hints for Points
1.    メディアでの大学の取り上げられ方 e.g. 大学別就職率、周囲(親・友人等)の考え方・発言等
2.    大学本来の目的(学究の道に進まなくても必要、liberal arts導入の流れ)
3.    仕事は(選ばなければ)大卒なら困らない
結論 仕事は広い視野を得た結果のひとつ・大学で得たものを生かした社会貢献が大切

Day 2 Homework
Write an essay answering the following two questions.
1. The number of Japanese students studying abroad has been declining these days. What do you think are the reasons?
2. Do you think more young Japanese people should study abroad?

Hints for Points
1.    関心低下(不景気、インターネット、言葉の壁、教育不足(島国根性、近年の内向き志向、日本の大学レベル誤解)
2.    留学すべき  先進国の若者としての義務(開発援助、国際交流、平和)
結論  文化的鎖国は非現実的


早稲田国際教養学部 Cities and Agricultural Productivity - rewrite -


問1  繰り返しになりますが記号問題は全問正解を目指しましょう。本文中に根拠になる箇所は必ずあります。確認しながら丁寧に正誤を判断しましょう。
問2  本文のポイントを理解していることを採点者に分かってもらえるように書きましょう。要約と要約を基にした推測を書く問題なので、本文と関係ない根拠を使って独自の意見を書いてしまわないようにしましょう。
問3  本文の主張を基にするだけでなく、現在の農業の問題点と世界経済)を考慮した答案が期待されていると思います。グローバル化やTPP等(産業革命以降の産業・経済の流れの最先端)と関連付けましょう。

主題: 農業の発展は都市の発展に伴って起こる。戦前の日本の自給率は低かったが戦後の都市の急成長と共に100%の自給率を達成し、農業の多様化が起こった。これらは農業に対する大きな需要を抱える都市からの技術革新の適用によるものである。
本文該当箇所 第1段落 It can readily be seen in the world today that agriculture is not even tolerably productive unless it incorporates many goods and services produced in cities or transplanted from cities. 都市で生産されるか都市から移植された多くの商品やサービスを取り込まない限り、農業はかろうじて生産的とさえ言えないという事が今日の世界では容易にみられる。  6段落 It created rural productivity upon a foundation of city productivity. 日本は都市の生産性の基盤の上に田舎の生鮮性を想像したのだ。 8段落It is in cities that new goods and services are first created. 新しい商品やサービスが最初に生みだされるのは都市においてである。8段落 The industrial revolution occurred first in cities and later in agriculture. 産業革命はまず都市で起こり、それから農業で起こった。

問1 別プリント参照

問2 カロリー計算では日本の自給率(日本が消費する食品で日本国内で生産される食品の比率)は現在約40%です。上記の文章に基づくと100%近くにならない理由を筆者はどう説明するでしょうか?なぜ第2次世界大戦に至るまで日本の国土は食料が時給できていなかったのですか?解答用紙に与えられた箇所に自分の言葉で英語で答えて下さい。
考え方  「上記の文章に基づくと」「筆者はどう説明するでしょうか」とあるので本文の主張を使って答える。まず二つ目の質問「なぜ第2次世界大戦に至るまで日本の国土は食料が時給できていなかったのですか?」の該当箇所を見つけて要約し、それを基に推測できることを述べる。本文第2段落最後のIt was the custom to ascribe this sever food deficit to Japan’s small supply of farmable land. (このひどい食糧不足は日本は耕作可能な土地が少ないためだとするのか常であった)は当時の通説を述べているので筆者の主張する原因ではない。また、戦後の食の多様化は一時(肉以外は)自給できていたことが第5段落後半から分かる。筆者の考え方に従うと問題はその後食の多様化と輸入品に国産品が押される状態に技術革新が対応できていないということになる。
本文該当箇所 第4段落What happened in Japan was, although wonderfully effective, commonplace. Their rural world began receiving, in vast amounts, for the first time, fertilizers, machines, electric power, refrigeration equipment, the results of plant and animal research, and a host of other goods and services developed in cities the ― same cities where the richest food markets already lay. 日本で起こったのは、素晴らしく効果的ではあったが、ありきたりのことだった。日本の田舎は、大量の肥料や機械、電力、冷蔵用機器、動植物研究の成果、そして多くの都市最大の食品市場が既に存在した同じ都市で開発された他の商品やサービスを始めて受け取り始めたのだ。5段落The farmers in addition to supplying more rice, were producing so much more milk and other dairy products, chickens, eggs, meat, fruits and vegetables that the Japanese were not only eating more than before, they were also eating better, Nowadays when Japan imports food and pays for it with industrial products, it imports meats, not rice. 農家はより多くの米を供給するのに加えて以前よりずっと多くの牛乳や他の酪農製品、鶏肉、卵、肉、果物そして野菜を生産していたので日本人は以前より多く食べていただけではなく食の内容が良くなっていた。現在日本が食品を輸入し工業製品で支払う時、米ではなく肉を輸入する。
解答のポイント例  According to the text, Japanese achieved self-sufficiency only after WWII, when development of cities caused increased demand for food and provision of technology and skills to agriculture. Therefore, the low self-sufficiency before WWII can be attributed to the insufficient development of cities. Their urban development was not powerful enough to make an agricultural revolution, The current low self-sufficiency in Japan can be explained, following the authors theory, by lack of innovation. Although concentration of the population in large cities is still going on, significant innovation in technology and skills to produce new goods and services has not happened for a long time. This intellectual stagnation has affected the low productivity in the rural area, making it unable to meet the demand for diversified diet and vulnerable to cheap imports, although there are some political and economic factors relevant to this situation.

3 日本の農村部の将来の経済的展望を改善するために何がなされ得るでしょうか?解答用紙に提供された場所に英語で答えてください。
考え方 テキスト内容を基にして答える(都市部で開発された新しい技術革新やノウハウの導入)こともできるがそれだけでなく日本の農業の問題やグローバル化との関連に関して知っていることを基に答える。一方大規模農業化による小規模農家の消滅の問題も考慮してみよう。
新しい技術革新 As written in the text, new ideas and products in the urban areas should be actively applied to the countryside to raise its productivity. Factory farming, which is less affected by climate change and disasters and drones for pinpoint application of insecticide are some of the examples of high-tech farming.
大規模農業化 ・企業化 Large scale farming or corporatization of farming will streamline agriculture and make it agribusiness. Large corporations can spend money on research and development, prepare materials at low prices by bulk buying, grow and sell produce efficiently. They can also easily practice sustainable farming by using waste products in one department to make products in another department.
グローバル化への順応(良く売れるものを輸出し安く買えるものを輸入)The government should continue selective protectionism even under the free trade pressure. By shifting production of crops that are competitive in the world market such as high quality fruits, globalization will work in favor of farmers because the advantage of globalization is that it allows countries to import goods that are rare or low quality in the domestic market at low prices and export goods that sell well abroad.
高付加価値作物(競争力の高い高品質作物)や特産品の輸出と特許取得 Small farmers will be able to survive globalization by exporting crops with added value and specialties. Making results of years of hybrid protected from being easily copied in other countries by receiving international patent would also be necessary.
デフレ脱却または小規模農家の保護 Fighting against deflation and thus ensuring the basic income of small famers is necessary, for deflation lowers the prices of farm products and lead to farmers giving up farming.
を促す The agriculture should make the environment the young people are happy to work and come up with new ideas. For this matter, it would be a good idea that the government makes agriculture more attractive to the young and that media report improving working conditions and lifestyles in the rural areas.



能動態の場合                                                               受動態の場合
When it saw people, the dog ran away.                     When it is seen from here, the dog looks like a cat.
Seeing people, the dog ran away.                             (Being省略) Seen from here, the dog looks like a cat.

1.    接続詞を省略する(意味を明確にしたい場合は省略しない)
When it saw people, the dog ran away.                     When it is seen from here, the dog looks like a cat.

2.    主語を省略する(主語が主節の主語と違う場合は省略しない)
When it saw people, the dog ran away.                     When it is seen from here, the dog looks like a cat.

3.    述語動詞部分を~ing形にする
When it Seeing people, the dog ran away.                 When it being Seen from here, the dog looks like a cat.
be動詞の文(is/am/are/was/were ~)Being省略可)~
受動態の文 ( be動詞+過去分詞) →Being必ず省略)+過去分詞
完了形の文(have/had + 過去分詞)→ Having +過去分詞(Having beenの場合省略可)
否定文 → Not ingneverの完了形 → Never having +過去分詞 又はHaving never 過去分詞)

確認問題   各文を分詞構文にし、訳してください。
1.    Because  she  lives  near  a  park,  she  takes  a  walk  every  day.

2.    Because  she  was  sick,  she  didn’t  go  to  work.

3.    Because  her  son  was  sick,  she  didn’t  go  to  work.

4.    Because  she  didn’t  know  what  to  say,  she  kept  silent.

5.    After  I  had  finished  work,  I  went  out.

6.    Because  it  is  written  in  easy  English,  it  is  good  for  beginners.

7.    She  ran  away  when  she  saw  a  snake.

8.    She read a book as she sat on a chair.


練習問題   各文を分詞構文にし、訳してください。

1.    When I was walking along the street, I ran into Mr. Ghone.
                                                        I ran into Mr. Ghone.
2.    Because I had been there before, I knew how to get there.
                                                  I knew how to get there.
3.    Since he was ill, Tom spent most of his childhood in bed.
                        Tom spent most of his childhood in bed.
4.    As  it  is  written  in  easy  English,  the book is good for beginners.
                                                       the book is good for beginners.
5.    Because it was left alone, the baby began to cry.
                                      the baby began to cry.
6.    Since it is surrounded by the sea, our country has mild climate.
                                                   our country has a mild climate.
7.    If she is seen from the distance, the girl looks like a boy.
                                                       the girl looks like a boy.
8.    If all things are considered, doing both is the best.
                                                       doing both is the best.
9.    As it ran toward(s) the children, the dog wagged its tail.
                                                 the dog wagged its tail.
10.  The dog ran toward(s) the children and it wagged its tail.
                                                     the dog wagged its tail.
The dog ran toward(s) the children,                                         .
11.  As the book is written in easy English, it is good for beginners.
                                                     this book is good for beginners.
12.  As he was badly injured, he was taken to hospital.
                                            he was taken to the hospital.
13.  As I didn’t know what to say, I kept quiet.
                                            I kept quiet.
14.  As he had realized he was getting late, he started running.
                                                          he started running.
15.  Because the show had been cancelled, we went home.
                                                         we went home.
16.  Although I had never been there before, I tried to get there.
                                                          I tried to get there.


1.    Living near a park, she takes a walk every day. 公園の近くに住んでいるので彼女は毎日散歩する。
2.    (Being) sick, she didn’t go to work. 病気だったので、彼女は仕事に行かなかった。
3.    Her son (being) sick, she didn’t go to work. 息子が病気だったので、彼女は仕事に行かなかった。
4.    Not knowing what to say, she kept silent.
5.    Having finished work, I went out. 仕事を終えた後、私は外出した。
6.    Written in easy English, it is good for beginners.
7.    She ran away, seeing a snake.  蛇を見て、彼女は逃げた。
8.    She read a book, sitting on a chair.  椅子に座って、彼女は本を読んだ。

1.    Walking along the street, I ran into Mr. Ghone.
2.    Having been there before, I knew how to get there.
3.    (Being) ill, Tom spent most of his childhood in bed.
4.    Written  in  easy  English,  the book  is  good  for  beginners.
簡単な英語で書かれているので、その本は初心者に良い。(主節のitthe bookに変えましょう。)
5.    Left alone, the baby began to cry.
6.    Surrounded by the sea, our country has a mild climate.
7.    Seen from the distance, the girl looks like a boy.
8.    All things considered, doing both is the best.
9.    Running toward(s) the children, the dog wagged its tail.
10.  Running toward(s) the children, the dog wagged its tail.
又は The dog ran toward(s ) the children, wagging its tail.
11.  Written in easy English, this book is good for beginners.
12.  Badly injured, he was taken to the hospital.
13.  Not knowing what to say, I kept quiet.
14.  Having realized he was getting late, he started running.
15.  The show having been cancelled, we went home.
16.  Having never been there before, I tried to get there.
又は Never having been there before, I tried to get there.   