
TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Drills 1) Guns should not be banned. Guns do not kill people. People kill people. 2) Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution should be changed so that the Self-Defense Forces will be recognized as a military force and Japan can go to war for collective self-defense, because our neighboring countries are flexing their muscles by building arms.

Drill 1  Which of the following is the better response to the following question? Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following idea? Guns should not be banned. Guns do not kill people. People kill people.


Answer A: I agree with the idea that guns should not be banned because guns do not kill people, but people kill people. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution stipulates the right to bear arms. This means that anyone can possess guns in the United States. It is also our tradition to protect ourselves from enemies. As citizens of the United States, it is our duty to have guns at home and to be always vigilant to protect our family from robbers, wild animals, the British, who might return to colonize us, and other races, who are obviously lesser than us, and, therefore, more violent than us.


Answer B: It is natural that some people think that they should be allowed to possess guns because of the Second Amendment. However, I cannot agree with the idea that guns should not be banned because guns do not kill people; people kill people. Guns are different from other dangerous inventions like knives or cars. They are tools to kill, made by people who intended to kill. Thus, where there are guns, there will be killings. Now most Americans favor gun regulations and do not own guns, while mass shootings frequently occur. This is because the Second Amendment and gun businesses have become a channel to provide an effective means of mass-murder suicide for those who have mental issues. Therefore, guns should be banned to protect both the public and the killer.


Drill 2  Discuss the following question, write a short essay on it including expressions below, and give feedback to each others essay. Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution should be changed so that the Self-Defense Forces will be recognized as a military force and Japan can go to war for collective self-defense, because our neighboring countries are flexing their muscles by building arms.


It is natural . However, I cannot agree with  「~は当然だが、…には賛成できない」

This means/does not mean that ~「これは ~ ということを意味する/意味するわけではない」


Hints for Points: The real reason for the amendment is that the U.S. has been urging Japan to support its military activities around the world. Diplomatic solutions should be pursued. Japan is the 5th largest military power, which is enough for defense-only policy for such a small country. The amendment will provoke other countries, as is happening in this country now. Going to war create enemies, and this will increase attacks on Japanese nationals overseas and terrorism on our land. The pacifist constitution is treasured around the world for its progressiveness, as the world is moving from conflicts to cooperation, especially to face the challenges of the 21st century.
















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