If is often said that the Earth is being seriously damaged by
humans. Others feel that the ecological damage of human activity has been
exaggerated, and that humans are making the Earth a better place to live. Which
opinion do you agree with?
☆Let’s Think
1. What are the examples of the first opinion of the Writing Topic?
2. What are the examples of the second opinion of the Writing Topic?
3. Which opinion do you agree with?
☆Deepening Thoughts
hear things like the first statement every day. Most people seem to agree on the
view that humankind is harming the earth. Let’s take a look at the second one. It
says that the idea of the first statement is an exaggeration and that we are “making
the earth a better place to live.” The question is for whom are we making the
earth a better place to live.
Humans try to change
nature into what humans want it to be. We build roads in plains and mountains
for transportation, build structures as shelters against elements and for other
purposes, or make facilities for resources such as water pipes or nuclear
reactors. We build cities so that we can fend for ourselves. However, when one
gets something there is another that loses it. When human society gains
something involving nature (development), the environment loses something
of Human Activities over the Last 200 Years
Human Activity
↙ ↘
Development of Society ⇔ Destruction
of the Environment
we were cavemen, most of our activities were part of nature. Like other
animals, we slept in our “nests,” and hunted and gathered what we needed to
survive. We made a fire to cook, but it was not enough to cause global warming.
Perhaps we collected pretty stones and shells for some reason, but the amount
was probably not so much as to damage the environment.
Now, highly-developed
technologies allow us to affect the environment on a large scale. We clear cut forests
to make towns and fields, bulldoze mountains to build towns or get minerals,
and drill rocks in the desert and ocean bottoms to get oil and gas. We also kill
insects with chemicals to grow food, overfish to satisfy our palate, and wipe
out some species for fashion and hobbies. We pollute the air, water, and soil
for production and transportation. In addition, we have started global warming
by releasing a large amount of greenhouse gases into the air.
By doing these things, we
invade other animals’ natural habitats, deplete natural resources and destroy the
environment. To survive, to expand our territories, and to enjoy ourselves, we
are doing harm to nature. It is obvious that our activities are causing environmental
strain. Our activities might make our lives convenient but affect nature.
The word “ecological
damage” in the writing topic is about disturbing ecosystem and causing decline
or extinction of life. It is predicted that about one-fourth of all plants and
vertebrate animals may go extinct by 2050 due to global warming. Ecological
damage seems to be no exaggeration.
Of course we cannot live
like a caveman. We need energy. We need food. Development is good for us. However,
it is usually bad for the environment, and in the end it is bad for us as well
because humankind is part of nature.
1. Global
Warming Controversy: There are some people and scientists who are skeptical
about global warming theory, but “there is a strong consensus that global
surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is
caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases. (Wikipedia)” Moreover,
it has been reported that scientists who strongly deny global warming have
received money from oil companies.
2. Climategate:
In 2009, one of the global warming research centers was hacked and robbed of
its emails, which were used to raise suspicions of “global warming conspiracy”
or “climategate.” Based on some of the email messages, skeptics claimed that
global warming was a hoax. However, rigorous investigations concluded that
there was nothing wrong with what the researchers were doing and it was proved
that global warming is not a hoax. (Wikipedia)”
3. An
Inconvenient Truth: An Academy Award-winning documentary film
about climate change, or global warming,
presented by former United States Vice President
Al Gore.
Al Gore’s claim is that global warming is real and largely human-caused. (Wikipedia)
☆Sample Essay Structure
【Introduction】I agree with the view that the
Earth is being seriously damaged by humans because there are many evidences.
【Good Actions】Development is generally good for
us humans. e.g. food, shelter, transportation, etc.
【Bad Actions】However, development has reduced
forests and wild life. Industrialization has caused pollution and global
warming, which are killing us humans as well as other animals.
【Now】We have not stopped development and digging fossil fuels and have
not come up with decisively powerful sustainable energy resource that take
place of oil.
【Conclusion】Although we may be able to
compensate for the damage, irreversible changes have taken place and they are
taking place faster than we can cover. Therefore, the ecological damage of
human activity is no exaggeration.
【良い行動】 発展は一般的に人間にとって良い。 例 食、住、交通等
☆Your sample essay structure
Make sure to clarify the connection between human activity and its
negative/positive effects on the ecology when you write your essay on this
topic. e.g. cutting trees to build
houses → fewer creatures
【Introduction = Outline】
【Point 1】
【Point 2】
【Point 3 /
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】
Notes: 環境the environment(theは必要)、自然nature (theは不要)、緑・植物green (複数のsは不要)、
開発development(pは1個)、地球 (the) Earth/earth、温暖化を嘘だと言う人deniers
beings/human species / man(無冠詞)/humanity(複数形=humanitiesは「文系」)
☆Essay for ideas and expressions
The following essay is taken from Writing for the TOEFL iBT, Barron’s:
quality of human life has improved greatly over the past few centuries, but
Earth is being harmed more and more by human activity. As we develop our
technology, we use more and more natural resources and cause more and more
pollution. As our population grows, we destroy more and more natural areas in
order to expand towns and cities. The Earth is being harmed, and this harms
people as well.
often act as if we have unlimited natural resources, but this isn’t true. If we
cut down too many trees to build houses and make paper, not all the trees will
grow back. If we catch too many fish, the fish population will get smaller and
smaller. If we aren’t careful about how we use our natural resources, we will lose
many of them. We are already losing some.
don’t seem to pay attention to the amount of pollution human activity can
cause. Our cars pollute the air. Our factories pollute both the air and the
water. We throw our waste into rivers and streams. We act as if the air and
water can clean themselves up, but they can’t.
urban populations grow, the cities grow too, taking over more and more land.
New houses, stores, and office buildings are built all the time. Land that was
once forest or farms is now parking lots and apartment buildings. We seem to
act as if we have unlimited land, but we don’t. We need to plan more carefully
so that we use our limited land in the best way possible.
need to respect the Earth and try to preserve it. If we don’t, we will lose all
the natural resources that we depend on for life. Then what will happen?
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