Writing Topic A
Some people think it is important for a
country to maintain a strong army in case of war. Others think it is better for
a country to spend money and energy on other things than the military. Do you
feel that your country should have a strong army?
☆Let’s Think
Why do you think some people think it is important for a country
to maintain a strong army in case of war? Is there any chance of war? Does a
strong army help Japan in case of war?
Why do you think some people think it is better for a country to
spend money and energy on other things than the military? What other things
concern them?
Do you feel that your country should have a strong army? Why?
☆Hints for points
Reasons for having a strong army
Neighboring countries (China, South Korea, and ASEAN countries) are
spending more money on their military than before.
The Unites States and other big countries request Japanese
militaristic participation in their activities to keep the world quiet such as
fight against terrorism or protection of commercial ships from pirates.
Reasons for objecting to having a strong
Diplomatic solutions of conflicts have been the norm since the end
of WWII and doubts about solution of international conflicts by military power
have been stronger because wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Iraq, and “war on
terror” not so much brought peace as brought about disruption.
There is less chance of war now than before. Strong economic and
political relationships with other countries help avoid conflicts.
No arms, no battle. Being armed is the call for action of
violence. Strengthening the military just stimulates those who are ready to
start wars.
The position and image of Japan in the world society indicates it
is better to maintain pacifism.
(1) Article Nine in our constitution
stipulates renunciation of war and military force. It is a strong soft power
(2) Japan has a history of violent past,
imperial Japan before and during WWII, and militarization will give a bad
impression to other countries, especially countries that Japan invaded in the
(3) Peaceful diplomacy since the end of WWII
has gained Japan a good reputation and economic prosperity.
(4) The Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, which
maintains American military bases in Japan, makes it meaningless to think
whether Japan should have a strong army. It is decided by the United States.
There are many other priorities.
(1) recovery of Fukushima and other disaster
stricken areas and preparation for predicted devastating disasters
(2) aging society and shrinking population
(3) the widening gap between the rich and
the poor
(4) climate change and related problems
(5) energy issue
(6) aging infrastructure
(7) disaster control and planning
(8) pollution
(9) education
(10) young people feeling solitude and
☆A writing topic for reference and
essay for ideas and expressions
The following sample essay is not about the same writing topic
that we are given above but is about something related. Let’s read it and learn
some ideas and expressions.
Writing topic for reference
Some people think that governments should spend as much money as
possible on developing or buying computer technology. Other people disagree and
think that his money should be spent on more basic needs. Which one of these
opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your
Sample Response (Writing for the TEOFL iBT, Barron’s)
Developing computer technology is
important for the development of the country as a whole. However, we have some
basic needs and issues in our country that are even more important than
technology. Our children need to get a good education. Out transportation
system needs to be improved. We need to develop new sources of energy. We need
to work on these issues before we put a lot of money into computers.
Our children need to get a
good education, We need to make sure that every child in the country has the
opportunity to learn to read and write. In addition, they all need to learn
skills for the modern world. They need to learn how to use computers. It costs
money to buy computers for schools and train teachers to use them. If children
don’t learn basic computer skills in school, who will be able to use modern
computer technology?
We need to improve our
transportation system. In big cities, the roads are very crowded and it is hard
to get around. It takes a long time for people just to get to work every day.
We need to spend money developing a good public transportation system. We need
to get cars off the road and have more buses and trains. Computer technology
helps people at work. If it is difficult for people just to get to work,
computer technology won’t help them much.
We need to develop new
sources of energy. Our current methods of generating energy cause a lot of
pollution. We need to develop the use of solar energy and other nonpolluting
energy technology. Energy research and development costs a lot of money, but it
is necessary. If we don’t have clean, cheap sources of energy, what will we use
to run our computers?
Computer technology is
important. However, we can’t take advantage of it if we don’t solve some
problems first. We need well-educated children, good public transportation, and
clean sources of energy before we can spend money on computers.
☆Your Sample
Essay Structure
【Introduction =
【Point 1】
【Point 2】
【Why the other
choice does not matter】
【Conclusion =
【Introduction =
【Comparison 1】
【Comparison 2】
【Comparison 3】
【Conclusion =
【Introduction =
【 】
【 】
【 】
【Conclusion =
☆Speech Time
Make a one-minute speech on this topic. Don’t
worry. Everybody speaks at the same time.
Writing Topic B
In your school schedule, you are
required to take an extra class in one of the following subjects: 1) physical
education (sports and exercise activities), 2) home economics (cooking or
sewing), or 3) current events (the study of topics from recent news stories).
Which one of the three subjects would you choose to study?
How does physical education benefit you?
How do you benefit from home economics?
What are the merits of taking current events?
Which one would you choose? Why?
Why do you not choose the other two?
for points
Physical Education
(1) I need more time to stay
healthy/stay in good shape/keep fit.
(2) The class offers us opportunities to
try unfamiliar sports.
(3) Moving our bodies is a refreshment.
(4) Taking part in P.E is a good
opportunity to make friends with classmates.
Home Economics
(1) This class works as a bridge for independence.
(2) I want to be confident of my ability
to do household chores.
(3) This subject provides a viewpoint to
understand the world at the level of household, which is the basic unit of
Current Events
(1) To understand what is going on in the
world is related to the understanding of many important aspects of our society such
as economy, politics, and history.
(2) I expect that the class deal with the areas
that TV reports do not constantly cover in detail such as international affairs
or those who are suffering from post-disaster problems.
(3) The custom of my country prevents me
from talking about current issues with friends and teachers outside of class..
Your Sample
Essay Structure
Pattern A
【Introduction =
【Point 1】
【Point 2】
【Reasons for not
choosing the other two choices】
【Conclusion =
Structure Patter B
【Introduction =
【About Physical
【About Home
【About Current
【Conclusion =
Blank Form
【Introduction =
【 】
【 】
【 】
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】
☆Speech Time
Make a one-minute speech on this topic.
Extra Writing Topic
Do you agree or disagree with the
following statement? School teachers, whether they work for public or private
schools, should not express their opinions on current politics.
Who usually express their opinions on current policies?
Where do they do it?
Is it bad for other people do the same?
Is it bad for teachers do the same outside school? Why?
Is it bad for teachers do the same inside school? Why?
☆Hints for points
Yes, school teachers should not express
their opinions on current politics.
Teachers are supposed to teach following the curriculum and using
the textbook. They are not supposed to teach their own views, which are not
endorsed by the government. In practice, contracts between teachers and the
schools they work for prohibit them from taking a stand in politics on class,
and teachers should follow the agreement they made when hired.
Teachers should convey the consensus of the public. They should inform
students of a variety of well-balanced views, not a slanted, personal view.
Having a radical political view is a stumbling block in any place,
including universities, in this world. Therefore, it is unthinkable and
unacceptable for teachers, who are responsible for their students’ future, to
affect their students’ political views.
No, school teachers should express their
opinions on current politics.
As long as they clearly say to their students that what they say
is only a personal view, it is ok.
Except for young children, who are still vulnerable to brainwash,
students know better than to believe everything their teachers tell them. They
take their teachers’ opinions as one of many.
There is no neutral view. Statements in textbooks approved by the
government are sterilized and have no words and expressions that appeal to the
heart of the learners, and thus they have little impact on students’ learning.
In class, teachers are the only representative of the real world and this often
requires their candid expressions of their personal views for students’ better
understanding of the subject so that students can deepen their understanding of
the reality.
If the view is what is objectively necessary for students to know,
they should comment on it. For example, if the teacher shares the same view as
other adults in the community about the credibility of the information that the
government provides and it is clear that not mentioning it will risk students’
health or future, they should say it because they serve society before the
school and the government.
Your Sample
Essay Structure
【Introduction =
【Point 1】
【Point 2】
【Conclusion =
【Introduction =
【 】
【 】
【 】
【Conclusion =
☆Speech Time
Make a one-minute speech on this topic.
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