
English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、The basic words of chemistry

Answer the following questions in English using any resource including the material provided in class if necessary. Write the answer in the space below the question or fill in the brackets.

1.    The properties of acids or bases are as follows.
(              ) are sour.     (              ) are bitter and slippery.
(              ) always contain hydrogen. 
(              ) always contain hydroxyl, or hydroxyl radical.
(              ) are low in PH.  (              ) are high in PH.
(              ) turn blue litmus paper red.   (              ) turn red litmus paper blue.
(              ) turn Methyl orange, another PH indicator, red.
(              ) react with metal and release hydrogen.
(              ) are used in cleaning. They can also be used to make soap.

2.    Acid + Base  → (          )  + Water
If you mix acid and base, they ( n                ) each other and produce (         ) and water.

3.    Base is also known as ( a           ).

4.    What are the charged particles in solutions?  e.g. Na+, OH-, H+, Cl-

5.    What are the three most common acids?

6.    If you keep dissolving salt in a glass of water and the solution cannot dissolve any more of the salt, you say the water is (                            ).

7.    If you dissolve only a small amount of salt in a large bowl of water, the solution is ( d               ).

8.    What is the process in which some dissolved substance is brought out of the solution as solid?

9.    What do you call the method by which you get pure liquid of some substance using the nature of liquid, which vaporizes when heated, and that of vapor, which turns liquid when cooled?

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