
Writing for Academic Discussion Is ability to read and write more important today than in the past? - revised -

With the advent of digital technology and multimedia forms of communication some argue that the traditional skills of reading and writing are not as essential as they were in the past. Others believe that these foundational skills are even more critical now. Considering the changing ways in which we disseminate and consume information, do you think the ability to read and write is more important today than in the past? Why or why not?



Lets Think

1.        Other than for studies, do you ever read or write?

2.        Whose opinion in the text do you agree with? Why?



Hints for Points


1         Unlike two centuries ago, most of our daily tasks involve reading and writing. There is written information everywhere such as signs and scripts on TV screens. Using social media also involves reading and sending texts. Literacy is necessary in our daily lives.


2         Development of technology allows and requires you to be involved in more intellectual tasks than physical tasks. For example, entrance examinations for university include more essays than before. In business, there are more need for research and presentation skills as automatization and robotization proceeds.


3         The present era is called the information age, which is based on letters. People usually exchange information through scripts, e-mails and text messages. To learn the latest information and communicate exactly what you think or feel, you need to be literate.


4         In conclusion, the ability to read and write is more important today than in the past for us to get the most out of our lives in this age of information.



1.          There are few opportunities to read and write today due to development of technology. Most tasks are done just by clicking icons. Many people can spell fewer words correctly than before due to predictive text and spell check functions of their gadgets, and they find few problems in their daily lives.


2.          Means of communication have evolved along with technological development. Just as the ability to make fire is unnecessary anymore thanks to lighters, so is the ability to read and write now that we have developed technology for it. We can think and communicate more freely and creatively while machines deal with information effectively for us.


3.          Successful people are not necessarily persons of letters. There are professors who cannot even move their fingers. There are CEOs who are dyslexic.


4.          To sum up, reading and writing is just a part of human intellectual activity like calculation. Our lives have been filled with many more important things than literal things. The ability to read and write has just a marginal importance now as it has always been. What is most important is the ability to think and feel.



Sample Answer Structure

ThesisI believe that the ability to read and write is much more important than before.

Supporting DetailsDevelopment of the modern world won’t happen without written media. New ideas like gender equality and climate justice, for instance, cannot be disseminated without any written text, and our thoughts and ideas keep evolving, necessitating our efforts in reading and writing even more.

Counterargument-treatmentAs Jacob says, audio and visual media make up for drawbacks of communication through text, because seeing is believing, especially in showing things that the readers cannot see or hear. Also, narration liberates us, especially those with reading impairment, from the burden of reading. However, I think people will continue to read and write as reading text is one and only action that cannot be replaced by other actions. Text directly stimulates our thoughts and feeling. Audiobooks interferes this connection between text and our brain. Also, high level of intelligence cannot be maintained without literacy as text mainly deals with abstract ideas.

ConclusionAs human thoughts have evolved and reside in written media, the content of which relates to a large part of human society, ability to read and write becomes increasingly important unless our civilization is lost. (195 words)



Your Answer Structure



Supporting Details






Conclusion = Wrap-up




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