
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

200. 2011/01/24 Only one weak electric sensation in my head which I would not differentiate from what my brain had itself.
2011/01/25 Woken up by a sensation that something exploded under my head around 4:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.. I had a feeling several people were in the next room (Room 202). I feel funny in the back of my head and have a slight difficulty in swallowing saliva.
2011/01/26 Went to bed past 1:00 a.m., experiencing a few electric shocks and woken up by a loud video game noise around 5:00 a.m. Wore earmuffs but woken up again by the same noise which became suddenly louder just when I was falling asleep. Got up to see which room the noise was coming from, then the noise stopped. I put my ear to the floor and the wall but heard nothing. When I got into my bed, the noise started again. It seemed that the noise came from under my floor, Room 101, whose post slit and post box are sealed but whose electric meter seems to be read-I saw the other day a lady reading it right after I myself took a look at it wondering if such a device as supersonic/electric weapon was used in there, the meter must be moving. I tried to sleep again but kept being woken up repeatedly by the noise, a high loud unnatural male cough in the street in front of my window, and finally by a strong electric shock accompanied by Goooon noise, which caused a big jolt of my whole body at around 9:00. I have a class today. I feel like my head had a hiccup and have difficulty swallowing saliva. I have a private class to teach in the Shibuya branch of the school I work for today.

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