
Writing for Academic Discussion Do you think it is more beneficial for schools to emphasize winning in sprots events, or should the focus be more on participation and personal development?

In the context of school sports programs, here is often a debate between prioritizing winning and focusing on participation and personal development. Considering the impact on students’ growth, team dynamics, and school culture, do you think it is more beneficial for schools to emphasize winning in sports events, or should the focus be more on participation and personal development?



Let’s Read

Read the following excerpt from educauraa.com


What is the Aim and Objective of Physical Education    

The Aims are,

1. To keep the students active and free-minded

2. To help maintain a healthy life

3. To develop the body agile and flexible

4. To grow a sportsperson’s spirit within

5. To develop movement proficiency 

6. To have a proper appetite and sound sleep

7. To concentrate on studies 

8. To develop motor skills 


The Objectives are,

1. To generate behavioral changes; physical and cognitive 

2. To integrate the mental strength 

3. Teaches the student to respect the diversity among people

4. Improves body language and communication skills

5. Enhances creativity of mind and aesthetic senses 

6. Nourishes the mind with ethical values

7. Grows confidence and prepares for the future

8. To retain emotional stability during a crisis 

9. Teaches to love and respect Nature



Lets Think

1.        What’s Olivia’s point? Do you agree? What’s Ethan’s point? Do you agree?

2.        Which policy will help make friends, focus on winning or focus on participation and personal development?



Hints for Points

Emphasis on Winning

1.       Contest, or competition, is one of the major elements of sport.

2.       It easily motivates students because passion for winning is instinctive.


Emphasis on participation and personal development

1.       “The important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win, but to take part; the important thing in life is not triumph, but the struggle; the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.” – Pierre de Coubertin

2.       “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” – Michael Jordan

3.       Ability to work as a member of a team is required in society.


Problems related to emphasis on Winning

1.        Focusing on winning can promote the “The-end-justifies-the-means” attitude, and this will degrade humanities like losing the spirit of fair play.

2.        Competitiveness is the core mindset of the capitalist society, where the winner takes all while the loser is not taken care of. This will weaken the population.



Sample Answer

ThesisIf education is to civilize people, it’s to not stimulate instinct, and so physical education should not stimulate urges to win because it is barbaric and is often the cause of problems such as hate, discrimination, bullying, and violence.

Supporting DetailsThe Unites States, which is plagued with these issues, is the case in point. It has dominated the world since the end of WWII with its military power larger than the total of the militaries of the rest of the world and oppressed peoples around the world to stay number one. The spirit is instilled in its people and in all aspects and levels of their society. The people, including the poor, respect winners, in other words the rich, no matter how filthy they are. This ethos of society has made the national character that lacks the warms and delicacy of humanity, and now its spirit is low as it has become No 1 in the developed world in all kinds of problems, including the rates of homicide and suicide. The right-wingers, whose mindset is based on maintenance of their dominance by hating others, are violent than ever.

Counterargument-treatmentOlivia’s point that competitive spirit motivates students to excel anything and this nurtures discipline and perseverance in them could be true in individual sports, but in team sports, team spirit must be established before the team members get the drive to be the best. A team of individuals, each eager to win, fails to get good team dynamics and ends up being unable to coordinate each player’s strong point or even killing each other’s good point. It would be a miracle that a group of individuals, not a team, wins a team sport.

ConclusionTherefore, winning is should not be the goal. It should be taken as a result of positive actions and personal growth.

(301 words)


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