The Car, the Future 解答のポイント
本文該当箇所 第2段落 Nonetheless, it is obvious that ever more restrictive legislation will be enacted all over the world aimed at the control of the car, concerned not merely with factors such as safety and pollution, but also with the overall social influences. にもかかわらず、単に安全や汚染のような要素だけでなく全体的な社会的影響に関して、車の管理を目的としたかつてなく制限的な法律が世界中で制定されるだろうことは明らかだ。 第5段落Ultimately, I feel, all legislation aimed at the car is really aimed at the one feature that provides both its greatest freedom and its greatest dangers―the steering wheel 最終的には、車に向けられた全法律は、車に最大の自由と最大の危険両方を提供する特徴すなわちハンドルに本当のところは向けられているという気が私はする。
問1 この文章の第1段落の最終文と意味が同じになるように以下のリストから最も良い語を選んで以下の文を完成させてください。そしてこの意見に賛成か反対かを述べてください。
もし車が禁止されるか制限されたら、人々はより( )になるかもしれない。
攻撃的な 不注意な 非常に疲れた リラックスした 不健康な
考え方 本文該当箇所の前半は車の運転のストレス発散効果について述べ、後半は禁止することによる反社会的行動増加のリスクを指摘している。従って、問題文の括弧には”the socially unacceptable channels into which these impulses might flow.”「これらの衝動が流れ込む社会的に受け入れられない方向」に近い意味の語が入る。賛成/反対の議論では本文該当箇所の言いたいことである「車で衝動を発散できなくなると人は反社会的行動をとるかもしれない。」を理解していることを示しながら自分の意見を述べる。
本文該当箇所 Apart from this, driving a car clearly satisfies certain basic physical and psychological impulses, and any legislator trying to ban or significantly reduce the number of automobiles would do well to consider the socially unacceptable channels into which these impulses might flow. これとは別に、車の運転はある基本的な身体的精神的衝動を明らかに満足させるので車を禁止または著しく台数制限しようとする議員は誰でもこれらの衝動が流れ込む社会的に受け入れられない方向を考慮したほうが良いだろう。
Yes:Driving a car is suitable for transcending impulses because it provides the driver with freedom and helps them to release stress, which is not possible in public transportation. → Since there are few alternatives that give them the same level of satisfaction as they used to get easily and inexpensively through driving, people would feel deprived of the way to direct impulses properly and might end up with violent and anti-social behavior.
No:It is possible to direct impulses to peaceful, productive actions. Many non-drivers are not violent. Society has suppressed negative impulses in many ways. → People will settle down and cope with impulses in the end, even though there might be some unrest for a while.
問2 この文章はちょうど30年以上前の1971年に書かれています。筆者の予測はどのような形で既に実現していると思いますか?
考え方 筆者の予測をピックアップし、それぞれについてどの程度まで、どういう形で実現したかを示す。全体の主題(政府による完全な交通・車の管理)はどの程度実現しているかについても触れるとよい。
本文該当箇所 1) Within the net thirty years, I see an immense network of motorway systems covering the British Isles 2) we will probably see the first traffic-free areas established in cities and large towns, 3) battery-powered, no-exhauset-emitting public vehicle 4) The roads into major cities will be controlled by toll-gates, with premium tolls charges at holiday and peak congestion periods. / Traffic movements and densities will be increasingly watched and controlled by electronic devices, automatic signals, and barriers. / distant electronic control of vehicles / I see its final elimination. / a telephone dial
解答のポイント例 1) Immense networks of motor ways cover all continents except for Africa and non-industrialized areas in developing countries. 2) vehicle-free streets such as Hokosya-tengoku (pedestrians’ paradise) in Tokyo 3) efforts to reduce pollution and CO2 emissions including hybrid cars 4) not realized, but possible if the government attempts to control traffic by making/not making toll-gate charges free or by using the ETC and navigation systems for the purpose. --- Over all, the writer’s prediction of the government control of traffic has been realized to some extent, but it has not come to the point where each individual car is totally controlled and drivers have no freedom at all except for the choice of their destinations.
問3 あなたの住む地域の公共交通機関はあなたの移動のニーズを満足させていますか?「はい」か「いいえ」で答え、例をひとつあげて説明してください。
考え方 まず大まかに不満の有無を考える。次にその理由を利用しやすさ、スピード、料金、安全性などの点からひとつ選んで説明する。できれば「問題意識」をアピールする。
Yes: sufficient networks of trains and busses ; Even though there are problems such as crowded train cars and stations during the rush hour, considering there are areas where elementary school children walk to school which is several hours away from their homes, I think I should say that I am blessed with good public transportation.
No: the bus company abandoning money-losing lines → I have to get up thirty minutes earlier than before to walk to the nearest subway station; elderly people who have difficulty walking long distances experiencing inconvenience → The bus company, as an entity that accommodates for the public needs, should not make light of the weak.
☆ Extra Question: For most people on earth, democracy is better than other systems. However, democracy does not always bring about good results. What do you think prevents it from working properly?
1) The consensus of the majority is not always right. (e.g. Hitler, the old Japanese military government, Iraq War)
2) It is lobbyists, who persuade politicians to vote for or repeal registrations, that actually pass the bills, and most of the time lobbyists are interest groups and enthusiastic activists who do not always represent the majority opinion. (e.g. pharmaceutical lobby)
3) Media propaganda controls public opinion. (e. g. Fox News, main media not reporting significant information)
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