Do the advantages of remote working outweigh its disadvantages?
☆Let’s Think
Do research on the following questions and discuss them with others.
What is Naomi’s point? Provide
a case in point.
What is Dan’s point? Provide a
case in point.
Who do you agree with? Share
your opinion.
☆Hints for Points
Time-saving: Workers do not have
to commute to work every day.
Cost-saving: Companies will not
have to pay for workers’ transportation.
Teleworking job opportunities:
There are already websites for teleworking job-hunting.
Freer lifestyles: Workers will
have more free time and flexible schedules.
Communication problems: Face-to-face
communication will be lost and this will cause misunderstandings and mistakes.
Less synergy and lower morale:
Human touch is lost and workers will be less encouraged to work.
Less intangible assets of the
workplace: Less or no on-the-job training will cause loss of skills and culture
of the teams and offices.
Less control: Companies may
lose control of the workforce.
☆Response for Ideas
and Expressions
I think the advantages of remote working outweigh its disadvantages
in terms of female workers. More than half the workforce are women, and most of
them prefer flexible working conditions. Not to speak of married women, who are
supposed to do the household work for the whole family and child-rearing, even childless
single women may have old parents to take care of or suffer from mental
conditions caused by being a woman. These conditions make it difficult for most
women to start or continue white-collar jobs. Remote work allows women to do these
high-paying jobs at a time and place of their convenience. They will also be free
from uncomfortable experiences of daily commute. This will raise the number of
female white-collar workers, and raise both their productivity and morale. The
drawbacks like reduced communication with other staff members seem small, since
most women can make up for communication problems well, and problem-solving
manual for male workers will be made over time. Also, combination of the two
workstyles, office work and remote work, which is already happening, will offset
most of the disadvantages. (182)
☆Response plan
Topic Sentence:
Supporting Details:
your response in 10 minutes. Show each other your responses. Write down
questions or suggestions to each other’s response.
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