Supersonic/Electronic weapon and long term harassment for unknown reasons by a large indefinite number of people
154. 2010/09/24 Right after I uploaded the last message (and the first in English) of this topic (September 21), when I went into bed, I had a strong electric shocks so that I saw geometric patterns on my retina with some of them. For two days after that (9/22 and 9/23), the electric shock subsided. I could sleep seven or eight hours without disturbed although there were a few light ones in my head before falling asleep and I woke up early in the morning seemingly by natural causes such as calls of crows. And today, I woke up (or woken up) at around 3:30 a.m. this morning, read a magazine to tire myself and went to bed again, probably around 5:50, and this electric shock thing started again. It came to my head first, and then gave a fit on my finger and ankle. After I covered my body with my bedding, something like magnetic field gave my legs and abdomen creepy ticklish feelings. Also, when I slept on the side, the shock came on the back, right on the spot of my stomach, giving it a big jolt and my body shock violently. I think I felt somebody or giggle on the other side of my bedside wall (room 202). Most of all these sensations seemed to come from 202.
I found another YouTube video that might be related to what I have been experiencing. That is Audio Spotlight featured on the Smithsonian Channel's SciQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tY_EOYqoVs&feature=related
If there are/were people who are looking for missing secret weapons, especially those that are related to supersonic/electronic systems, there might be one or two in either/both of my adjacent rooms. I will let you know my present address because in proper procedure no one cannot do anything for me or other people complaining of the same kind of phenomena―I know this whole message makes me sound like an insane person and I myself wish it were my imagination, about half of the claims of others seeming impossible in today’s technology, but some of them match my experiences.
My present address is as follows:
203 Leopalace Okamura, 6-19-31 Aoto, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, 1250062 Japan
My former address where I already had this phenomenon was as follows:
202 Leopalace Okamura, 6-19-31 Aoto, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, 1250062 Japan (I was in this room from October, 2008 to December, 2008)
The address where I was when this phenomenon started (was as follows:
203 Leopalace KTM Shibamata, 5-22-11 Shibamata, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, 1250052 Japan (The phenomenon started in the spring of 2007 and I moved out in October, 2008)
I will move into a new apartment at the end of December. The new address is as follows:
201 Leopalace Takasago LA 1, 1-17-11 Takasago, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, 1250054 Japan
I am doing this because I have a feeling that bad people already know my new address, while people who will not do harm on me do not know this, in which case I think it is better to make it open. (12月末に転居する予定。新住所は 125-0054 東京都葛飾区高砂1-17-11 レオパレス高砂LA1 201号室)嫌がらせをしている人たちは私の新住所を既に知っているという気がする一方で私に危害を加えない人たちは知らないので公開することにした。)
I found another YouTube video that might be related to what I have been experiencing. That is Audio Spotlight featured on the Smithsonian Channel's SciQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tY_EOYqoVs&feature=related
If there are/were people who are looking for missing secret weapons, especially those that are related to supersonic/electronic systems, there might be one or two in either/both of my adjacent rooms. I will let you know my present address because in proper procedure no one cannot do anything for me or other people complaining of the same kind of phenomena―I know this whole message makes me sound like an insane person and I myself wish it were my imagination, about half of the claims of others seeming impossible in today’s technology, but some of them match my experiences.
My present address is as follows:
203 Leopalace Okamura, 6-19-31 Aoto, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, 1250062 Japan
My former address where I already had this phenomenon was as follows:
202 Leopalace Okamura, 6-19-31 Aoto, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, 1250062 Japan (I was in this room from October, 2008 to December, 2008)
The address where I was when this phenomenon started (was as follows:
203 Leopalace KTM Shibamata, 5-22-11 Shibamata, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, 1250052 Japan (The phenomenon started in the spring of 2007 and I moved out in October, 2008)
I will move into a new apartment at the end of December. The new address is as follows:
201 Leopalace Takasago LA 1, 1-17-11 Takasago, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, 1250054 Japan
I am doing this because I have a feeling that bad people already know my new address, while people who will not do harm on me do not know this, in which case I think it is better to make it open. (12月末に転居する予定。新住所は 125-0054 東京都葛飾区高砂1-17-11 レオパレス高砂LA1 201号室)嫌がらせをしている人たちは私の新住所を既に知っているという気がする一方で私に危害を加えない人たちは知らないので公開することにした。)
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 Good Science and Bad Science)
Good Science and Bad Science 解答のポイント
主題: 科学が偽科学と異なる点は主に1)論理的整合性がある 2)理論と根拠の一致の確認が厳しい 3)常に修正される であり、科学は真実に近づこうとする姿勢を常に崩さない。
本文該当箇所 問1と共通するので省略
問1 筆者は「良い科学」の3つの特徴を説明しています。それらは何ですか?
考え方 要約問題は、本文が(難しい語・もってまわった表現を使っていても)「要するに何を言っているのか」をつかみ、それを自分の言葉でシンプルに言い換える。
1) internally consistent
2) accord with the evidence
3) always provisional and can always be improved / the key to the replacement of one explanation by another is the systematic collection of extensive data that bear on the matter / to search for reasons not to believe, to seek evidence that does not fit
1) flawless in logic
2) supported by objective evidences which have gone through thorough and strict tests
3) in pursuit of the truth, never stops doubting itself by readily correcting mistakes, methodically accumulating as much data as possible, and constantly exposing theories to attempts to disprove them
問2 筆者は、近代的化学的医療は「伝統的」医療より明らかに良いと考えています。あなたは筆者に賛成ですか反対ですか?理由は何ですか?
考え方 論点を明示する。根拠・具体例は個人的体験より一般的に知られているもの(=読み手と共有される知識)のほうが説得力が増す(=読み手が納得しやすい)。
本文該当箇所 In contrast, alternative therapies such as faith-healing, acupuncture or magno-therapy are rarely tested; the personal experience of the practitioner, supported by a few anecdotes of miracle cures, is taken to be sufficient to establish effectiveness. Such testing as takes place is never double-blind, and thus the possibility that nay perceived benefits result from a placebo effect is never eliminated. 対照的に、信仰療法や針治療、磁気治療はめったに試験されない。奇跡的治癒数例によって裏付けられた開業医の個人的体験が効用を確立するのに十分だとされる。 Again we can see the point if we contrast the reliance of medical science on experimental proof with the reliance of alternative therapies on tradition. In the world of Bachian flower remedies, Feng Sui and Shiatsyu massage, that something has been done for centuries (preferably in a culture untainted by modernity) establishes its validity. 再び、医療科学が実験的証拠に頼るのと代替医療が伝統に頼るのを対比すればこの点(科学は常に修正し続けることにより真実に近づく)が理解できる。バチアンの花療法や風水、指圧の世界では何世紀間も(好ましくは近代性に汚されていない文化で)行われてきたということが有効性を確立する。
YES:No one in his right mind would try alternative medicine before consulting a doctor of conventional medicine when he/she has a chest pain, which shows that people instinctively know that modern scientific medicine is safer and more reliable than “traditional” medicine. / Although not free from problems, you can at least regard modern science as the most advanced form of alchemy and so there is no considering traditional medicine as good as or better than modern scientific medicine. / Science saves a dying person and prevents diseases from breaking out. Just as alchemy cannot produce gold, traditional medicine cannot provide heart surgery or produce vaccine.
NO: Man is a both physical and mental existence. The placebo effect, which is scientifically proven and taken seriously of, is the evidence that body is influenced by psychological factors. Traditional medicine is an approach to diseases through psychological cannels. / Some Chinese medicine has been proven its effect through scientific testing and supplements modern medicine. Therefore, it cannot always be said that modern scientific medicine is “obviously” better than alternative medicine.
問3 あなたの生活(人生)に最も重要な変化をもたらした近代科学技術による発明は何ですか?理由を述べてください。
考え方 「最も重要な変化」とあるので考え方や生き方を変えたり大切なものに重大な影響を与えた近代科学技術を考えてみる。注 なぜ重要な変化なのか説明し忘れないようにする。
♦personal computers and the Internet = easy access to almost unlimited resource of information / easier and quicker problem solving / downloading and uploading official documents or shopping and selling at home / changes in communication ➝ better quality of life = fundamental change in life = the most important change in life
♦vaccine and antibiotics = They have saved lives of sickly children who otherwise might have died before five and I was one of them
☆Extra Question:
Scientists are not monsters but decent people. However, science is not free from serious accidents, crimes, and scandals. Why do you think science sometimes go wrong?
Like other things in this world,
1) science follows the money, and funds are not always properly allocated because of lobbying.
2) pressure from big corporations or the government prevent them from doing the right thing.
3) scientists are human beings, too. Desire for fame and money, urges to win contests, reluctance to admit mistakes, or sympathy for the patient will sometimes drive scientists to lapses or bad decisions.
主題: 科学が偽科学と異なる点は主に1)論理的整合性がある 2)理論と根拠の一致の確認が厳しい 3)常に修正される であり、科学は真実に近づこうとする姿勢を常に崩さない。
本文該当箇所 問1と共通するので省略
問1 筆者は「良い科学」の3つの特徴を説明しています。それらは何ですか?
考え方 要約問題は、本文が(難しい語・もってまわった表現を使っていても)「要するに何を言っているのか」をつかみ、それを自分の言葉でシンプルに言い換える。
1) internally consistent
2) accord with the evidence
3) always provisional and can always be improved / the key to the replacement of one explanation by another is the systematic collection of extensive data that bear on the matter / to search for reasons not to believe, to seek evidence that does not fit
1) flawless in logic
2) supported by objective evidences which have gone through thorough and strict tests
3) in pursuit of the truth, never stops doubting itself by readily correcting mistakes, methodically accumulating as much data as possible, and constantly exposing theories to attempts to disprove them
問2 筆者は、近代的化学的医療は「伝統的」医療より明らかに良いと考えています。あなたは筆者に賛成ですか反対ですか?理由は何ですか?
考え方 論点を明示する。根拠・具体例は個人的体験より一般的に知られているもの(=読み手と共有される知識)のほうが説得力が増す(=読み手が納得しやすい)。
本文該当箇所 In contrast, alternative therapies such as faith-healing, acupuncture or magno-therapy are rarely tested; the personal experience of the practitioner, supported by a few anecdotes of miracle cures, is taken to be sufficient to establish effectiveness. Such testing as takes place is never double-blind, and thus the possibility that nay perceived benefits result from a placebo effect is never eliminated. 対照的に、信仰療法や針治療、磁気治療はめったに試験されない。奇跡的治癒数例によって裏付けられた開業医の個人的体験が効用を確立するのに十分だとされる。 Again we can see the point if we contrast the reliance of medical science on experimental proof with the reliance of alternative therapies on tradition. In the world of Bachian flower remedies, Feng Sui and Shiatsyu massage, that something has been done for centuries (preferably in a culture untainted by modernity) establishes its validity. 再び、医療科学が実験的証拠に頼るのと代替医療が伝統に頼るのを対比すればこの点(科学は常に修正し続けることにより真実に近づく)が理解できる。バチアンの花療法や風水、指圧の世界では何世紀間も(好ましくは近代性に汚されていない文化で)行われてきたということが有効性を確立する。
YES:No one in his right mind would try alternative medicine before consulting a doctor of conventional medicine when he/she has a chest pain, which shows that people instinctively know that modern scientific medicine is safer and more reliable than “traditional” medicine. / Although not free from problems, you can at least regard modern science as the most advanced form of alchemy and so there is no considering traditional medicine as good as or better than modern scientific medicine. / Science saves a dying person and prevents diseases from breaking out. Just as alchemy cannot produce gold, traditional medicine cannot provide heart surgery or produce vaccine.
NO: Man is a both physical and mental existence. The placebo effect, which is scientifically proven and taken seriously of, is the evidence that body is influenced by psychological factors. Traditional medicine is an approach to diseases through psychological cannels. / Some Chinese medicine has been proven its effect through scientific testing and supplements modern medicine. Therefore, it cannot always be said that modern scientific medicine is “obviously” better than alternative medicine.
問3 あなたの生活(人生)に最も重要な変化をもたらした近代科学技術による発明は何ですか?理由を述べてください。
考え方 「最も重要な変化」とあるので考え方や生き方を変えたり大切なものに重大な影響を与えた近代科学技術を考えてみる。注 なぜ重要な変化なのか説明し忘れないようにする。
♦personal computers and the Internet = easy access to almost unlimited resource of information / easier and quicker problem solving / downloading and uploading official documents or shopping and selling at home / changes in communication ➝ better quality of life = fundamental change in life = the most important change in life
♦vaccine and antibiotics = They have saved lives of sickly children who otherwise might have died before five and I was one of them
☆Extra Question:
Scientists are not monsters but decent people. However, science is not free from serious accidents, crimes, and scandals. Why do you think science sometimes go wrong?
Like other things in this world,
1) science follows the money, and funds are not always properly allocated because of lobbying.
2) pressure from big corporations or the government prevent them from doing the right thing.
3) scientists are human beings, too. Desire for fame and money, urges to win contests, reluctance to admit mistakes, or sympathy for the patient will sometimes drive scientists to lapses or bad decisions.
Class Supplement (良いエッセイを書くために)
話し言葉と書き言葉は別物です。日本語の作文でも話し言葉と違う書き方をするように英語でもwritten Englishというものがあります。きちんとした言葉使い(特に構文の正確さ)は重要です。また内容の展開の仕方も書き言葉は日常の言葉使いとは異なります。話し言葉は言葉以外の要素(ジェスチャー、表情、既存の状況、人間関係など)を含めてコミュニケーションをとるので言葉足らずでも問題ない場合が多くあります。しかし文章を書く際は言葉だけを使って分かりやすく、誤解のないように説明しなければなりません。細かく説明すればするほど分かりやすく、誤解が少なくなります。これはエッセイを書くときに気をつけると同時に普段から手紙や伝言を書く時や日記をつけるときなどに意識しておくと効果があります。
☆The Best American Essays 前の年に書かれたエッセイのベスト版です。編者が毎年変わります。
☆The New Yorker on the Web 週代わりで現代作家の短編小説が掲載されます。
☆Newsweek 中道。どちらかといえば少しだけ左寄り(革新思想寄り)だと言われています。格調高い英語で時事問題を詳しく報じています。
☆Daily Yomiuri 日本国内のニュースを英文で読んで表現の仕方を学びましょう。
☆In These Times かなり左寄り(革新思想より)ですが過激な内容ではありません。不正・不平等・人権無視等に関して一般の人々の視点からの取材を丁寧に行っています。
☆NatureとScience のPod Cast 科学雑誌NatureとScienceのPodcast では一般の人にも分かる形で最新の研究結果を発表しています。温暖化、食料・水危機、BP石油流出、幹細胞研究、宇宙探査など地球・人類にとって重要な問題を多数取り上げています。
☆Fareed Zakaria GPS Newsweek International 版編集長兼CNN の日曜時事問題番組Fareed Zakaria GPSのホストであるZakaria氏が同番組のホームページ上の動画で時事問題関連の鋭い分析・主張を分かりやすく短く1~2分で述べます。
☆BBC Pod Cast BBCはon timeのニュース放送・特集が一番参考になりますが、時間を節約するにはPod Castが便利です。 様々なものがありますが argumentの参考になるのが”World Have Your Say”という視聴者参加討論番組です。聞き方のコツは自分が共感する意見が出た時にその表現に注意して聞くことです。
☆MICHAELMOORE.com アカデミー賞・スタインベック賞などを受賞した映画監督のホームページです。政治・社会問題をユーモアを交えて取り上げています。言葉使いよりも内容を参考にしましょう。
話し言葉と書き言葉は別物です。日本語の作文でも話し言葉と違う書き方をするように英語でもwritten Englishというものがあります。きちんとした言葉使い(特に構文の正確さ)は重要です。また内容の展開の仕方も書き言葉は日常の言葉使いとは異なります。話し言葉は言葉以外の要素(ジェスチャー、表情、既存の状況、人間関係など)を含めてコミュニケーションをとるので言葉足らずでも問題ない場合が多くあります。しかし文章を書く際は言葉だけを使って分かりやすく、誤解のないように説明しなければなりません。細かく説明すればするほど分かりやすく、誤解が少なくなります。これはエッセイを書くときに気をつけると同時に普段から手紙や伝言を書く時や日記をつけるときなどに意識しておくと効果があります。
☆The Best American Essays 前の年に書かれたエッセイのベスト版です。編者が毎年変わります。
☆The New Yorker on the Web 週代わりで現代作家の短編小説が掲載されます。
☆Newsweek 中道。どちらかといえば少しだけ左寄り(革新思想寄り)だと言われています。格調高い英語で時事問題を詳しく報じています。
☆Daily Yomiuri 日本国内のニュースを英文で読んで表現の仕方を学びましょう。
☆In These Times かなり左寄り(革新思想より)ですが過激な内容ではありません。不正・不平等・人権無視等に関して一般の人々の視点からの取材を丁寧に行っています。
☆NatureとScience のPod Cast 科学雑誌NatureとScienceのPodcast では一般の人にも分かる形で最新の研究結果を発表しています。温暖化、食料・水危機、BP石油流出、幹細胞研究、宇宙探査など地球・人類にとって重要な問題を多数取り上げています。
☆Fareed Zakaria GPS Newsweek International 版編集長兼CNN の日曜時事問題番組Fareed Zakaria GPSのホストであるZakaria氏が同番組のホームページ上の動画で時事問題関連の鋭い分析・主張を分かりやすく短く1~2分で述べます。
☆BBC Pod Cast BBCはon timeのニュース放送・特集が一番参考になりますが、時間を節約するにはPod Castが便利です。 様々なものがありますが argumentの参考になるのが”World Have Your Say”という視聴者参加討論番組です。聞き方のコツは自分が共感する意見が出た時にその表現に注意して聞くことです。
☆MICHAELMOORE.com アカデミー賞・スタインベック賞などを受賞した映画監督のホームページです。政治・社会問題をユーモアを交えて取り上げています。言葉使いよりも内容を参考にしましょう。
Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay, A new factory in your community)
Imagine that a company has announced plans to build a large factory in your community. Would you support this addition to your community?
“a large factory”… It has advantages and disadvantages.
“in your community” … You can consider distinct conditions in your community.
So you can start with discussing merits and demerits of building a factory in general, and then add some conditions of your community to conclude.
☆Hints for Points
♦merits and demerits of building a factory in general
It will stimulate the local economy. / The employment will improve. / The municipal government will benefit from the tax revenue increase.
air/water/noise pollution / Transportation will be crowded. / There might be conflicts between old and new residents
♦conditions of your community
old residential area → The health of senior citizens might be adversely affected.
already full of factories → more demerits than merits
☆While you are writing, you often think of a counter argument. Then take it up, and deal with it by, for example, proving the counter argument does not make a case.
The employment will improve.
⇔ Corporations employ dispatched workers, who are already trained to do the same kind of tasks and do not cost much, and therefore, your community will not solve the problem of high unemployment rate.
⇔ The community leaders can organize themselves to make sure that the factory will give priority to hiring residents in the area before the construction starts.
“a large factory”… It has advantages and disadvantages.
“in your community” … You can consider distinct conditions in your community.
So you can start with discussing merits and demerits of building a factory in general, and then add some conditions of your community to conclude.
☆Hints for Points
♦merits and demerits of building a factory in general
It will stimulate the local economy. / The employment will improve. / The municipal government will benefit from the tax revenue increase.
air/water/noise pollution / Transportation will be crowded. / There might be conflicts between old and new residents
♦conditions of your community
old residential area → The health of senior citizens might be adversely affected.
already full of factories → more demerits than merits
☆While you are writing, you often think of a counter argument. Then take it up, and deal with it by, for example, proving the counter argument does not make a case.
The employment will improve.
⇔ Corporations employ dispatched workers, who are already trained to do the same kind of tasks and do not cost much, and therefore, your community will not solve the problem of high unemployment rate.
⇔ The community leaders can organize themselves to make sure that the factory will give priority to hiring residents in the area before the construction starts.
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 The Car, the Future)
The Car, the Future 解答のポイント
本文該当箇所 第2段落 Nonetheless, it is obvious that ever more restrictive legislation will be enacted all over the world aimed at the control of the car, concerned not merely with factors such as safety and pollution, but also with the overall social influences. にもかかわらず、単に安全や汚染のような要素だけでなく全体的な社会的影響に関して、車の管理を目的としたかつてなく制限的な法律が世界中で制定されるだろうことは明らかだ。 第5段落Ultimately, I feel, all legislation aimed at the car is really aimed at the one feature that provides both its greatest freedom and its greatest dangers―the steering wheel 最終的には、車に向けられた全法律は、車に最大の自由と最大の危険両方を提供する特徴すなわちハンドルに本当のところは向けられているという気が私はする。
問1 この文章の第1段落の最終文と意味が同じになるように以下のリストから最も良い語を選んで以下の文を完成させてください。そしてこの意見に賛成か反対かを述べてください。
もし車が禁止されるか制限されたら、人々はより( )になるかもしれない。
攻撃的な 不注意な 非常に疲れた リラックスした 不健康な
考え方 本文該当箇所の前半は車の運転のストレス発散効果について述べ、後半は禁止することによる反社会的行動増加のリスクを指摘している。従って、問題文の括弧には”the socially unacceptable channels into which these impulses might flow.”「これらの衝動が流れ込む社会的に受け入れられない方向」に近い意味の語が入る。賛成/反対の議論では本文該当箇所の言いたいことである「車で衝動を発散できなくなると人は反社会的行動をとるかもしれない。」を理解していることを示しながら自分の意見を述べる。
本文該当箇所 Apart from this, driving a car clearly satisfies certain basic physical and psychological impulses, and any legislator trying to ban or significantly reduce the number of automobiles would do well to consider the socially unacceptable channels into which these impulses might flow. これとは別に、車の運転はある基本的な身体的精神的衝動を明らかに満足させるので車を禁止または著しく台数制限しようとする議員は誰でもこれらの衝動が流れ込む社会的に受け入れられない方向を考慮したほうが良いだろう。
Yes:Driving a car is suitable for transcending impulses because it provides the driver with freedom and helps them to release stress, which is not possible in public transportation. → Since there are few alternatives that give them the same level of satisfaction as they used to get easily and inexpensively through driving, people would feel deprived of the way to direct impulses properly and might end up with violent and anti-social behavior.
No:It is possible to direct impulses to peaceful, productive actions. Many non-drivers are not violent. Society has suppressed negative impulses in many ways. → People will settle down and cope with impulses in the end, even though there might be some unrest for a while.
問2 この文章はちょうど30年以上前の1971年に書かれています。筆者の予測はどのような形で既に実現していると思いますか?
考え方 筆者の予測をピックアップし、それぞれについてどの程度まで、どういう形で実現したかを示す。全体の主題(政府による完全な交通・車の管理)はどの程度実現しているかについても触れるとよい。
本文該当箇所 1) Within the net thirty years, I see an immense network of motorway systems covering the British Isles 2) we will probably see the first traffic-free areas established in cities and large towns, 3) battery-powered, no-exhauset-emitting public vehicle 4) The roads into major cities will be controlled by toll-gates, with premium tolls charges at holiday and peak congestion periods. / Traffic movements and densities will be increasingly watched and controlled by electronic devices, automatic signals, and barriers. / distant electronic control of vehicles / I see its final elimination. / a telephone dial
解答のポイント例 1) Immense networks of motor ways cover all continents except for Africa and non-industrialized areas in developing countries. 2) vehicle-free streets such as Hokosya-tengoku (pedestrians’ paradise) in Tokyo 3) efforts to reduce pollution and CO2 emissions including hybrid cars 4) not realized, but possible if the government attempts to control traffic by making/not making toll-gate charges free or by using the ETC and navigation systems for the purpose. --- Over all, the writer’s prediction of the government control of traffic has been realized to some extent, but it has not come to the point where each individual car is totally controlled and drivers have no freedom at all except for the choice of their destinations.
問3 あなたの住む地域の公共交通機関はあなたの移動のニーズを満足させていますか?「はい」か「いいえ」で答え、例をひとつあげて説明してください。
考え方 まず大まかに不満の有無を考える。次にその理由を利用しやすさ、スピード、料金、安全性などの点からひとつ選んで説明する。できれば「問題意識」をアピールする。
Yes: sufficient networks of trains and busses ; Even though there are problems such as crowded train cars and stations during the rush hour, considering there are areas where elementary school children walk to school which is several hours away from their homes, I think I should say that I am blessed with good public transportation.
No: the bus company abandoning money-losing lines → I have to get up thirty minutes earlier than before to walk to the nearest subway station; elderly people who have difficulty walking long distances experiencing inconvenience → The bus company, as an entity that accommodates for the public needs, should not make light of the weak.
☆ Extra Question: For most people on earth, democracy is better than other systems. However, democracy does not always bring about good results. What do you think prevents it from working properly?
1) The consensus of the majority is not always right. (e.g. Hitler, the old Japanese military government, Iraq War)
2) It is lobbyists, who persuade politicians to vote for or repeal registrations, that actually pass the bills, and most of the time lobbyists are interest groups and enthusiastic activists who do not always represent the majority opinion. (e.g. pharmaceutical lobby)
3) Media propaganda controls public opinion. (e. g. Fox News, main media not reporting significant information)
本文該当箇所 第2段落 Nonetheless, it is obvious that ever more restrictive legislation will be enacted all over the world aimed at the control of the car, concerned not merely with factors such as safety and pollution, but also with the overall social influences. にもかかわらず、単に安全や汚染のような要素だけでなく全体的な社会的影響に関して、車の管理を目的としたかつてなく制限的な法律が世界中で制定されるだろうことは明らかだ。 第5段落Ultimately, I feel, all legislation aimed at the car is really aimed at the one feature that provides both its greatest freedom and its greatest dangers―the steering wheel 最終的には、車に向けられた全法律は、車に最大の自由と最大の危険両方を提供する特徴すなわちハンドルに本当のところは向けられているという気が私はする。
問1 この文章の第1段落の最終文と意味が同じになるように以下のリストから最も良い語を選んで以下の文を完成させてください。そしてこの意見に賛成か反対かを述べてください。
もし車が禁止されるか制限されたら、人々はより( )になるかもしれない。
攻撃的な 不注意な 非常に疲れた リラックスした 不健康な
考え方 本文該当箇所の前半は車の運転のストレス発散効果について述べ、後半は禁止することによる反社会的行動増加のリスクを指摘している。従って、問題文の括弧には”the socially unacceptable channels into which these impulses might flow.”「これらの衝動が流れ込む社会的に受け入れられない方向」に近い意味の語が入る。賛成/反対の議論では本文該当箇所の言いたいことである「車で衝動を発散できなくなると人は反社会的行動をとるかもしれない。」を理解していることを示しながら自分の意見を述べる。
本文該当箇所 Apart from this, driving a car clearly satisfies certain basic physical and psychological impulses, and any legislator trying to ban or significantly reduce the number of automobiles would do well to consider the socially unacceptable channels into which these impulses might flow. これとは別に、車の運転はある基本的な身体的精神的衝動を明らかに満足させるので車を禁止または著しく台数制限しようとする議員は誰でもこれらの衝動が流れ込む社会的に受け入れられない方向を考慮したほうが良いだろう。
Yes:Driving a car is suitable for transcending impulses because it provides the driver with freedom and helps them to release stress, which is not possible in public transportation. → Since there are few alternatives that give them the same level of satisfaction as they used to get easily and inexpensively through driving, people would feel deprived of the way to direct impulses properly and might end up with violent and anti-social behavior.
No:It is possible to direct impulses to peaceful, productive actions. Many non-drivers are not violent. Society has suppressed negative impulses in many ways. → People will settle down and cope with impulses in the end, even though there might be some unrest for a while.
問2 この文章はちょうど30年以上前の1971年に書かれています。筆者の予測はどのような形で既に実現していると思いますか?
考え方 筆者の予測をピックアップし、それぞれについてどの程度まで、どういう形で実現したかを示す。全体の主題(政府による完全な交通・車の管理)はどの程度実現しているかについても触れるとよい。
本文該当箇所 1) Within the net thirty years, I see an immense network of motorway systems covering the British Isles 2) we will probably see the first traffic-free areas established in cities and large towns, 3) battery-powered, no-exhauset-emitting public vehicle 4) The roads into major cities will be controlled by toll-gates, with premium tolls charges at holiday and peak congestion periods. / Traffic movements and densities will be increasingly watched and controlled by electronic devices, automatic signals, and barriers. / distant electronic control of vehicles / I see its final elimination. / a telephone dial
解答のポイント例 1) Immense networks of motor ways cover all continents except for Africa and non-industrialized areas in developing countries. 2) vehicle-free streets such as Hokosya-tengoku (pedestrians’ paradise) in Tokyo 3) efforts to reduce pollution and CO2 emissions including hybrid cars 4) not realized, but possible if the government attempts to control traffic by making/not making toll-gate charges free or by using the ETC and navigation systems for the purpose. --- Over all, the writer’s prediction of the government control of traffic has been realized to some extent, but it has not come to the point where each individual car is totally controlled and drivers have no freedom at all except for the choice of their destinations.
問3 あなたの住む地域の公共交通機関はあなたの移動のニーズを満足させていますか?「はい」か「いいえ」で答え、例をひとつあげて説明してください。
考え方 まず大まかに不満の有無を考える。次にその理由を利用しやすさ、スピード、料金、安全性などの点からひとつ選んで説明する。できれば「問題意識」をアピールする。
Yes: sufficient networks of trains and busses ; Even though there are problems such as crowded train cars and stations during the rush hour, considering there are areas where elementary school children walk to school which is several hours away from their homes, I think I should say that I am blessed with good public transportation.
No: the bus company abandoning money-losing lines → I have to get up thirty minutes earlier than before to walk to the nearest subway station; elderly people who have difficulty walking long distances experiencing inconvenience → The bus company, as an entity that accommodates for the public needs, should not make light of the weak.
☆ Extra Question: For most people on earth, democracy is better than other systems. However, democracy does not always bring about good results. What do you think prevents it from working properly?
1) The consensus of the majority is not always right. (e.g. Hitler, the old Japanese military government, Iraq War)
2) It is lobbyists, who persuade politicians to vote for or repeal registrations, that actually pass the bills, and most of the time lobbyists are interest groups and enthusiastic activists who do not always represent the majority opinion. (e.g. pharmaceutical lobby)
3) Media propaganda controls public opinion. (e. g. Fox News, main media not reporting significant information)
Supersonic/Electronic weapon and long term harassment for unknown reasons by a large indefinite number of people
I found a couple of YouTube videos that can be related to what has been happening to me over the past three and a half years, which sounds so unreal that even I myself doubt my sanity, although I have a sense that the source of this phenomenon is outside, not inside, of me .
The YouTube video titles are as follows:
1) Hypersonic Sound (Future Weapons)
(or Audio Spotlight featured on the Smithsonian Channel's SciQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tY_EOYqoVs&feature=related; added on September 24, 2010)
2) Future Weapons Directed Energy
I might have been hearing the sound and feeling sensations projected by the system in 1) for years and I may have seen 2) once.
I have been suffering from an unusual phenomenon including noises, beam-like sensations, and fits for over three and a half years.
For example:
1. You hear nothing outside of the apartment, whose building is famous for its thin walls, while inside you hear a blasting engine sound, head-splitting metallic sound in rhythm, loud waving sound like the one from a huge commercial refrigerator, etc.
2.The source of the metallic noises cannot be identified. Blasting sounds and huge commercial refrigerator-like sounds come from a particular part of the wall. Beam-like sensations seem to have directions and I can point the source, a point in the wall, which varies depending on where I am.
3. The sound is stronger when you are lying than when you are standing. The strength of beam-like sensations varies regardless of my physical positions.
4. Concerning the metallic noise, you cannot escape from it perfectly, unless you close your earhole by pressing the skin around it with your finger, although earplugs soften the effect a little. Earmuffs do not work and sometimes seem they amplify the sound, probably because with earmuffs you hear more of the noises inside of your body and the noise is conducted from the floor through my body to my hearing organs.
5. The room often seems to have become a speaker.
6. Sometimes, the noise is not so loud but I feel pain or have convulsions in my eardrums.
7. The magnitude of the fits suddenly became smaller when I started sleeping with lights on in this early spring.)
I think some of these facts can be explained by the YouTube video 1)
I moved twice in vain to escape from this phenomenon. It started suddenly in the early summer of 2007. While I had been bothered by many kinds of loud noises that my next-door neighbors make at odd hours, and strangely right when I was falling asleep, these noises are totally different in nature.
They are not natural sounds but still seem to be manipulated by human beings.
The character of the noises I mainly hear have changed. Until recently, I was bothered mainly by noises. Now, the annoyance is more like a beam or a pinpoint electric-shock. The beam-like sensation started in the early summer of 2008, when I decided to move out in the coming October and when strangely right after that not only the residents on both sides but also three or four in the rooms on the first floor (my room, second floor) including the one right under mine moved out. From that summer and till now, during my sleep and especially when I was falling asleep, and recently while I am lying with eyes closed but clearly conscious, I have beam-like sensations or fits that seem to be caused by, if there is something like it, what can be called an supersonic/electronic weapon. For some time, the states before and after the change overlapped. I think the first state (noises that I can hear) continued till this spring. The beam-like sensations first started as something like an electric shock between my ears or ear plugs. They become a little weaker when I unplug my ears. Now they also seem to stimulate my muscles all over my body especially those in my face, fingers, wrists, elbows, and ankles and make unnatural fits and lifts.
Examples of the phenomenon that I have experienced in recent years:
1. Something like an electric shock between my ears, or on other parts of my body, often accompanied by a low noise or vibration of my bedding.
2. With one, a geometric pattern in blue or red appears or appears to appear in my retina.
3. Sudden unintended jolts of my body.
4. Sudden unintended lifts or fits of my finger, arm, lower leg, or foot.
5. Sudden unintended puff of my breath often accompanied by my voice such as, "Eh."
6. Constant small vibration of my bedding which spreads from one point of the bedside wall, which lasts for hours and/or days until I have a crawling sensation in my blood vessels in the lower half of my body.
7. Pulse like sensation on my head and unnatural waving and becoming loud of the sound in my head, which is usually flat and sound like, you know, sheepish flows of electrons.
8. Headache, nausea, slurred speech, feeling of concussion, small blinks at the edge of my visual area when getting up, which lasts for several hours and which subsides better and faster when I go out and spend the whole/half day.
9. Once, something like an electric current covered all over my back giving stinging pains.
These phenomena do not have regular pattern of occurrence, other than the fact that they happen as if they are at someone’s disposal. One day, I only have fits on my upper body, from head to breast in order. Another day, right after I close my eyes, I feel like I am hit in the head and see a geometric pattern and incessantly have fits and sensations as if I am hit by a beam all over my body all through the night, or so but each hit differs in strength. Also, the degree of violence of them change when my neighbors change. Recently, people in one of the rooms adjacent to mine moved out and I realized the period when they were there was the most violent so far. The sources of the first type of unnatural metallic noises were often not clear, but other types of sounds like blasts or noise like the one from a huge refrigerator clearly came from either side of the room. The beam-like sensation came even when rooms on both sides had no tenants in the summer and autumn of 2008 and a few weeks ago this year. The only day I remember I did not feel anything strange was the first night after I moved into a new apartment in October, 2008. I had a sound sleep that night, but from the next day on the noises, fits, and sensations came back.
About 2), I once saw something like a lightning bolt in exactly the same blue-white color and the crawling line and branches come out of the top corner of the walls, one of which faces the balcony, and disappeared in a second before reaching my face. The only difference is that while the one in the video branches in three or four main current flows, the one I saw was basically in one current, with small branches. When I saw it I was awake. But this phenomenon is so unreal too that I told myself that it was either a delusion or part of my dream. I can convince myself that way because I have been sleep-deprived for too long a time to be confident about my consciousness.
Things are getting better, but I have never slept eight hours or more straight for more than 5 years, including the days I was bothered by more common noises at night like a musical instrument (base), squeals of the wooden loft floor, or computer game noises, and my average sleeping hours are probably between 4 to 5.
When I do research of this problem of mine, I often encounter some notions that I do not believe possible in today's technology. And again this whole thing sounds too unreal to believe. But last night I found some real technologies that seem to have something to do with my experience, so I just decided to put them up here.
The YouTube video titles are as follows:
1) Hypersonic Sound (Future Weapons)
(or Audio Spotlight featured on the Smithsonian Channel's SciQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tY_EOYqoVs&feature=related; added on September 24, 2010)
2) Future Weapons Directed Energy
I might have been hearing the sound and feeling sensations projected by the system in 1) for years and I may have seen 2) once.
I have been suffering from an unusual phenomenon including noises, beam-like sensations, and fits for over three and a half years.
For example:
1. You hear nothing outside of the apartment, whose building is famous for its thin walls, while inside you hear a blasting engine sound, head-splitting metallic sound in rhythm, loud waving sound like the one from a huge commercial refrigerator, etc.
2.The source of the metallic noises cannot be identified. Blasting sounds and huge commercial refrigerator-like sounds come from a particular part of the wall. Beam-like sensations seem to have directions and I can point the source, a point in the wall, which varies depending on where I am.
3. The sound is stronger when you are lying than when you are standing. The strength of beam-like sensations varies regardless of my physical positions.
4. Concerning the metallic noise, you cannot escape from it perfectly, unless you close your earhole by pressing the skin around it with your finger, although earplugs soften the effect a little. Earmuffs do not work and sometimes seem they amplify the sound, probably because with earmuffs you hear more of the noises inside of your body and the noise is conducted from the floor through my body to my hearing organs.
5. The room often seems to have become a speaker.
6. Sometimes, the noise is not so loud but I feel pain or have convulsions in my eardrums.
7. The magnitude of the fits suddenly became smaller when I started sleeping with lights on in this early spring.)
I think some of these facts can be explained by the YouTube video 1)
I moved twice in vain to escape from this phenomenon. It started suddenly in the early summer of 2007. While I had been bothered by many kinds of loud noises that my next-door neighbors make at odd hours, and strangely right when I was falling asleep, these noises are totally different in nature.
They are not natural sounds but still seem to be manipulated by human beings.
The character of the noises I mainly hear have changed. Until recently, I was bothered mainly by noises. Now, the annoyance is more like a beam or a pinpoint electric-shock. The beam-like sensation started in the early summer of 2008, when I decided to move out in the coming October and when strangely right after that not only the residents on both sides but also three or four in the rooms on the first floor (my room, second floor) including the one right under mine moved out. From that summer and till now, during my sleep and especially when I was falling asleep, and recently while I am lying with eyes closed but clearly conscious, I have beam-like sensations or fits that seem to be caused by, if there is something like it, what can be called an supersonic/electronic weapon. For some time, the states before and after the change overlapped. I think the first state (noises that I can hear) continued till this spring. The beam-like sensations first started as something like an electric shock between my ears or ear plugs. They become a little weaker when I unplug my ears. Now they also seem to stimulate my muscles all over my body especially those in my face, fingers, wrists, elbows, and ankles and make unnatural fits and lifts.
Examples of the phenomenon that I have experienced in recent years:
1. Something like an electric shock between my ears, or on other parts of my body, often accompanied by a low noise or vibration of my bedding.
2. With one, a geometric pattern in blue or red appears or appears to appear in my retina.
3. Sudden unintended jolts of my body.
4. Sudden unintended lifts or fits of my finger, arm, lower leg, or foot.
5. Sudden unintended puff of my breath often accompanied by my voice such as, "Eh."
6. Constant small vibration of my bedding which spreads from one point of the bedside wall, which lasts for hours and/or days until I have a crawling sensation in my blood vessels in the lower half of my body.
7. Pulse like sensation on my head and unnatural waving and becoming loud of the sound in my head, which is usually flat and sound like, you know, sheepish flows of electrons.
8. Headache, nausea, slurred speech, feeling of concussion, small blinks at the edge of my visual area when getting up, which lasts for several hours and which subsides better and faster when I go out and spend the whole/half day.
9. Once, something like an electric current covered all over my back giving stinging pains.
These phenomena do not have regular pattern of occurrence, other than the fact that they happen as if they are at someone’s disposal. One day, I only have fits on my upper body, from head to breast in order. Another day, right after I close my eyes, I feel like I am hit in the head and see a geometric pattern and incessantly have fits and sensations as if I am hit by a beam all over my body all through the night, or so but each hit differs in strength. Also, the degree of violence of them change when my neighbors change. Recently, people in one of the rooms adjacent to mine moved out and I realized the period when they were there was the most violent so far. The sources of the first type of unnatural metallic noises were often not clear, but other types of sounds like blasts or noise like the one from a huge refrigerator clearly came from either side of the room. The beam-like sensation came even when rooms on both sides had no tenants in the summer and autumn of 2008 and a few weeks ago this year. The only day I remember I did not feel anything strange was the first night after I moved into a new apartment in October, 2008. I had a sound sleep that night, but from the next day on the noises, fits, and sensations came back.
About 2), I once saw something like a lightning bolt in exactly the same blue-white color and the crawling line and branches come out of the top corner of the walls, one of which faces the balcony, and disappeared in a second before reaching my face. The only difference is that while the one in the video branches in three or four main current flows, the one I saw was basically in one current, with small branches. When I saw it I was awake. But this phenomenon is so unreal too that I told myself that it was either a delusion or part of my dream. I can convince myself that way because I have been sleep-deprived for too long a time to be confident about my consciousness.
Things are getting better, but I have never slept eight hours or more straight for more than 5 years, including the days I was bothered by more common noises at night like a musical instrument (base), squeals of the wooden loft floor, or computer game noises, and my average sleeping hours are probably between 4 to 5.
When I do research of this problem of mine, I often encounter some notions that I do not believe possible in today's technology. And again this whole thing sounds too unreal to believe. But last night I found some real technologies that seem to have something to do with my experience, so I just decided to put them up here.
Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay, A book or a movie?)
Suppose you have enough money to buy a book or watch a movie. Which would you rather spend the money on, the book or the movie?
☆Read the question carefully.
1) "buy a book" or "watch a movie" → To watch a movie is not to rent or buy a DVD. This question is about a choice between buying a copy of a particular book and watching a particular movie once. (本を一冊買うor 映画を一回観る)
2) Which would you rather spend the money on? → This question is asking about your choice/preference. The answer can be subjective. You do not necessarily have to make an objective judgment.
☆Comparison (A or B? / Agree or disagree?)
1) Brainstorm good/bad points of each choice
2) Juxtapose good and bad points of the two choices
1) Brainstorm good/bad points of each choice
e.g. buying a book / watching a movie
a. your imagination / imagination of the director and the actor
b. can read a book many times / you can watch a movie only once
c. like your best friend (You choose itcarefully and repeatedly return to it.) / like friends or fashion (You enjoy their novelty but most of them just come and go.)
2) Juxtapose good and bad points of the two choices
e.g. a. your imagination imagination of the director and the actor
The experience you have through reading feels more real than that you have through watching a movie. When you read, you draw on your own experience to understand what is written, which makes the story more real to you. For example, when the leading character is scolded by a strict teacher, you think of a particular teacher in your elementary school and remember the shock and embarrassment you felt when you were scolded by her. In a movie, the character of a strict teacher is presented through the interpretation of the actor and the director, which is different from your own image. Although it is always exciting and inspiring and therefore enjoyable to see the images created by great actors and directors, when it comes to reality, no other interpretation can beat your own. The world you build through reading is more real and intimate to you, and hence reading often gives you more satisfaction than watching a move.
☆Read the question carefully.
1) "buy a book" or "watch a movie" → To watch a movie is not to rent or buy a DVD. This question is about a choice between buying a copy of a particular book and watching a particular movie once. (本を一冊買うor 映画を一回観る)
2) Which would you rather spend the money on? → This question is asking about your choice/preference. The answer can be subjective. You do not necessarily have to make an objective judgment.
☆Comparison (A or B? / Agree or disagree?)
1) Brainstorm good/bad points of each choice
2) Juxtapose good and bad points of the two choices
1) Brainstorm good/bad points of each choice
e.g. buying a book / watching a movie
a. your imagination / imagination of the director and the actor
b. can read a book many times / you can watch a movie only once
c. like your best friend (You choose itcarefully and repeatedly return to it.) / like friends or fashion (You enjoy their novelty but most of them just come and go.)
2) Juxtapose good and bad points of the two choices
e.g. a. your imagination imagination of the director and the actor
The experience you have through reading feels more real than that you have through watching a movie. When you read, you draw on your own experience to understand what is written, which makes the story more real to you. For example, when the leading character is scolded by a strict teacher, you think of a particular teacher in your elementary school and remember the shock and embarrassment you felt when you were scolded by her. In a movie, the character of a strict teacher is presented through the interpretation of the actor and the director, which is different from your own image. Although it is always exciting and inspiring and therefore enjoyable to see the images created by great actors and directors, when it comes to reality, no other interpretation can beat your own. The world you build through reading is more real and intimate to you, and hence reading often gives you more satisfaction than watching a move.
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 The Rise of Modern States)
The Rise of Modern States 解答のポイント
主題: 近代国家は社会を安定させ経済を発展させたが、内外に圧力をかける側面を持ち、その権力の限度については意見が分かれる。
本文該当箇所 第1段落 The rise of these states, with their ability to provide order, security, law, and property rights, was what made possible the rise of the modern economic world. 秩序や安全、法、私有財産権を提供する能力を持つこれらの国家の出現により近代経済社会の出現が可能になった。第2段落 The task of modern politics has been to tame the power of the state, to direct its activities toward objectives regarded as legitimate by the people it serves, and to regularize the exercise of power under a rule of law. 近代政治の仕事は、国家が奉仕する民衆によって正当とみなされる目的の方に活動を向け権力の行使が法の支配の下で正当なものにするために国家権力を制御しやすくすることだった。 第4段落politics in the twentieth century were heavily shaped by controversies over the appropriate size and strength of the state. 国家の適切な規模と強さに関する議論で20世紀の政治は常に形成されていた。
問1 この文章によるとヨーロッパ近代国家の特徴は何でしょうか?
考え方 強大な管理体制で近代経済を出現させた点と内外に大きな影響力を持つ点とを述べる。 本文該当箇所 第1段落In Europe the modern state, deploying large armies, taxation powers, and a centralized bureaucracy that could exercise sovereign authority over a large territory, is much more recentヨーロッパでは巨大な軍隊と徴税力及び広大な領土に主権を及ぼすことが可能な中央集権化された官僚機構を動員した近代国家はずっと最近のことである。The rise of these states, with their ability to provide order, security, law, and property rights, was what made possible the rise of the modern economic world. 秩序や安全、法、財産権を提供する能力を持つこれらの国家の出現により近代経済社会の出現が可能になった。第2段落 The same coercive power that allows them to protect property rights and provide public safety also allows them to confiscate private property and abuse the rights of their citizens. The monopoly of legitimate power that states exercise allows individuals to escape the war between individuals inside the nation, but servers as the basis for conflict and of war at an international level. 国家が私有財産権を保護し公共の安全を提供するのを可能にするのと同じ強制力がまた私有財産を没収したり国民の権利を損ねたりすることを可能にさせる。国家が行使する正当な権力の占有により国内では個人間の争いを避けることが可能になるが国際レベルでは衝突や戦争の元としての役割を果たす。
解答のポイント例 Modern European states have large armies, taxation powers, and a centralized bureaucracy and exercises sovereign authority over a large territory. These states provided security and property rights for their citizens and this allowed the advent of the modern economic world. The huge power of a modern state can protect individual lives but at the same time it can limit freedom or happiness of an individual for the sake of public good, or keep the peace over a country as well as causing wars outside. ヨーロッパ近代国家は強大な軍事力と税徴収制度、中央集権化した官僚機構を持ち、広大な領土を支配する。この近代国家は国民に安全と財産を提供し、近代経済の出現を可能にした。近代国家のこの大きな権力は個人の生活を保護すると同時に公共の利益のために個人の自由や幸福を制限するし、国内の治安を維持すると同時に外では戦争を起こす。
問2 「この意味での近代国家は全然普遍的ではない。」と筆者は主張しています。これは何を意味するのかを自分の言葉で説明してください。
考え方 質問文の「この意味での近代国家は全然普遍的ではない。」は第3段落の主題文なので、第3段落の要約をし、漠然としている部分(occurred in the name only)を」具体的に言い換える。《細かい手順》「この意味での近代国家」が何かをまず考える。これは”modern states”+”in this sense”から近代国家の中でも直前の内容を満たす「権力制御の努力がなされている近代国家」だと分かる。次に「全然普遍的ではない」は第3段落の詳細部分なので読んで見ると「全ての国が『権力制御の努力がなされている近代国家』としての条件を満たしていた訳ではない」ということだと分かるので、「国家とは名ばかりの機能不全国家(独裁体制や傀儡政権など)が多数ある。」というふうに具体的に言い換える。
本文該当箇所 The task of modern politics has been to tame the power of the state, to direct its activities toward objectives regarded as legitimate by the people it serves, and to regularize the exercise of power under a rule of law. 近代政治の課題は国家権力を制御し、国家が奉仕する国民により正当とみなされる目的に国家活動を向け、法の支配の下権力の行使を調整することだった。They did not exist at all in large parts of the world such as sub-Saharan Africa before European colonialism, この意味での近代国家は、ヨーロッパ植民地主義以前はサハラ砂漠以南のアフリカ等世界の大部分では全く存在しなかった。(state-building) occurred in name only in many other parts of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. アフリカやアジア、中東の多く他の場所では(国家建設は)名ばかりの形で起こった。
解答のポイント例 The author means that states in which efforts are made to control their power and make them follow the will of their citizens had not been seen until recently in many areas on this planet and that many of the so-called states were or have been failed states which, even though they call themselves republics, are in reality dictatorships or corrupt puppet governments. 権力の制御と国民の意思に従う努力がなされている国家は、地球上の多くの地域で最近まで不在であったし、いわゆる国家の多くが共和国と自称していても実は独裁体制や腐敗した傀儡政権の機能不全国家であるものが多かったし多いということを筆者は言っている。
問3 Fukuyamaの定義では日本は「自由主義的な小さな国家」と「より中央集権化した能動的国家」のどちらにあてはまるでしょうか?いくつかの例で実証し説明してください。
考え方 国民生活への関与が「自由主義的な小さな国家」は小さく「より中央集権化した能動的国家」は大きいのでその特色を示していると思える政策例を挙げる。
本文該当箇所 The scope of state activity was not terribly broad in Britain or any of the other leading European powers, and it was even narrower in the United States. There were no income taxes, poverty programs, or food safety regulations. イギリスや他の主なヨーロッパの強国において国家の活動範囲はものすごく広くはなかったし合衆国ではより狭くさえあった。所得税も貧困対策も食品安全性に関する規制もなかった。As the century proceeded through war, revolution, depression, and war again, that liberal world order crumbled, and the minimalist liberal state was replaced throughout much of the world by a much highly centralized and active one.戦争、革命、恐慌、そして再び戦争と世紀が進むにつれてその自由な世界秩序は崩壊し、小さな自由主義国家は世界中でより中央集権化した能動的国家に取って代わられたのだ。
big government: universal healthcare and pension system; most regulations and standards in Japan are the strictest in the world; government bureaucrats virtually decide budget allocation; the central government has a strong influence over local governments (not enough decentralization)→the involvement of the government in our life is large 大きな政府: 国民皆保険・年金制度、日本の規制・基準の大半は世界でもっとも厳しい、政府中央官僚が事実上予算配分を決定、地方行政への政府の影響力大(地方分権不十分)→国民生活への政府の関与は大きい
small government these days: there is a trend toward economic deregulation, the maximum income tax has been lowered (70%→30%); although we have the universal healthcare program, now senior citizens have to pay for the medical bills; the age for the start of pension has been raised; the safety net for unemployment is insufficient→the government is pushing for more self-responsibility 最近は小さな政府: 経済の規制緩和への流れ、最高税率は下がっている(70%→30%)、国民皆保険はあるが高齢者も医療費負担、年金支給開始年齢上昇、失業のセイフティーネットは不十分→政府が自己責任増を要求している
主題: 近代国家は社会を安定させ経済を発展させたが、内外に圧力をかける側面を持ち、その権力の限度については意見が分かれる。
本文該当箇所 第1段落 The rise of these states, with their ability to provide order, security, law, and property rights, was what made possible the rise of the modern economic world. 秩序や安全、法、私有財産権を提供する能力を持つこれらの国家の出現により近代経済社会の出現が可能になった。第2段落 The task of modern politics has been to tame the power of the state, to direct its activities toward objectives regarded as legitimate by the people it serves, and to regularize the exercise of power under a rule of law. 近代政治の仕事は、国家が奉仕する民衆によって正当とみなされる目的の方に活動を向け権力の行使が法の支配の下で正当なものにするために国家権力を制御しやすくすることだった。 第4段落politics in the twentieth century were heavily shaped by controversies over the appropriate size and strength of the state. 国家の適切な規模と強さに関する議論で20世紀の政治は常に形成されていた。
問1 この文章によるとヨーロッパ近代国家の特徴は何でしょうか?
考え方 強大な管理体制で近代経済を出現させた点と内外に大きな影響力を持つ点とを述べる。 本文該当箇所 第1段落In Europe the modern state, deploying large armies, taxation powers, and a centralized bureaucracy that could exercise sovereign authority over a large territory, is much more recentヨーロッパでは巨大な軍隊と徴税力及び広大な領土に主権を及ぼすことが可能な中央集権化された官僚機構を動員した近代国家はずっと最近のことである。The rise of these states, with their ability to provide order, security, law, and property rights, was what made possible the rise of the modern economic world. 秩序や安全、法、財産権を提供する能力を持つこれらの国家の出現により近代経済社会の出現が可能になった。第2段落 The same coercive power that allows them to protect property rights and provide public safety also allows them to confiscate private property and abuse the rights of their citizens. The monopoly of legitimate power that states exercise allows individuals to escape the war between individuals inside the nation, but servers as the basis for conflict and of war at an international level. 国家が私有財産権を保護し公共の安全を提供するのを可能にするのと同じ強制力がまた私有財産を没収したり国民の権利を損ねたりすることを可能にさせる。国家が行使する正当な権力の占有により国内では個人間の争いを避けることが可能になるが国際レベルでは衝突や戦争の元としての役割を果たす。
解答のポイント例 Modern European states have large armies, taxation powers, and a centralized bureaucracy and exercises sovereign authority over a large territory. These states provided security and property rights for their citizens and this allowed the advent of the modern economic world. The huge power of a modern state can protect individual lives but at the same time it can limit freedom or happiness of an individual for the sake of public good, or keep the peace over a country as well as causing wars outside. ヨーロッパ近代国家は強大な軍事力と税徴収制度、中央集権化した官僚機構を持ち、広大な領土を支配する。この近代国家は国民に安全と財産を提供し、近代経済の出現を可能にした。近代国家のこの大きな権力は個人の生活を保護すると同時に公共の利益のために個人の自由や幸福を制限するし、国内の治安を維持すると同時に外では戦争を起こす。
問2 「この意味での近代国家は全然普遍的ではない。」と筆者は主張しています。これは何を意味するのかを自分の言葉で説明してください。
考え方 質問文の「この意味での近代国家は全然普遍的ではない。」は第3段落の主題文なので、第3段落の要約をし、漠然としている部分(occurred in the name only)を」具体的に言い換える。《細かい手順》「この意味での近代国家」が何かをまず考える。これは”modern states”+”in this sense”から近代国家の中でも直前の内容を満たす「権力制御の努力がなされている近代国家」だと分かる。次に「全然普遍的ではない」は第3段落の詳細部分なので読んで見ると「全ての国が『権力制御の努力がなされている近代国家』としての条件を満たしていた訳ではない」ということだと分かるので、「国家とは名ばかりの機能不全国家(独裁体制や傀儡政権など)が多数ある。」というふうに具体的に言い換える。
本文該当箇所 The task of modern politics has been to tame the power of the state, to direct its activities toward objectives regarded as legitimate by the people it serves, and to regularize the exercise of power under a rule of law. 近代政治の課題は国家権力を制御し、国家が奉仕する国民により正当とみなされる目的に国家活動を向け、法の支配の下権力の行使を調整することだった。They did not exist at all in large parts of the world such as sub-Saharan Africa before European colonialism, この意味での近代国家は、ヨーロッパ植民地主義以前はサハラ砂漠以南のアフリカ等世界の大部分では全く存在しなかった。(state-building) occurred in name only in many other parts of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. アフリカやアジア、中東の多く他の場所では(国家建設は)名ばかりの形で起こった。
解答のポイント例 The author means that states in which efforts are made to control their power and make them follow the will of their citizens had not been seen until recently in many areas on this planet and that many of the so-called states were or have been failed states which, even though they call themselves republics, are in reality dictatorships or corrupt puppet governments. 権力の制御と国民の意思に従う努力がなされている国家は、地球上の多くの地域で最近まで不在であったし、いわゆる国家の多くが共和国と自称していても実は独裁体制や腐敗した傀儡政権の機能不全国家であるものが多かったし多いということを筆者は言っている。
問3 Fukuyamaの定義では日本は「自由主義的な小さな国家」と「より中央集権化した能動的国家」のどちらにあてはまるでしょうか?いくつかの例で実証し説明してください。
考え方 国民生活への関与が「自由主義的な小さな国家」は小さく「より中央集権化した能動的国家」は大きいのでその特色を示していると思える政策例を挙げる。
本文該当箇所 The scope of state activity was not terribly broad in Britain or any of the other leading European powers, and it was even narrower in the United States. There were no income taxes, poverty programs, or food safety regulations. イギリスや他の主なヨーロッパの強国において国家の活動範囲はものすごく広くはなかったし合衆国ではより狭くさえあった。所得税も貧困対策も食品安全性に関する規制もなかった。As the century proceeded through war, revolution, depression, and war again, that liberal world order crumbled, and the minimalist liberal state was replaced throughout much of the world by a much highly centralized and active one.戦争、革命、恐慌、そして再び戦争と世紀が進むにつれてその自由な世界秩序は崩壊し、小さな自由主義国家は世界中でより中央集権化した能動的国家に取って代わられたのだ。
big government: universal healthcare and pension system; most regulations and standards in Japan are the strictest in the world; government bureaucrats virtually decide budget allocation; the central government has a strong influence over local governments (not enough decentralization)→the involvement of the government in our life is large 大きな政府: 国民皆保険・年金制度、日本の規制・基準の大半は世界でもっとも厳しい、政府中央官僚が事実上予算配分を決定、地方行政への政府の影響力大(地方分権不十分)→国民生活への政府の関与は大きい
small government these days: there is a trend toward economic deregulation, the maximum income tax has been lowered (70%→30%); although we have the universal healthcare program, now senior citizens have to pay for the medical bills; the age for the start of pension has been raised; the safety net for unemployment is insufficient→the government is pushing for more self-responsibility 最近は小さな政府: 経済の規制緩和への流れ、最高税率は下がっている(70%→30%)、国民皆保険はあるが高齢者も医療費負担、年金支給開始年齢上昇、失業のセイフティーネットは不十分→政府が自己責任増を要求している
Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay, one important change in your government)
Suppose you had the power to make one important change in the government of your country. What change would you like to make, and why?
☆”One important change” → not two, not a marginal change
☆”in the government” → should be related to government reform
☆Hints for Points
money politics (“seiji to kane” no mondai):
corruption, politicians receiving money from interest groups (big business) in return for doing favor for them, which in turn support them in elections (anti-corruption laws have been enacted but there have always been loopholes and this problem never ends. Part of the problem is that those who make these laws are the very people who are regulated by them, politicians. Also, whistle-blowing will cost one’s job.)
→ establishing a committee which is totally independent of the public sector and which makes original budget plans and has authority to intervene government spending
the iron triangle of bureaucrats, politicians, and big business (“se-kan-gyo no shihai-taisei” and absence of accountability:
bureaucrats, politicians, and big business (large corporations) having weakened Japanese economy mainly by allocating large part of budget for building unnecessary airports, bridges, roads, facilities, and so on for decades, and no one taking the responsibility (the Democratic Party of Japan has promised to change this situation but group-orientation is the foundation of the Japanese society and therefore it is not going to change so easily.)
→ inviting a retired former president of the United States as an advisor for the cabinet
amakudari (decent from heaven or golden parachutes):
retired bureaucrats landing in government-related companies and receive a large sum of rewards for nominal positions (Budget screenings have been weeding out many of these cases, but in some cases placement decisions had been made right before the screening.)
→ giving bureaucrats opportunities to lean that there are many aspects of life that brings satisfaction other than money and power
second-or-third-generation politicians:
politicians whose fathers and/or grandfathers were also politicians (They are usually from wealthy prestigious families and have no feel for nor the perspective of ordinary citizens.)
→ setting a ceiling on the total sum of the property and resources of a candidate for representatives and prevent super rich people from becoming politicians
☆”One important change” → not two, not a marginal change
☆”in the government” → should be related to government reform
☆Hints for Points
money politics (“seiji to kane” no mondai):
corruption, politicians receiving money from interest groups (big business) in return for doing favor for them, which in turn support them in elections (anti-corruption laws have been enacted but there have always been loopholes and this problem never ends. Part of the problem is that those who make these laws are the very people who are regulated by them, politicians. Also, whistle-blowing will cost one’s job.)
→ establishing a committee which is totally independent of the public sector and which makes original budget plans and has authority to intervene government spending
the iron triangle of bureaucrats, politicians, and big business (“se-kan-gyo no shihai-taisei” and absence of accountability:
bureaucrats, politicians, and big business (large corporations) having weakened Japanese economy mainly by allocating large part of budget for building unnecessary airports, bridges, roads, facilities, and so on for decades, and no one taking the responsibility (the Democratic Party of Japan has promised to change this situation but group-orientation is the foundation of the Japanese society and therefore it is not going to change so easily.)
→ inviting a retired former president of the United States as an advisor for the cabinet
amakudari (decent from heaven or golden parachutes):
retired bureaucrats landing in government-related companies and receive a large sum of rewards for nominal positions (Budget screenings have been weeding out many of these cases, but in some cases placement decisions had been made right before the screening.)
→ giving bureaucrats opportunities to lean that there are many aspects of life that brings satisfaction other than money and power
second-or-third-generation politicians:
politicians whose fathers and/or grandfathers were also politicians (They are usually from wealthy prestigious families and have no feel for nor the perspective of ordinary citizens.)
→ setting a ceiling on the total sum of the property and resources of a candidate for representatives and prevent super rich people from becoming politicians
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 Economic Liberalism)
Economic Liberalism 解答のポイント
主題: 経済の自由化は先進国だけでなく途上国も発展させる。 本文該当箇所 第1段落 it has been an extraordinary success which holds great promise for the future. 並外れた成功であり将来を大いに保障する。第3段落 countries in Asia have actually been narrowing the gap substantially.アジア諸国は実は貧富の差が相当狭まっている。 第4段落 What they have had in common, though has been a policy of opening their economies to trade and to foreign capital.しかしこれらの国に共通するのは貿易と海外資本に対する自国経済開放政策である。
問1 グローバル化は貧富の差を拡大させると主張している人が多数います。この文章の筆者がこの見解に反対する理由は何でしょうか?
考え方 第3・4段落の要旨(アジア経済は自由化後発展)をまとめる。注 丸写しせず自分の言葉に変換。表現の一部を使うのはOK
解答のポイント例 Asian countries adopted free trade → got richer on the whole and they make up more than half the world population → Free trade (globalization) has narrowed the gap between the rich and the poor (自由貿易の採用により、世界人口の半分以上を占めるアジア諸国全体が豊かになり貧富の差は狭まった。従ってグローバル化により貧富の差はむしろ狭まっていると言える。)
問2 本文に述べられていないグローバル化の悪い点は何ですか?
考え方 経済の自由化と、(グローバル化を批判する人の言う)貧富の差拡大との関係を考えて答える。 注 経済のグローバル化関連であること。(何も書かないよりは何か書いた方が良いが、文化などについて書くよりは本文の主題に直接関連する問題を取り上げる方が理解力及び知識と問題意識をアピールできる。)
☆unfair trade ― Resource exporters stay relatively poor or become poorer because raw materials are cheaper than the products, which are produced in factories in other countries and sold in rich countries, and also because many corporations try to cut costs to make the products competitive in the market.(不公平貿易 ― 原料輸出国は製品化しないので利益が低い+コスト削減の影響)
☆sweatshops ― Foreign companies utilize cheap work force in poor countries, and in some cases, people, including children, are employed under bad conditions for pitifully low wages, which violates human rights.(搾取する工場 ― 外国企業は貧しい国の安価な労働力を利用するが、中には子供も含めて劣悪な条件下哀れなほど低い賃金で雇う場合があり、これは人権侵害である。)
☆weakening local small businesses and farmers ― Cheaper imports perish local industry.(地元中小企業や農業従事者の弱体化 ― 安価な輸入品が地元産業を消滅させる)
☆outsourcing ― Outsourcing jobs to other countries causes higher unemployment rates in rich countries because of close-down of factories and low hiring rates(外部委託 ― 外国への仕事の委託が工場閉鎖・雇用率低下による先進国の失業率上昇をまねく)
問3 グローバル化はあなた自身の生活にどのような影響を及ぼしましたか?
考え方 グローバル化と自分自身の国・生活との関連を考えて見る。注グローバル化と日常生活との関連が明示されていること。
☆Japan is an export-driven economy. Thanks to the globalization, it has become one of the richest countries in the world by exporting its products and we could take advantage of the wealth, but it was also the hardest hit in the world financial crisis in 2008 despite the relatively unaffected financial sector after people all over the world stopped buying our luxurious products such as cars and electronics, subsequently unemployment rate shot up, and our lives are precarious now.
☆Most of the foods we eat are imported or made of or from imported products. We can enjoy varieties of cheap imports but at the same time feel uneasy of the low self-sufficiency rate (40%).
☆Influence of other cultures, especially American culture, has made our lives more colorful and changed our values in good ways. Our society is much freer than before and it is good in general. On the other hand, we are losing our indigenous cultures such as traditional craftsmanship, customs and values.
☆global warming and environmental destruction ☆food and water shortage
☆globalization ☆fight against poverty ☆democracy and politics and money
☆socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor (big/small government, welfare)
☆discrimination ☆violence ☆human rights ☆technology and human life
☆BBC Pod Cast BBCはon timeのニュース放送・特集が一番参考になりますが、時間を節約するにはPod Castが便利です。 様々なものがありますが argumentの参考になるのが”World Have Your Say”という視聴者参加討論番組です。聞き方のコツは自分が共感する意見が出たときにその表現に注意して聞くことです。
☆In These Times 前回ご紹介した雑誌・新聞よりずっと左寄り(革新思想より)です。不正・不平等・人権無視に関する記事が特に読み応えがあります。
☆NatureとScience のPod Cast 科学雑誌NatureとScienceのPod Cast では一般の人にも分かる形で最新の研究結果を発表しています。温暖化、食料・水危機だけでなく地球・人類にとって重要な様々な問題を多数取り上げています。
主題: 経済の自由化は先進国だけでなく途上国も発展させる。 本文該当箇所 第1段落 it has been an extraordinary success which holds great promise for the future. 並外れた成功であり将来を大いに保障する。第3段落 countries in Asia have actually been narrowing the gap substantially.アジア諸国は実は貧富の差が相当狭まっている。 第4段落 What they have had in common, though has been a policy of opening their economies to trade and to foreign capital.しかしこれらの国に共通するのは貿易と海外資本に対する自国経済開放政策である。
問1 グローバル化は貧富の差を拡大させると主張している人が多数います。この文章の筆者がこの見解に反対する理由は何でしょうか?
考え方 第3・4段落の要旨(アジア経済は自由化後発展)をまとめる。注 丸写しせず自分の言葉に変換。表現の一部を使うのはOK
解答のポイント例 Asian countries adopted free trade → got richer on the whole and they make up more than half the world population → Free trade (globalization) has narrowed the gap between the rich and the poor (自由貿易の採用により、世界人口の半分以上を占めるアジア諸国全体が豊かになり貧富の差は狭まった。従ってグローバル化により貧富の差はむしろ狭まっていると言える。)
問2 本文に述べられていないグローバル化の悪い点は何ですか?
考え方 経済の自由化と、(グローバル化を批判する人の言う)貧富の差拡大との関係を考えて答える。 注 経済のグローバル化関連であること。(何も書かないよりは何か書いた方が良いが、文化などについて書くよりは本文の主題に直接関連する問題を取り上げる方が理解力及び知識と問題意識をアピールできる。)
☆unfair trade ― Resource exporters stay relatively poor or become poorer because raw materials are cheaper than the products, which are produced in factories in other countries and sold in rich countries, and also because many corporations try to cut costs to make the products competitive in the market.(不公平貿易 ― 原料輸出国は製品化しないので利益が低い+コスト削減の影響)
☆sweatshops ― Foreign companies utilize cheap work force in poor countries, and in some cases, people, including children, are employed under bad conditions for pitifully low wages, which violates human rights.(搾取する工場 ― 外国企業は貧しい国の安価な労働力を利用するが、中には子供も含めて劣悪な条件下哀れなほど低い賃金で雇う場合があり、これは人権侵害である。)
☆weakening local small businesses and farmers ― Cheaper imports perish local industry.(地元中小企業や農業従事者の弱体化 ― 安価な輸入品が地元産業を消滅させる)
☆outsourcing ― Outsourcing jobs to other countries causes higher unemployment rates in rich countries because of close-down of factories and low hiring rates(外部委託 ― 外国への仕事の委託が工場閉鎖・雇用率低下による先進国の失業率上昇をまねく)
問3 グローバル化はあなた自身の生活にどのような影響を及ぼしましたか?
考え方 グローバル化と自分自身の国・生活との関連を考えて見る。注グローバル化と日常生活との関連が明示されていること。
☆Japan is an export-driven economy. Thanks to the globalization, it has become one of the richest countries in the world by exporting its products and we could take advantage of the wealth, but it was also the hardest hit in the world financial crisis in 2008 despite the relatively unaffected financial sector after people all over the world stopped buying our luxurious products such as cars and electronics, subsequently unemployment rate shot up, and our lives are precarious now.
☆Most of the foods we eat are imported or made of or from imported products. We can enjoy varieties of cheap imports but at the same time feel uneasy of the low self-sufficiency rate (40%).
☆Influence of other cultures, especially American culture, has made our lives more colorful and changed our values in good ways. Our society is much freer than before and it is good in general. On the other hand, we are losing our indigenous cultures such as traditional craftsmanship, customs and values.
☆global warming and environmental destruction ☆food and water shortage
☆globalization ☆fight against poverty ☆democracy and politics and money
☆socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor (big/small government, welfare)
☆discrimination ☆violence ☆human rights ☆technology and human life
☆BBC Pod Cast BBCはon timeのニュース放送・特集が一番参考になりますが、時間を節約するにはPod Castが便利です。 様々なものがありますが argumentの参考になるのが”World Have Your Say”という視聴者参加討論番組です。聞き方のコツは自分が共感する意見が出たときにその表現に注意して聞くことです。
☆In These Times 前回ご紹介した雑誌・新聞よりずっと左寄り(革新思想より)です。不正・不平等・人権無視に関する記事が特に読み応えがあります。
☆NatureとScience のPod Cast 科学雑誌NatureとScienceのPod Cast では一般の人にも分かる形で最新の研究結果を発表しています。温暖化、食料・水危機だけでなく地球・人類にとって重要な様々な問題を多数取り上げています。
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 Economic Liberalism)
Economic Liberalism 解答のポイント
主題: 経済の自由化は先進国だけでなく途上国も発展させる。 本文該当箇所 第1段落 it has been an extraordinary success which holds great promise for the future. 並外れた成功であり将来を大いに保障する。第3段落 countries in Asia have actually been narrowing the gap substantially.アジア諸国は実は貧富の差が相当狭まっている。 第4段落 What they have had in common, though has been a policy of opening their economies to trade and to foreign capital.しかしこれらの国に共通するのは貿易と海外資本に対する自国経済開放政策である。
問1 グローバル化は貧富の差を拡大させると主張している人が多数います。この文章の筆者がこの見解に反対する理由は何でしょうか?
考え方 第3・4段落の要旨(アジア経済は自由化後発展)をまとめる。注 丸写しせず自分の言葉に変換。表現の一部を使うのはOK
解答のポイント例 Asian countries adopted free trade → got richer on the whole and they make up more than half the world population → Free trade (globalization) has narrowed the gap between the rich and the poor (自由貿易の採用により、世界人口の半分以上を占めるアジア諸国全体が豊かになり貧富の差は狭まった。従ってグローバル化により貧富の差はむしろ狭まっていると言える。)
問2 本文に述べられていないグローバル化の悪い点は何ですか?
考え方 経済の自由化と、(グローバル化を批判する人の言う)貧富の差拡大との関係を考えて答える。 注 経済のグローバル化関連であること。(何も書かないよりは何か書いた方が良いが、文化などについて書くよりは本文の主題に直接関連する問題を取り上げる方が理解力及び知識と問題意識をアピールできる。)
☆unfair trade ― Resource exporters stay relatively poor or become poorer because raw materials are cheaper than the products, which are produced in factories in other countries and sold in rich countries, and also because many corporations try to cut costs to make the products competitive in the market.(不公平貿易 ― 原料輸出国は製品化しないので利益が低い+コスト削減の影響)
☆sweatshops ― Foreign companies utilize cheap work force in poor countries, and in some cases, people, including children, are employed under bad conditions for pitifully low wages, which violates human rights.(搾取する工場 ― 外国企業は貧しい国の安価な労働力を利用するが、中には子供も含めて劣悪な条件下哀れなほど低い賃金で雇う場合があり、これは人権侵害である。)
☆weakening local small businesses and farmers ― Cheaper imports destroy local industry.(地元中小企業や農業従事者の弱体化 ― 安価な輸入品が地元産業を破壊する)
☆outsourcing ― Outsourcing jobs to other countries causes higher unemployment rates in rich countries because of close-down of factories and low hiring rates(外部委託 ― 外国への仕事の委託が工場閉鎖・雇用率低下による先進国の失業率上昇をまねく)
問3 グローバル化はあなた自身の生活にどのような影響を及ぼしましたか?
考え方 グローバル化と自分自身の国・生活との関連を考えて見る。注グローバル化と日常生活との関連が明示されていること。
☆Japan is an export-driven economy. Thanks to the globalization, it has become one of the richest countries in the world by exporting its products and we took advantage of the wealth, but Japan was also the hardest hit in the world financial crisis in 2008 despite the relatively unaffected financial sector because people all over the world stopped buying our luxurious products such as cars and electronics. Subsequently, the unemployment rate shot up, and our lives are precarious now. (輸出中心経済による生活の浮き沈み)
☆Most of the foods we eat are imported or made of or from imported products. We can enjoy varieties of cheap imports but at the same time feel uneasy of the low self-sufficiency rate (40%). (豊かな消費生活の楽しみと低い自給率の不安)
☆Influence of other cultures, especially American culture, has made our lives more colorful and changed our values in good ways. Our society is much freer than before and it is good in general. On the other hand, we are losing our indigenous cultures such as traditional craftsmanship, customs, and values. (社会の自由化と伝統の喪失)
☆global warming and environmental destruction ☆food and water shortage
☆globalization ☆fight against poverty ☆democracy and politics and money
☆socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor (big/small government, welfare)
☆discrimination ☆violence ☆human rights ☆technology and human life
☆BBC Pod Cast BBCはon timeのニュース放送・特集が一番参考になりますが、時間を節約するにはPod Castが便利です。 様々なものがありますが argumentの参考になるのが”World Have Your Say”という視聴者参加討論番組です。聞き方のコツは自分が共感する意見が出たときにその表現に注意して聞くことです。
☆In These Times 前回ご紹介した雑誌・新聞よりずっと左寄り(革新思想より)です。不正・不平等・人権無視に関する記事が特に読み応えがあります。
☆NatureとScience のPod Cast 科学雑誌NatureとScienceのPod Cast では一般の人にも分かる形で最新の研究結果を発表しています。温暖化、食料・水危機だけでなく地球・人類にとって重要な様々な問題を多数取り上げています。
主題: 経済の自由化は先進国だけでなく途上国も発展させる。 本文該当箇所 第1段落 it has been an extraordinary success which holds great promise for the future. 並外れた成功であり将来を大いに保障する。第3段落 countries in Asia have actually been narrowing the gap substantially.アジア諸国は実は貧富の差が相当狭まっている。 第4段落 What they have had in common, though has been a policy of opening their economies to trade and to foreign capital.しかしこれらの国に共通するのは貿易と海外資本に対する自国経済開放政策である。
問1 グローバル化は貧富の差を拡大させると主張している人が多数います。この文章の筆者がこの見解に反対する理由は何でしょうか?
考え方 第3・4段落の要旨(アジア経済は自由化後発展)をまとめる。注 丸写しせず自分の言葉に変換。表現の一部を使うのはOK
解答のポイント例 Asian countries adopted free trade → got richer on the whole and they make up more than half the world population → Free trade (globalization) has narrowed the gap between the rich and the poor (自由貿易の採用により、世界人口の半分以上を占めるアジア諸国全体が豊かになり貧富の差は狭まった。従ってグローバル化により貧富の差はむしろ狭まっていると言える。)
問2 本文に述べられていないグローバル化の悪い点は何ですか?
考え方 経済の自由化と、(グローバル化を批判する人の言う)貧富の差拡大との関係を考えて答える。 注 経済のグローバル化関連であること。(何も書かないよりは何か書いた方が良いが、文化などについて書くよりは本文の主題に直接関連する問題を取り上げる方が理解力及び知識と問題意識をアピールできる。)
☆unfair trade ― Resource exporters stay relatively poor or become poorer because raw materials are cheaper than the products, which are produced in factories in other countries and sold in rich countries, and also because many corporations try to cut costs to make the products competitive in the market.(不公平貿易 ― 原料輸出国は製品化しないので利益が低い+コスト削減の影響)
☆sweatshops ― Foreign companies utilize cheap work force in poor countries, and in some cases, people, including children, are employed under bad conditions for pitifully low wages, which violates human rights.(搾取する工場 ― 外国企業は貧しい国の安価な労働力を利用するが、中には子供も含めて劣悪な条件下哀れなほど低い賃金で雇う場合があり、これは人権侵害である。)
☆weakening local small businesses and farmers ― Cheaper imports destroy local industry.(地元中小企業や農業従事者の弱体化 ― 安価な輸入品が地元産業を破壊する)
☆outsourcing ― Outsourcing jobs to other countries causes higher unemployment rates in rich countries because of close-down of factories and low hiring rates(外部委託 ― 外国への仕事の委託が工場閉鎖・雇用率低下による先進国の失業率上昇をまねく)
問3 グローバル化はあなた自身の生活にどのような影響を及ぼしましたか?
考え方 グローバル化と自分自身の国・生活との関連を考えて見る。注グローバル化と日常生活との関連が明示されていること。
☆Japan is an export-driven economy. Thanks to the globalization, it has become one of the richest countries in the world by exporting its products and we took advantage of the wealth, but Japan was also the hardest hit in the world financial crisis in 2008 despite the relatively unaffected financial sector because people all over the world stopped buying our luxurious products such as cars and electronics. Subsequently, the unemployment rate shot up, and our lives are precarious now. (輸出中心経済による生活の浮き沈み)
☆Most of the foods we eat are imported or made of or from imported products. We can enjoy varieties of cheap imports but at the same time feel uneasy of the low self-sufficiency rate (40%). (豊かな消費生活の楽しみと低い自給率の不安)
☆Influence of other cultures, especially American culture, has made our lives more colorful and changed our values in good ways. Our society is much freer than before and it is good in general. On the other hand, we are losing our indigenous cultures such as traditional craftsmanship, customs, and values. (社会の自由化と伝統の喪失)
☆global warming and environmental destruction ☆food and water shortage
☆globalization ☆fight against poverty ☆democracy and politics and money
☆socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor (big/small government, welfare)
☆discrimination ☆violence ☆human rights ☆technology and human life
☆BBC Pod Cast BBCはon timeのニュース放送・特集が一番参考になりますが、時間を節約するにはPod Castが便利です。 様々なものがありますが argumentの参考になるのが”World Have Your Say”という視聴者参加討論番組です。聞き方のコツは自分が共感する意見が出たときにその表現に注意して聞くことです。
☆In These Times 前回ご紹介した雑誌・新聞よりずっと左寄り(革新思想より)です。不正・不平等・人権無視に関する記事が特に読み応えがあります。
☆NatureとScience のPod Cast 科学雑誌NatureとScienceのPod Cast では一般の人にも分かる形で最新の研究結果を発表しています。温暖化、食料・水危機だけでなく地球・人類にとって重要な様々な問題を多数取り上げています。
投稿 (Atom)