☆傾向 身近な話題や時事問題に関連する普遍的テーマ、特に国際的な課題と大学の役割
(2022, 2023年度の英文以外は、受験者の話を元にしたもので、実際の問題文と全く同じではありません。)
出題年 出題内容 論点
2023年 歴史的転換期における価値観の見直し patriarchy (gender,
LGBTQ, race, etc.), neoliberalism, humanism, big government, socialism, multi-polar
Q. Do we need
to unlearn old values and learn new ones? State what kind of values we need and
explain why those values are important.
2022年 格差社会と実力主義の問題点 Meritocracy lacks compassion.
Q. Is there
any problem with just emphasizing the ethos of individualistic merit, hard
work, and competition in society?
2021年 グレタの様に情熱を持って取り組みたい課題
vision, goal, general knowledge, value
Q. Is there an
issue that you want to solve like that of Grata Thunberg’s speech?
2020年 大学で作りたい学部 vision, goal, general knowledge,
Q. Write an
essay in which you define your ideal university course.
2019年 過去4年間に行った重大な選択とその影響 value, self-reflection, change,
Q. What was
the most important choice that you made in the past four years and what is its
2018年 リベラルアーツと現代社会の課題 general knowledge, global
Q. In
your opinion, what are the defining characteristics of a liberal arts
education, and how does a liberal arts education help prepare individuals for
the challenges they will face in the world today?
2017年 政府開発援助額17年ぶりに増加 global corporation
Q. In
our age of globalization, what can Japan contribute to the international
community? Your answer may discuss Japan’s cultural, political, economic,
scientific and/or other contribution.
2016年 OECD加盟国先進国中日本の留学率最下位 globalization,
development aid
Q. According
to the data issued by OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development), the percentage of Japanese college students studying abroad while
in college has been decreasing despite the globalization of college studies.
Why do you think Japanese college students are reluctant to study abroad? Would
more Japanese college students study abroad?
2015年 大学改革 university
Q. There
are two views about the roles of universities: one emphasizes that universities
should educate their students to be able to find a suitable job, and the other
gives priority to the role of expanding their students’ mind to have a wider
perspective of things. Discuss these two opinions
2014年 2020年東京オリンピック招致 big sporting events and
their effect
Q. Tokyo
was chosen as the city to host the 2020 Summer Olympics, beating Istanbul and
Madrid at the International Olympic Committee (IOC)’s general session. Did you
agree or disagree with IOC’s decision ot choose Tokyo over the two other
candidates and shy? If you disagreed, which city would you have chosen for what
reasons? Will the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in 2020 be profitable or detrimental to
this country, and what negative and positive consequences do you expect? How
would you contribute to, or rather ovoid being involved in, the Olympics?
☆対策 ○志望理由書に書いた目標と関連事項関連の記事を毎日読んでまとめる
○補助問題集および英検1級筆記試験エッセイとTOEFL iBT Writing のトピックを使用して実際に書く練習をする。(知識が足りない場合、英検1級エッセイの模範解答を読んで要約することと準1級エッセイを書くことを並行して行う)
☆Day 1 Homework
The world has been experiencing
a downturn in many aspects such as politics, economy, or moral. What do you
want to do during your college years to contribute to rebuilding the world or
Japanese society?
Hints for Points
1. Join Fridays for Future Japan and work to
soften the impact of the climate crisis.
2. Work to rebuild economy by reducing
inequality by taxing the superrich and increasing public services.
3. Run for a local public office, if there is
a chance, or support female politicians or candidates.
Conclusion: Change from
competition to corporation, from hate to love.
☆Day 2 Homework
Sub Textbook 2022年度 Questions: 1. How
do you understand Dr. Sandel’s idea of the common good? 2. Is there anything problematic with the
Mahood Rab “success story”? 3. Is there
any problem with just emphasizing the ethos of individualistic merit, hard
work, and competition in society?
Hints for Points: 1. We need to
build a mature society of compassion, where the winner acknowledges their luck
and pay respect to those who are less advantaged. 2. The story attributes Mahood Rab’s success
only to his hard work and misses the insight into his fortune such as his
talent to make money or taking up a right job at a right time. This makes a
false image that only people who make money deserve respect and losers can be
left abandoned. 3. It will dehumanize
everyone and degrade the humanity.
☆Day 3 Homework
Read the following excerpt from
the foreword, The Pain of Those Who Remember, written by a former
war-correspondent Chris Hedges, from “Don’t Look Left: A Diary of Genocide” by Atef Abu Saif, and answer the
following question. The first edition of this book was published in December,
The story of Christmas is the story of a poor woman, nine months
pregnant, and her husband forced to leave their home in Nazareth in northern
Galilee. The occupying Roman power has demanded they register for the census 90
miles away in Bethlehem. When they arrive, there are no rooms. She gives birth
in a stable. King Herod – who learned from the Magi of the birth of the messiah
– orders his soldiers to hunt down every child two years old and under in
Bethlehem and the vicinity and murder them. An angel warns Joeseph in a dream
to flee. The couple and infant escape under the cover of darkness and make the
40-ile journey to Egypt.
I was in a refugee camp in the early 1980s for Guatemalans who had fled
the war into Honduras. The peasant framers and their families, living in filth
and mud, their villages and homes burned or abandoned, were decorating their
tents with strips of colored paper to celebrate the Massacre of the Innocents.
‘Why is this such and important day?’ I asked.
‘It was on this day that Christ became a refugee,’ a farmer answered.
The Christmas story was not written for the oppressors. It was written
for the oppressed. We are called to protect the innocents. We are called to
defy the occupying power. Atef, Refaat and those like them, who speak to us at
the risk of death, echo this Biblical injunction. They speak so we will not be
silent. They speak so we will take these words and images and hold them up to
the principalities of the world ― the media, politicians, diplomats, universities, the wealthy and
privileges, the weapons manufacturers, the Pentagon and the Israel lobby groups
― who are orchestrating the genocide in Gaza. The infant Christ is
not lying today in straw, but a pile of broken concrete.
Evil has not changed down the millennia.
Neither has goodness.
Question: The writer says, “The
infant Christ is not lying today in straw, but a pile of broken concrete”. Also,
on December 25, 2023, Pope Francis said that children dying in Gaza are the “little
Jesuses of today”. What exactly are they talking about?
For reference:
Both analogies refer to Palestinian refugee children in Gaza being
killed in the Israeli genocide, which is the last phase of the 76-year-old
ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the ongoing colonization by Israel, which
was built and has been led by Zionists. Israel has been periodically and
methodically killing Palestinian children as they call it, “lawn-mowing”, to
reduce the Palestinian population, ignoring the two-state solution and keeping
invasion into the Palestinian territories.
Even before the Hamas attack on the Israeli civilians on October 7,
IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) had insulted, arrested, attacked, and killed
innocent Palestinians, including women, children, elderlies, and the disabled,
on a daily basis. They help Israeli citizens usurp houses and land of
Palestinians, backed by the Israeli government. They also pour cement into
wells and break water facilities in Palestinian territories. After Hamas was
elected in Gaza, Israel built walls around Gaza and controlled food and materials
that go in and out of this small strip of land, keeping 2.5 million Gazans even
poorer than before. Israel had killed hundreds of thousands of Palestinian
civilians daily and in wars. It had even killed peaceful marchers. It shot and
killed a couple of thousand and injured thousands of Gazans, including children
and a nurse, who marched, in the Martin Luther King Jr. style, towards the wall
to show the world the brutality of Israel in 2018 - 2019. IDF targeted legs of
the marchers so that they will be crippled for the rest of their lives, which
is their routine.
Right after October 7, Israel stopped all the necessities from going
into Gaza and started indiscriminate attacks, calling the people “human animals”.
Since then, Israel has flattened almost all the buildings in Gaza, displacing
100% of Gazans and killed over 40,000 civilians, including 16,000 children, by
bombs, bullets, and torture. IDF have bulldozed people alive with garbage,
whose arms ziplocked, and burned those in tents alive. They target writers,
medics, and doctors. They have destroyed all the universities in Gaza. Their
latest powerful weapons tear the victims apart into small pieces, which are
collected in plastic bags. After a recent bombing of a school used as a refugee
camp that was done during morning prayer, people had to put unidentified pieces
of victims together in bags and share them by weight to the families of
victims, going 70 kg for an adult and 25-35 kg for a child. IDF also use
internationally-prohibited white phosphorus bombs, which melt flesh and bones,
producing corpses of children the contents of whose skulls are lost. If those
who died of hunger or disease due to lack of nutrition and sanitation caused by
the Israeli blockade, over 160,000 Gazans have been killed in this genocide. IDF
also arrest innocent Palestinians, including children, in the West Bank more than
before. They keep thousands of them in prison in horrendous conditions, torturing
and raping them.
When they started the attack on Gaza, they ordered the people to
evacuate to the southern area in Gaza and attacked them on the way and in the
area. There is no place to flee in Gaza now. Like baby Jesus, children in Gaza
are homeless, sleeping in camps or on the ground, or on the concrete of ruins,
in the never-ending noise of killer drones above their head. They go to sleep fearing
their oppressor’s attack at night, when bombing becomes more frequent than the
day time, thinking this can be the last night of their short lives. Jesus, or
rebels under Roman occupation who collectively became a legend as Jesus Christ,
was a Jew, and Jews and Palestinians are of the same race, Semites. Jesus had
wooly hair and dark skin, as the Bible describes him. In other words, Jesus
could have looked like anyone in Gaza or vice versa. Ironically, now those who
claim themselves as his descendants are relentlessly killing people who could
be identical to Jesus.
Michael Moore: World runs
smarter with women
Brian Truitt USA TODAY
2) Vatican and Women’s Rights:
Pope Francis highlights women's
role in Church and society Vatican News
Pathways for Transformative
Economics and Politics Postneoliberalism.org
Robert Reich, in Interview: Bringing Industrial Policy Back In
by Robert Reich Monday
20 November 2023
Name Vocabulary /10
Grammar /10 Content /10
Organization /10
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