
Writing for Academic Discussion Sports programs or Self-Defense Forces - revises -

Imagine your country has a certain budget that can be allocated either to the self-defense force or to sports programs. Which area should receive the funding, and why? Consider the potential impacts on national security, international prestige, and community well-being in your response.



Let’s Read

Excerpt from An Appeal from the “Article Nine Association”

   Through the use of weapons reaching the cruelty of the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Second World War claimed over fifty million lives. As a result, the citizens of the world learned the lesson that resorting to force should never be an option, even for the purpose of resolving international disputes.
  Bearing an enormous responsibility for having continuously pursued a war of invasion, Japan decided to work towards realizing this global vision, and thus established a constitution including Article Nine which stipulated the renunciation of war and of military force.

…The use of force only results in robbing a country and its people of their livelihood and of their happiness. Since the 1990s, armed interventions by major nations into regional conflicts have also failed to result in effective resolutions. That is why, in such places as Europe and Southeast Asia, efforts are being strengthened to create regional frameworks that can help to resolve conflicts through diplomacy and dialogue. …  Based on Article Nine, Japan needs to develop ties of friendship and cooperation with the peoples of Asia and other regions, and change a diplomatic stance that only prioritizes a military alliance with the United States. Japan must play an active role in the tide of world history by exercising its autonomy and acting in a pragmatic manner. It is precisely because of Article Nine that Japan can engage its partner nations in peaceful diplomacy while respecting their various positions, and collaborate with them in the fields of economy, culture, science and technology.  

ヒロシマ・ナガサキの原爆にいたる残虐な兵器によって、五千万を越える人命を奪った第二次世界大戦。この戦争から、世界の市民は、国際紛争の解決のためであっても、武力を使うことを選択肢にすべきではないという教訓を導きだしました。侵略戦争をしつづけることで、この戦争に多大な責任を負った日本は、戦争放棄と戦力を持たないことを規定した九条を含む憲法を制定し、こうした世界の市民の意思を実現しようと決心しました。/ …なにより武力の行使は、その国と地域の民衆の生活と幸福を奪うことでしかありません。一九九〇年代以降の地域紛争への大国による軍事介入も、紛争の有効な解決にはつながりませんでした。だからこそ、東南アジアやヨーロッパ等では、紛争を、外交と話し合いによって解決するための、地域的枠組みを作る努力が強められています。/ … / 憲法九条に基づき、アジアをはじめとする諸国民との友好と協力関係を発展させ、アメリカとの軍事同盟だけを優先する外交を転換し、世界の歴史の流れに、自主性を発揮して現実的にかかわっていくことが求められています。憲法九条をもつこの国だからこそ、相手国の立場を尊重した、平和的外交と、経済、文化、科学技術などの面からの協力ができるのです。 (「九条の会」アピール一部抜粋)



Lets think

1.       How would spending more money on each choice affect national security, international prestige, and community well-being?


2.       Considering specific conditions of your country, which choice would you make? Why?



Hints for Points

National Security

1.       Although some politicians and military men are still warlike, the world is shifting from arms competition to business cooperation. Hence, it is foolish and futile for Japan to prepare for war.


2.       Japan is the one of the largest military powers in the world. The Self-Defense Forces have been training with the U.S. military for about 15 years. Militarization of Japan will complete the practical preparation for Japan as sacrifice buffer country in the U.S, attempt to keep its hegemony, the constitutional amendment capping the process.


International Prestige

1.        The government will get better images (soft power) by supporting sports rather than increasing military spending.


2.        Dispatching self-defense forces to disaster-stricken countries for humanitarian-aids will raise the national soft power.


3.        Being armed with more than decent amount will provoke those who want to start a battle with us. Japan has a history of violent past: imperial Japan before and during WWII. Militarization would give a bad impression to other countries, especially countries that Japan invaded in the past. Also. Japan has a history of diplomatic solutions of international problems since the end of WWII. This has earned us a good reputation and has kept us free from terrorism. We must continue this diplomatic peace-building.


Community well-being

1.        Disasters like megaquakes and floods are increasing year by year, and the self-defense forces are indispensable in rescue efforts.


2.        In terms of the money flow in the economy, the choice is letting it either in the military-industrial complex (American arms industry, Japanese heavy industry, businesses that cater to the Self-Defense Forces and American bases) or in sports-related industries (the media, construction, sports, food and drink, etc.)


3.       Government spending on sports has been tight as well as those on basic researches art, education, and fundamental researches in science. To make our country rich in the true sense, we need to spend more money on these areas.


4.       Weapons are much more expensive than sports promotion. Therefore, it is more economical to allocate money to sports than to military.


5.       Sports are not free from problems. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is corrupt, prioritizing the profit-making through television broadcasting rights. The government of the host country often funnel tax to related industries, making the people suffer from the government debt. The trickle-down effect has been proven wrong. The weak people are affected. The environment is influenced.



Sample Answer

ThesisJapan, where I live, should not spend more on defense any more.

Supporting DetailsThe budget for the self-defense forces doubled recently. This sends a negative message to our neighbors like China, Korea, and South-East Asian countries because of the past crimes of Imperial Japan. Moreover, most of our military spending goes to the purchase of outdated weapons from the U.S. and to make up for the deficit of the U.S, defense. It is a wase of money and it makes Japan a potential battle ground.

Counterargument-treatmentIt is true that sports programs are not free from criticisms. They are hotbeds of corruption. However, it is within the sphere of who benefits the most, while military spending leads to wars and deaths.

ConclusionInstead of spending money for fear, I would like my government to spend it on sports, which benefit people mentally and physically. (150 words)



Structure Samples

Sample A


About Olympics

About Military

My Choice



Sample B


Point 1

Point 2

Why the advantage of the Other Choice is not important


Writing for Academic Discussion Team sports or individual sports for children? - revised -

Some believe that individual sports foster independence and self-discipline, while others argue that team sports teach valuable social skills and teamwork. What is your perspective on this issue? Which type of sport do you think is more beneficial for children, and why?



Let’s Read

Read the following excerpt from a homepage of kidsportcanada, picking up how team sports and individual sports affect children mentally.


Team Vs Individual Sports – Which Is Best?     Posted By Alberta   September 11, 2023

Most parents recognize the importance of sports and physical activity to their child’s development. We know that these activities provide a wealth of advantages for children’s mental, emotional, social, and physical health, as well as help to encourage a healthy lifestyle and teach important life skills that will benefit the children in the future. Many parents, however, wonder whether team sports or individual sports are the best option for their kid. To assist you in making the best choice for your child, let’s examine the benefits and drawbacks of both choices.


Team Sports’ Positive Effects

Team sports, according to Active Kids, have advantages beyond the physical. They cultivate crucial interpersonal and social abilities that can endure a lifetime. The chance to develop cooperation and teamwork is one of the main advantages of team sports. Children learn how to collaborate to achieve a common objective, become aware of the different personalities of their teammates, and grow in compassion and support for one another. A child’s sense of self-worth and confidence is increased by being part of a team, since it fosters a sense of belonging and togetherness.


Team sports teach important lessons in leadership and communication. Children develop their capacity to communicate ideas, pay attention to others, and reach consensus when they interact and plan with their peers. These abilities apply to many facets of life, including academics and their future careers.


Individual Sports’ Positive Effects

Individual sports provide their own set of benefits. Solo sports place more emphasis on self-discipline and personal development than team sports, since in team sports success frequently depends on teamwork. Individual sports teach kids the value of perseverance, goal-setting, and self-motivation by putting them in charge of their performance and advancement. They gain the ability to challenge themselves, push their limits, and become more determined.


As Calgary’s Child said, individual athletics promote a thorough grasp of one’s talents and flaws. Children develop a higher sense of self-awareness because they are pushed to go within themselves and learn what helps and hinders them personally in their performance, which breeds self-analysis and personal growth not only as an athlete, but as a person.


The Challenges with Team Sports

Though it’s clear that team sports have many benefits, there are also some challenges. Managing potential disputes amongst teammates is one of the major obstacles, according to Active Kids. Different personalities and ability levels can occasionally result in clashes, which call for mediation and resolution from coaches and parents. In addition, when playing team sports, individual accomplishments may be eclipsed by the team’s performance, which can be upsetting for some kids who want to be recognized for their efforts.


The Challenges with Individual Sports

Like team sports, individual sports have unique challenges. The solitary nature of these sports may cause feelings of loneliness or isolation, particularly during demanding practice sessions or competitions. Children who play individual sports may also miss out on the teamwork and bonding that come with being part of a team. 


The self-driven character of individual athletics, according to Calgary’s Child, necessitates high levels of devotion and determination. Some kids can find it difficult to maintain their discipline and attention without the help and encouragement of teammates.


Kids can benefit greatly from team and individual sports while also facing different hurdles. Individual sports encourage self-discipline, self-awareness, and personal progress, whereas team sports enhance collaboration, communication, and social skills. Rather than seeing individual and team sports as competing possibilities, we should consider them complementary and see the benefit of giving children the opportunity to learn and grow in both environments.


For your child to learn about their preferences and interests, encourage them to participate in both team and individual sports. Both sports will teach participants valuable life lessons that will help them in many different facets of their lives. In the end, what counts most is that kids use the power of play to discover happiness, fulfillment, and a sense of accomplishment.



Lets Think

1.        Have you ever regularly played sports? If so, share your experience related to this topic. If you have played a team sport, have you been more socialized and become better at social skills than you would have been without the experience? Why? If you have played an individual sport, have you become more independent and self-disciplined than you would have otherwise?


2.        What is your answer to the professor’s question?



Hints for Points

1.       Humans are social animals and need social skills to survive, so team sports are more preferable.


2.       Most children can learn social skills and teamwork naturally without team sports, while self-discipline and independence might not be acquired easily without individual ports. Children can practice them while witnessing their effects on the development of their ability.


3.       Individual aptitude and personal preference count in sports.


4.       Regardless of types, it is important for the child to be able to enjoy the sport and grow mentally and physically by doing it. 



Sample Answer

ThesisThough Maya makes a good point in that team sports effectively socialize children. I am more on the side of Liam because all children can benefit from individual sport while not all of them can benefit from team sports.

Supporting DetailsIndividual sports are holistic. Whether it is swimming, gymnastics, or short track, all the procedures are done by the solo player. This makes the child more focused on the play and the practice. The child voluntarily starts self-control and self-management to improve performances. This gives satisfaction to not only introverts and those who are not good with balls but also all children of any nature.

Counterargument-treatmentMaya’s point that activities like strategizing in football or basketball effectively strengthens bonds is true, but that is only part of the team-sport practice. Other than the leading players like quarterbacks, most players defend their position without much moves. Outfielders on a baseball team, for example, may just keep standing alone around his position throughout the game. They hardly ever move except for the time for basic workouts. While this might be effective in learning to be altruistic, which is an essential quality to be a good citizen, it can be learned in other scenes of life such as school project, and it could even produce an organization person that never thinks by themselves in collective actions.

ConclusionAfter all, sports must be fun in the first place, and for this matter too, individual sports are more beneficial to all children than team sports. (247 words)



Sample Answer Structures

Sample A


Point & Supporting Details

Why the advantage of the Other Choice is not important



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global warming  climate crisis  climate justice  environmental destruction   food shortage  water shortage

capitalism  globalization   free trade    the gap between the rich and the poor  fight against poverty 

democracy   socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor  big/small government  welfare state   class war

discrimination  gender gap   violence   human rights   technology and human life  American diplomacy






michaelmoore.com: アカデミー賞、スタインベック賞などを受賞した映画監督マイケル・ムーアのホームページです。現代の重要な政治・社会問題をユーモアを交えて解説。映画は全て必見です。

Democracy Now!: インディペンデント放送局。主流メディアでは聞けない重要課題を毎日取り上げます。

NPR: アメリカのラジオ局。All Things Consideredでは興味深い話が多数聞けます。

Voice of America: 記事が音声で聞けます。ニュースが簡潔にまとめられています。

BBC podcast: The Inquiry”は時事問題のまとめ番組で要チェックです。(最後をご覧ください)World Have Your Say”という視聴者参加討論番組はargumentの参考になります。

Newsweek/Time格調高い英語で時事問題を詳しく報じています。♦Daily Yomiuri: 日本国内のニュースを英文で読んで表現の仕方を学びましょう。早稲田大学の教授陣が英文で論文を投稿しています。

In These Times: かなり左寄り(革新思想寄り)ですが過激な内容ではありません。不正・不平等・人権問題等に関して一般の人々の視点からの取材を丁寧に行っています。

NatureScience podcast: 科学雑誌NatureSciencepodcast では一般の人にも分かる形で科学関連ニュースを発表しています。温暖化、食料・水危機、公害、幹細胞研究、宇宙探査、米政府の科学研究援助方針など地球・人類にとって重要な問題を多数取り上げています。Transcriptもあります。

Progressive! Channel: 上智大教授による「基本的なところから政治について解説」簡潔かつ濃い内容。

Jeffery Sachs 温暖化・人口増加と貧困対策専門の経済学者です。科学者・経済学者・政府・民間が力を合わせることにより危機を乗り越えることは可能だと主張しています。著作が早稲田国際AO筆記試験で過去2回出題されています。YouTubeにインタビュー等のビデオがあります。

Fareed Zakaria GPS: CNN の日曜時事問題番組Fareed Zakaria GPSのホストZakaria氏が同番組HP上の動画で時事問題の鋭い分析を分かりやすく短く述べます。



☆以下はBBC Podcast “The Inquiry”のバックナンバーの抜粋です。

時事問題・一般教養のフォローに使えると思います。(Is Inequality About to Get Unimaginably Worse?はほぼ同じ内容のものが2017年度早稲田国際教養学部のAO入試で使用されました。但し、BBC以外にもCNNThe Economist, The Guardian等様々なメディアから出題されますので毎日ニュースに目を通すようにして下さい。)アンダーラインのあるものは特に最近の話題や日本の問題、普遍的な問題に関連が大きいものですので優先的に聞いてみられると良いと思います。ひとつが20分ぐらいの長さです。Googleで検索すれば見つかります。スクリプトがあるものもあります。聞いている途中でlostになっても、区切りごとにナレーターのまとめが入っているので内容理解はしやすいです。要約かナレーター部分のディクテーションor書写をするとさらに良いです。


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Does Poverty Change the Way We Think?

Is Inequality About to Get Unimaginably Worse?

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Are Famines Always Man-made?

Can We Eat Our Way Out of Climate Change?

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Are We Heading for another Mass Extinction?

How Did We Mess up Antibiotics?

Can Delhi Clean Up Its Air?

Why dont we care about Yemen?

Why do we care about statues?

Can we make the super-rich pay more tax?

Do we need more nuclear power to help deal with climate change?

Are *killer robots* the future of warfare?

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Is recycling broken?

Why are boys academically underperforming?

How will Hollywood respond to the Black Lives Matter and Me Too movements?

Why are murder rates in Chicago so high?

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以下はTOEFL・国際教養関連AO受験生用に私が作成しているBlogです。よかったらお勉強の参考になさってください。Google Friends with Wings, TOEFL /早稲田AO


Writing for Academic Discussion Sports programs or Self-Defense Forces

 Imagine your country has a certain budget that can be allocated either to the self-defense force or to sports programs. Which area should receive the funding, and why? Consider the potential impacts on national security, international prestige, and community well-being in your response.



Lets think

1.       How would spending more money on each choice affect national security, international prestige, and community well-being?


2.       Considering specific conditions of your country, which choice would you make? Why?



Let’s Read

Excerpt from An Appeal from the “Article Nine Association”

   Through the use of weapons reaching the cruelty of the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Second World War claimed over fifty million lives. As a result, the citizens of the world learned the lesson that resorting to force should never be an option, even for the purpose of resolving international disputes.
  Bearing an enormous responsibility for having continuously pursued a war of invasion, Japan decided to work towards realizing this global vision, and thus established a constitution including Article Nine which stipulated the renunciation of war and of military force.

…The use of force only results in robbing a country and its people of their livelihood and of their happiness. Since the 1990s, armed interventions by major nations into regional conflicts have also failed to result in effective resolutions. That is why, in such places as Europe and Southeast Asia, efforts are being strengthened to create regional frameworks that can help to resolve conflicts through diplomacy and dialogue. …  Based on Article Nine, Japan needs to develop ties of friendship and cooperation with the peoples of Asia and other regions, and change a diplomatic stance that only prioritizes a military alliance with the United States. Japan must play an active role in the tide of world history by exercising its autonomy and acting in a pragmatic manner. It is precisely because of Article Nine that Japan can engage its partner nations in peaceful diplomacy while respecting their various positions, and collaborate with them in the fields of economy, culture, science and technology.  

ヒロシマ・ナガサキの原爆にいたる残虐な兵器によって、五千万を越える人命を奪った第二次世界大戦。この戦争から、世界の市民は、国際紛争の解決のためであっても、武力を使うことを選択肢にすべきではないという教訓を導きだしました。侵略戦争をしつづけることで、この戦争に多大な責任を負った日本は、戦争放棄と戦力を持たないことを規定した九条を含む憲法を制定し、こうした世界の市民の意思を実現しようと決心しました。/ …なにより武力の行使は、その国と地域の民衆の生活と幸福を奪うことでしかありません。一九九〇年代以降の地域紛争への大国による軍事介入も、紛争の有効な解決にはつながりませんでした。だからこそ、東南アジアやヨーロッパ等では、紛争を、外交と話し合いによって解決するための、地域的枠組みを作る努力が強められています。/ … / 憲法九条に基づき、アジアをはじめとする諸国民との友好と協力関係を発展させ、アメリカとの軍事同盟だけを優先する外交を転換し、世界の歴史の流れに、自主性を発揮して現実的にかかわっていくことが求められています。憲法九条をもつこの国だからこそ、相手国の立場を尊重した、平和的外交と、経済、文化、科学技術などの面からの協力ができるのです。 (「九条の会」アピール一部抜粋)



Hints for Points

National Security

1.       Although some politicians and military men are still warlike, the world is shifting from arms competition to business cooperation. Hence, chances are low that Japan wages wars against other nations and arms race is futile.


2.       Japan is already the fifth largest military power in the world although its military spending is in the ninth place. The Self-Defense Forces have been training with the U.S. military for almost 15 years. Militarization of Japan will complete the practical preparation of making Japan a country that can go to war, the constitutional amendment capping the process.


International Prestige

1.        Dispatching self-defense forces to disaster-stricken countries for humanitarian-aids will raise the national soft power.


2.        The government will get better images (soft power) by supporting sports rather than increasing military spending.


3.        Being armed with more than decent amount will provoke those who want to start a battle with us. Japan has a history of violent past: imperial Japan before and during WWII. Militarization would give a bad impression to other countries, especially countries that Japan invaded in the past. Also. Japan has a history of diplomatic solutions of international problems since the end of WWII. This has earned us a good reputation and has kept us free from terrorism. We must continue this diplomatic peace-building.


Community well-being

1.        Disasters like megaquakes and floods are increasing year by year, and the self-defense forces are indispensable in rescue efforts.


2.        In terms of the money flow in the economy, the choice is letting the money flow into either the military-industrial complex (American arms industry, Japanese heavy industry, businesses that cater to the Self-Defense Forces and American bases) or sports-related industries (the media, construction, sports, food and drink, etc.)


3.       Government spending on sports has been tight as well as on science, art, and education. To make our country rich in the true sense, we need to spend more money on these areas.


4.       Weapons are much more expensive than sports promotion. Therefore, it is more economical to allocate money to sports than to military.


5.       Sports are not free from problems. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is corrupt, prioritizing the profit-making through television broadcasting rights. The government of the host country often funnel tax to related industries, making the people suffer from the government debt. The trickle-down effect has been proven wrong. The weak people are affected. The environment is influenced.



Sample Answer

ThesisJapan should not spend more on defense any more.

Supporting DetailsThe budget for the self-defense forces doubled recently. This sends a negative message to our neighbors like China, Korea, and South-East Asian countries because of the past crimes of Imperial Japan. Moreover, most of our military spending goes to the purchase of outdated weapons from the U.S. It is a wase of money.

Counterargument-treatmentIt is true that sprots programs are not free from criticisms. They are hotbeds of corruption. However, it is within the sphere of who benefits the most, while military spending always reminds wars and deaths.

ConclusionInstead of spending money for fear, I would like my government to spend it on sports, which benefit people mentally and physically. (119 words)



Structure Samples

Sample A


About Olympics

About Military

My Choice



Sample B


Point 1

Point 2

Why the advantage of the Other Choice is not important
