
Writing for Academic Discussion Travelers should learn the language of the country they are traveling in.

Do you agree or disagree that foreigners should learn the language of the country they are traveling in?



Lets Think

1.        What are the purposes of learning a language?

2.        Have you ever learned the language of the country you were traveling? If so, share the experience.

3.        Have you ever talked to by a person from overseas in your language? If so, share the experience.

4.        What is your stance on the professor’s question?



Hints for Points


1.       To understand or make friends with someone, you have to talk with him or her. Without language, communication will be superficial and will be hampered.

2.       To learn about some culture, the knowledge of the language is a must, for language is part of culture and plays a very important role in it.

3.       Travelers who speak the local language can be a liaison between countries.

4.   Especially in countries where no major languages are spoken, ability to speak their language is crucial,



1.       In the case of a minor language, there is little chances to use it after the tour.

2.       Phrase book communication is not very deep.




ThesisMain purposes of traveling is to see the world and enjoy life outside of our daily lives. For that matter, learning the language of the place of your visit is necessary.

Supporting DetailsLanguage learning helps understand the culture of the country you are visiting and allows smooth communication with the local people.

Counterargument-treatmentIt is true that non-verbal communication, tour guides, and translation apps, as David mentions, help travelers do without the language ability, but not speaking even a basic level of the language of the country will make them miss precious moments of truly interacting with the people of the country because language breaks the ice, deepens interactions, and helps make good memories. For instance, I always feel happy when tourists from abroad talk to me in my language even if they are just repeating simple expressions like “Thank you!” It shows their friendship and their kindness to share joy of life through intimacy that speaking the same language creates.

ConclusionTherefore, I definitely agree with the idea that travelers should learn the locals’ language. (179 words)



ThesisI agree / disagree that foreigners should learn the language of the country they are traveling in because …


Supporting DetailsFor example,



Counterargument-treatmentIt is true that …    


However, …





Speech Time

Make a speech on this topic.

Don’t worry. Everybody speaks at the same time.

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