
国際教養AO入試 , 早稲田国際教養学部(SILS), Posing for the Painter - rewrite -


1 省略

問2  筆者のマーチン・ゲイフォードは「ルシアン・フロイドにとって彼が描くものは全て肖像画なのだ。」と述べています。筆者はこれによって何を意味していますか。答えを自分の言葉で英語で答案用紙の該当箇所に書いてください。

His peculiarity in the history of art is that he is aware of the individuality of absolutely everything. In his work, nothing is generalized, idealized or generic. He insists that the most humble and ― to most people ― nondescript items have their own characteristics. 美術史における彼の特異性は彼がありとあらゆるものに個性を見出すことである。彼の仕事においては何も一般化したり理想化したり遺伝でかたずけられたりしない。彼は最もつまらない(大抵の人にとっては)最も目立たないものでも独自の性格的特徴があると主張する。 At first I thought of sitting as being similar to a visit to the hairdresser’s, but now it seems more intense. The experience is like no other in that the sitter ― that is, me ― has become a mystery: a puzzle to be solved. 絵のモデルになることを私は最初床屋の客になるのと似たようなものだと思っていたが、今はもっと真剣なことに思える。モデルすなわち私が謎解きの謎になるという点で、この経験は真剣そのものだった。 Lucian Freud leans forward sometimes, shading his eyes like a sailor in search of land. His demeanor when painting is that of an explorer or hunter in some dark forest. ルシアン・フロイドは時々陸地を探す船乗りの様に目の上に手をかざしながら前方に身を傾ける。絵を描く時の彼の物腰は森の奥深くを行く探検家か猟師の物腰である。


When the author states that for Lucian Freud everything he paints is a portrait, I think he means that Lucian Freud is an artist that depicts the history and the precious existence of the object. The author says that the painter “is aware of the individuality of absolutely everything” and that “in his work, nothing is generalized, idealized or generic” and “the most humble and nondescript items have their own characteristics to him”. This suggests that the painter focuses on the individuality of the object, that is, its life history and the result. The painter spent a long time on his portrait and the communication with the model was part of the work. In other words, By spending a long time, interacting with the object, the author, the artist read and interpreted in the condition of the author’s facial skin and the movement of the muscles below, the trace of the author’s life, the state of his mind at the moment, and eventually the nature of his soul, and expressed them in his style, A human face has many muscles of facial expression, taking on various states depending on the person’s life history and the state of the moment. The way they appear would also be different depending on the person. The painter appreciates the subtle differences and fixes the memoir on the canvas. The muscles around the tips of the eyelids of the person who has spent life laughing a lot or the frowning eyebrows of a person of sincerity reveal the facts to the artist. The same can be said about other things, including an answer to this question. The style, vocabulary, punctuation, and the way of using the answering space all show the life of those who answer the question even if they give the same correct answer.

筆者が「ルシアン・フロイドにとって彼が描くものは全て肖像画なのだ。」という時、彼はルシアン・フロイドは対象の歴史とかけがえのない存在を描く作家だと言っているのだと思う。筆者はこの画家は全てのものの個別性を意識しており、彼の作品においては何も一般化したり理想化したり遺伝で説明できず、どんな無個性なものにも個性があると述べている。このことから、この画家は絵の対象の個性すなわち生活史とその結果に着目していると考えられる。彼は長い時間をかけて肖像画を描き、 描いている時のコミュニケーションが描く作業の一環であった。つまり画家は長い時間をかけて対象(筆者)と関わりながら筆者の顔の皮膚とその下の筋肉の状態とその動きに彼の人生の跡とその瞬間の彼の心の状態、ひいては彼の魂の性質を読み取り、解釈し、それを自分のスタイルで表現したということになる。人間の顔には多数の表情筋があり、それらはその人物の生活史およびその瞬間の状態により様々な様相を呈する。また人によりそのあらわれ方は千差万別だろう。画家はその微妙な違いを愛で、その記念をキャンバスに定着している。よく笑って生きてきた人の目じりの筋肉や真摯に生きている人の眉根はその事実を彼の前に示すのだ。同様のことはこの問題の答案を含む他のものにも言えるだろう。同じ正解を書いても回答者の今までの人生が文体や語彙、句読点、解答欄の使い方全てに現れる。

問3  今日のデジタル技術は速さや効率、短期間で結果を出すことへの期待を生み出しています。ルシアン・フロイドの仕事の仕方は依然として重要で可能、あるいは望ましいでしょうか。答えを自分の言葉で英語で答案用紙の該当箇所に書いてください。

His attitude is a combination of audacity with caution: an intense determination to get the thing exactly right. Often before making a stroke Lucian expels air in a little sigh with the effort of concentration. The same attention is applied to the mixing of colors:彼の態度は慎重な大胆さである。完璧に成し遂げようとする強烈な決意なのだ。しばしば塗る前に集中しようとして小さなため息をついて息を吐きだす。絵の具を混ぜるのにも同様の注意がなされる。…as though while building a house of cards he has just successfully placed a particularly tricky one. まるでトランプのお城を作っていて特に難しい一枚をうまく置いてのけたかの様にOnce or twice he is about to apply a stroke, then withdraws, considers again, then re-scrutinizes, measuring my face with little mapping movements of the brush, ... 一度か二度、彼はひと塗りしようとするところで止め、考え直し、筆で測る動きを少ししながら私の顔を測りながら再吟味する。When I get up and stretch my legs after about forty minutes of work, despite what seemed to be plenty of vigorous activity with the brush, little seems to have changed on the canvas. By the end of the evening two eyebrows have appeared, and a little flesh around the bridge of my nose. 40分の仕事後、私が立ち上がって伸びをする時、十分盛んに絵を描いたように思えたにもかかわらず、キャンバスはほとんど変わっていないようだった。日が暮れるまでに眉2本と鼻柱周りの肉が少し出現していた。 The events described here occurred in late November 2003 and the portrait was completed on the 4th of July 2004. ここで述べられている出来事は200311月に起こった。そしてこの肖像画は200474日に完成した。


According to the author, Lucian Freud is a meticulous, slow portrait painter. The workstyle like his seems unacceptable in today’s working places, where efficiency is the top priority, but there must be jobs that require taking time. Modern society ticks by processing and the faster the processing speed, the more adapted the worker is considered to be as long as the job is not too wrong, The processing job of reading what kind of person the owner of a face is based on the features of the face would take an evolved AI for facial recognition less than a second. Thus, the job like the painter’s that takes a long time to give the result will not do in most scenes in the current society. However, what the painter is doing is not processing but creation, which is done by humans and often takes time. Processing is only a process of the job, and the painter reconstructs the information from the process on the canvas, during which process many other elements are added. In this artist’s case, not only his soul but also the element of interaction between him and the model would be added. The sentiment of the relationship between him and the model that began to exist while they spent time together repeatedly would be reflected in the picture, and if a significant interaction happened between them at one time, the artist would capture the feature of the slight change of the expression of the model of the moment and depict it, which would be perceived by the model, and this would make a sole portrait of the person as a memento of the lives of the two. Positions for those who do jobs like this painter may exist even in today’s efficiency-oriented working places. The service industry, for instance, may find a value in the experience and the existence of the person who has interacted with the customers in a certain area for a long time, and companies could provide a better service by having such people and robots work together. Also, craft products are still on the market even though the same kind of items are mass produced, Therefore, it can be said that working style of the artist Lucian Freud is still relevant and possible and that it can be desirable in some cases.


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