☆これからは実践練習が大切ですので過去問等を実際に解く― 解答を実際に書いて見る―ことを中心に勉強しましょう。
☆筆記問題は最低3回解く― 最初は1題50分で時間を計り本番と同じように解き、次に(まだ解答を見ないで)使えるだけの時間を使って解き直します。その後解答をみて再度やり直します。
☆英文読後日記をつける。― 要約と感想を各1~2文にまとめて書く習慣をつけましょう。表現力がつくと共に書く材料集めにもなります。
☆Newsweek 中道より少し左寄り(革新思想寄り)だと言われています。格調高い英語で時事問題を詳しく報じています。
☆Daily Yomiuri 早稲田大学の教授陣が英文で論文を投稿しています。
☆Fareed Zakaria GPS Newsweek International 版編集長兼CNN の日曜時事問題番組Fareed Zakaria GPSのホストであるZakaria氏が同番組のホームページ上の動画で時事問題関連の鋭い分析・主張を分かりやすく短く1~2分で述べます。
☆Jeffery Sachs 温暖化・人口増加と貧困対策専門の経済学者です。科学者・経済学者・政府・民間が力を合わせることにより危機を乗り越えることは可能だと主張しています。 著作が早稲田国際AO筆記試験で過去2回出題されています。
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 Soft Power and Terrorism)
Soft Power and Terrorism 解答のポイント
主題: soft power(他国から愛されることにより良い結果を引き出す力)はテロ対策の重要な鍵である。(民間の協力助長、穏健派ムスリムの支持、貧困とテロのつながりを絶つ)《第4~5段落》
問1 次の文の空欄に最もふさわしい語をふたつ選び解答欄に記入しなさい。
信頼 依存 正当性 軍事力 利己主義
考え方 1)問題文の”most important factors”から第1段落後半 “the essence of soft power” = “Credibility and legitimacy”の箇所を尋ねていることが分かる。本文該当箇所 第1段落の最後”Credibility and legitimacy” are what soft power is all about.(信頼性と正当性がソフトパワーにとって最も大切なことなのだ)解答 credibilityとlegitimacy(順不同)
考え方 最初の問いの答え及びsoft powerの定義と例から「自発的に他国が好意的に動いてくれる原動力となるもの」を考える。注 挙げた例がどういった点でソフトパワーだと言えるのか(どのようにして信頼・好感を得る役に立っているのか)の証明が必要。
本文該当箇所 定義 l.3-4 ソフトパワーは強制よりむしろ魅力を通してこれらの結果(欲しい結果)を確保する能力である。他人が欲しがるものを形成する能力なのだ。例 l.10-12ソフトパワーは人の文化や政治的理想、政策の魅力あるいは他国の議題を操る能力にかかっている。
解答のポイント例 music, fashion and other attractive products based on freedom, democracy (humans inherently long for freedom, so a country with these characteristics are attractive and are adored.); fair handling of postwar Japan by the U.S.A., religious tolerance in Asian countries(Fairness and true justice impress people); NGO and humanitarian aids (irrigation and tree-planting in Afghanistan, school building in developing countries, relief operations in disaster stricken areas, etc.) (By giving what people really want, the country will gain gratitude and good image.); cultural exchanges(Bond-making on the glass-roots level); Article Nine(This political ideal appeals to the psyche that you cannot hit an unarmed man and if you did, you would be punished.)
問2 アメリカ文化は世界中で影響を及ぼしすぎていると思いますか?説明してください。
考え方 グローバル化によるアメリカ文化普及の功罪について尋ねていることを意識して自分の見方をまとめる。 注 “too much”「~過ぎる」[非難]を押さえた答えになっていること。
解答のポイント例 Yes 1)With attractive American culture, capitalism and materialism come in and people start competing with each other. As a result, it is unavoidable for human relationships and society influenced by American culture to lose something human. 2)loss of traditional culture 3)health problems caused by eating too much fast food No 1)The influence of American culture is limited to business and popular culture. Traditional values are intact. 2)In many cases, American businesses pay respect to local culture.
問3 友達がテロの恐怖からアメリカ旅行を中止した場合、あなたはその決定をどう考えますか?
考え方 気持ちは理解できるとしながらも、理にかなっていない点を指摘する。
☆more risks of encountering car accidents or shooting spree
☆greater advantages compared to the low risk (no grave terrorist attack since 9/11)
☆price of freedom (The same freedom that allows our development and life full of joy and excitement allows terrorists to go through the metal detectors, and this is the price we pay for our freedom.)
Day 1~3 予習して授業中に解答します。 Day 4~7 テストゼミ形式― 予習無しで授業中に読んで解答します。 どちらも解答を添削・採点し、1週間後に返却します。
☆これからは実践練習が大切ですので過去問等を実際に解く― 解答を実際に書いて見る―ことを中心に勉強しましょう。
☆筆記問題は最低3回解く― 最初は1題50分で時間を計り本番と同じように解き、次に(まだ解答を見ないで)使えるだけの時間を使って解き直します。その後解答をみて再度やり直します。
☆英文読後日記をつける。― 要約と感想を各1~2文にまとめて書く習慣をつけましょう。表現力がつくと共に書く材料集めにもなります。
☆Newsweek 中道より少し左寄り(革新思想寄り)だと言われています。格調高い英語で時事問題を詳しく報じています。
☆Daily Yomiuri 早稲田大学の教授陣が英文で論文を投稿しています。
☆Fareed Zakaria GPS Newsweek International 版編集長兼CNN の日曜時事問題番組Fareed Zakaria GPSのホストであるZakaria氏が同番組のホームページ上の動画で時事問題関連の鋭い分析・主張を分かりやすく短く1~2分で述べます。
☆Jeffery Sachs 温暖化・人口増加と貧困対策専門の経済学者です。科学者・経済学者・政府・民間が力を合わせることにより危機を乗り越えることは可能だと主張しています。 著作が早稲田国際AO筆記試験で過去2回出題されています。
主題: soft power(他国から愛されることにより良い結果を引き出す力)はテロ対策の重要な鍵である。(民間の協力助長、穏健派ムスリムの支持、貧困とテロのつながりを絶つ)《第4~5段落》
問1 次の文の空欄に最もふさわしい語をふたつ選び解答欄に記入しなさい。
信頼 依存 正当性 軍事力 利己主義
考え方 1)問題文の”most important factors”から第1段落後半 “the essence of soft power” = “Credibility and legitimacy”の箇所を尋ねていることが分かる。本文該当箇所 第1段落の最後”Credibility and legitimacy” are what soft power is all about.(信頼性と正当性がソフトパワーにとって最も大切なことなのだ)解答 credibilityとlegitimacy(順不同)
考え方 最初の問いの答え及びsoft powerの定義と例から「自発的に他国が好意的に動いてくれる原動力となるもの」を考える。注 挙げた例がどういった点でソフトパワーだと言えるのか(どのようにして信頼・好感を得る役に立っているのか)の証明が必要。
本文該当箇所 定義 l.3-4 ソフトパワーは強制よりむしろ魅力を通してこれらの結果(欲しい結果)を確保する能力である。他人が欲しがるものを形成する能力なのだ。例 l.10-12ソフトパワーは人の文化や政治的理想、政策の魅力あるいは他国の議題を操る能力にかかっている。
解答のポイント例 music, fashion and other attractive products based on freedom, democracy (humans inherently long for freedom, so a country with these characteristics are attractive and are adored.); fair handling of postwar Japan by the U.S.A., religious tolerance in Asian countries(Fairness and true justice impress people); NGO and humanitarian aids (irrigation and tree-planting in Afghanistan, school building in developing countries, relief operations in disaster stricken areas, etc.) (By giving what people really want, the country will gain gratitude and good image.); cultural exchanges(Bond-making on the glass-roots level); Article Nine(This political ideal appeals to the psyche that you cannot hit an unarmed man and if you did, you would be punished.)
問2 アメリカ文化は世界中で影響を及ぼしすぎていると思いますか?説明してください。
考え方 グローバル化によるアメリカ文化普及の功罪について尋ねていることを意識して自分の見方をまとめる。 注 “too much”「~過ぎる」[非難]を押さえた答えになっていること。
解答のポイント例 Yes 1)With attractive American culture, capitalism and materialism come in and people start competing with each other. As a result, it is unavoidable for human relationships and society influenced by American culture to lose something human. 2)loss of traditional culture 3)health problems caused by eating too much fast food No 1)The influence of American culture is limited to business and popular culture. Traditional values are intact. 2)In many cases, American businesses pay respect to local culture.
問3 友達がテロの恐怖からアメリカ旅行を中止した場合、あなたはその決定をどう考えますか?
考え方 気持ちは理解できるとしながらも、理にかなっていない点を指摘する。
☆more risks of encountering car accidents or shooting spree
☆greater advantages compared to the low risk (no grave terrorist attack since 9/11)
☆price of freedom (The same freedom that allows our development and life full of joy and excitement allows terrorists to go through the metal detectors, and this is the price we pay for our freedom.)
Day 1~3 予習して授業中に解答します。 Day 4~7 テストゼミ形式― 予習無しで授業中に読んで解答します。 どちらも解答を添削・採点し、1週間後に返却します。
☆これからは実践練習が大切ですので過去問等を実際に解く― 解答を実際に書いて見る―ことを中心に勉強しましょう。
☆筆記問題は最低3回解く― 最初は1題50分で時間を計り本番と同じように解き、次に(まだ解答を見ないで)使えるだけの時間を使って解き直します。その後解答をみて再度やり直します。
☆英文読後日記をつける。― 要約と感想を各1~2文にまとめて書く習慣をつけましょう。表現力がつくと共に書く材料集めにもなります。
☆Newsweek 中道より少し左寄り(革新思想寄り)だと言われています。格調高い英語で時事問題を詳しく報じています。
☆Daily Yomiuri 早稲田大学の教授陣が英文で論文を投稿しています。
☆Fareed Zakaria GPS Newsweek International 版編集長兼CNN の日曜時事問題番組Fareed Zakaria GPSのホストであるZakaria氏が同番組のホームページ上の動画で時事問題関連の鋭い分析・主張を分かりやすく短く1~2分で述べます。
☆Jeffery Sachs 温暖化・人口増加と貧困対策専門の経済学者です。科学者・経済学者・政府・民間が力を合わせることにより危機を乗り越えることは可能だと主張しています。 著作が早稲田国際AO筆記試験で過去2回出題されています。
Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay, impact of longevity on society)
Writing Topic A: Generally speaking, people are living longer now than they did in previous centuries. What impact do you think this change will have on society?
♦older but healthy and more experienced work force
→younger generation staying school longer, more experienced workers, more immigrants
♦older consumers
→less spending (in case of weak pension system), different products and services, different city planning(barrier-free designs, more accessible establishments like mobile convenience stores and dry cleaners), new jobs such as “good listeners,” people who listen in professional manners to the same stories repeated by the same seniors
♦more problems related to elderly people
→more demand for social workers, nursing staff, medical personnel
♦more expenditure on social security system (health care, pension, etc.)
→heavier tax
Writing Topic B: The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring?
The rise of Asian countries
1) Asian population will account half of the world population around 2050
2) rapid economic growth rate (especially China and India) and diligence
3) influential culture (food, fashion, films and animation, etc.)
Century of cooperation or destruction
1) global warming
2) population growth and food and water shortage
3) globalization and the gap between the rich and the poor
4) reduction of nuclear weapons
5) tension between religious groups
♦older but healthy and more experienced work force
→younger generation staying school longer, more experienced workers, more immigrants
♦older consumers
→less spending (in case of weak pension system), different products and services, different city planning(barrier-free designs, more accessible establishments like mobile convenience stores and dry cleaners), new jobs such as “good listeners,” people who listen in professional manners to the same stories repeated by the same seniors
♦more problems related to elderly people
→more demand for social workers, nursing staff, medical personnel
♦more expenditure on social security system (health care, pension, etc.)
→heavier tax
Writing Topic B: The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring?
The rise of Asian countries
1) Asian population will account half of the world population around 2050
2) rapid economic growth rate (especially China and India) and diligence
3) influential culture (food, fashion, films and animation, etc.)
Century of cooperation or destruction
1) global warming
2) population growth and food and water shortage
3) globalization and the gap between the rich and the poor
4) reduction of nuclear weapons
5) tension between religious groups
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 sex descrimination)
解答のポイント例 管理職につく割合の差--- Through interactions with adults, girls learn that they are expected to be quiet and reserved, while boys learn that they are supposed to be active, strong, and decisive. Because of these gender expectations, boys willingly take responsibilities in most situations and this will make it more likely for them to be given managerial jobs in the future, while girls try not to stand out and have no will to organize others, which leads them to end up in the rank and file.
創造的な職業につく割合の差--- Restraint inhibits creativity. Criticizing girls for being curious about many kinds of things and doing things in unconventional ways will make them shy away from changes and opportunities, which will prevent them from becoming creative people such as artists, scientists, inventors, or entrepreneurs. In contrast, society sets boys free to pursue their interests and develop their ideas, and therefore, more boys can grow up to be creative and successful than girls.
解答のポイント例 《biological sexual difference》difference in brain structures (difference in perceptions, thought processes, etc.), physical and physiological differences (running speed, power to lift heavy things, appetite, tolerance to alcohol, etc.)
《social gender difference》gestures, manners, speech, conversation topics, preferences in fashion or entertainment, specialties, popular occupations, etc.
創造的な職業につく割合の差--- Restraint inhibits creativity. Criticizing girls for being curious about many kinds of things and doing things in unconventional ways will make them shy away from changes and opportunities, which will prevent them from becoming creative people such as artists, scientists, inventors, or entrepreneurs. In contrast, society sets boys free to pursue their interests and develop their ideas, and therefore, more boys can grow up to be creative and successful than girls.
解答のポイント例 《biological sexual difference》difference in brain structures (difference in perceptions, thought processes, etc.), physical and physiological differences (running speed, power to lift heavy things, appetite, tolerance to alcohol, etc.)
《social gender difference》gestures, manners, speech, conversation topics, preferences in fashion or entertainment, specialties, popular occupations, etc.
Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay, TV programs that show what your country is like)
Writing Topic A: TV programs can tell us a lot about the culture in which they were produced. What might a foreigner learn about your country from the TV programs that are made in your country?
Note: TV programs as reflection (a mirror) of the culture in which they are produced
Procedure: 1)Name a TV program typical of your country 2) describe the program 3) point out the feature of the program that you think reflects the characteristics of your country
family dramas/animations --- typical family structure and life style
popular dramas --- main characters wearing nice clothing, living in cool condominiums or good houses, and enjoying exciting city lives --- materialistic entertainment-pursuing culture
makeover programs --- renovation of houses by famous architects --- developed, mature economy
many kinds of quiz shows from trivia to entrance examination questions for famous junior high schools --- diligent, academic background-oriented society
List of Television Programs
News programs, Animated series, Dramas, Sitcoms, Soap operas, Comedies, Western shows or Samurai dramas, Talk shows/Chat shows, Satirical news programs, Children's television shows, Cooking shows, Game shows, Reality programs (Historical re-creation, Science, Dating, Law Enforcement/Military, Makeover, Lifestyle change, Fantasies fulfilled, Docusoaps starring celebrities, Hidden camera, Reality game shows, Talent Searches, Spoofs/Parodies)
Writing Topic B: Do you agree or disagree with the idea that reading is only beneficial when you read books that concern real people, actual events, and factual information?
To disagree with the statement that only A is ---, you prove that something not A is also ---.
Reading fiction is also beneficial because
1) it teaches reality in a refined way (we can experience different times and different lives in a dramatic way)
2) it conveys great thinker’s minds to us (we can be more thoughtful, better people through good novels)
3) it develops our power of imagination and contributes to build a new world (science fiction loving children grow up to be scientists)
Note: TV programs as reflection (a mirror) of the culture in which they are produced
Procedure: 1)Name a TV program typical of your country 2) describe the program 3) point out the feature of the program that you think reflects the characteristics of your country
family dramas/animations --- typical family structure and life style
popular dramas --- main characters wearing nice clothing, living in cool condominiums or good houses, and enjoying exciting city lives --- materialistic entertainment-pursuing culture
makeover programs --- renovation of houses by famous architects --- developed, mature economy
many kinds of quiz shows from trivia to entrance examination questions for famous junior high schools --- diligent, academic background-oriented society
List of Television Programs
News programs, Animated series, Dramas, Sitcoms, Soap operas, Comedies, Western shows or Samurai dramas, Talk shows/Chat shows, Satirical news programs, Children's television shows, Cooking shows, Game shows, Reality programs (Historical re-creation, Science, Dating, Law Enforcement/Military, Makeover, Lifestyle change, Fantasies fulfilled, Docusoaps starring celebrities, Hidden camera, Reality game shows, Talent Searches, Spoofs/Parodies)
Writing Topic B: Do you agree or disagree with the idea that reading is only beneficial when you read books that concern real people, actual events, and factual information?
To disagree with the statement that only A is ---, you prove that something not A is also ---.
Reading fiction is also beneficial because
1) it teaches reality in a refined way (we can experience different times and different lives in a dramatic way)
2) it conveys great thinker’s minds to us (we can be more thoughtful, better people through good novels)
3) it develops our power of imagination and contributes to build a new world (science fiction loving children grow up to be scientists)
Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay, military spending)
Writing Topic A: Some people think it is important for a country to maintain a strong army in case of war. Others think it is better for a country to spend money and energy on other things than the military. Do you feel that your country should have a strong army?
☆Hints for points
neighboring countries (China, South Korea, and ASEAN countries) getting wealthier and spending more money on their military
America getting less wealthy
The threat of North Korea
less chance of war than before (strong economic and political relationships with America, China and other countries)
doubt about solution of international conflicts by military power (Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, “war on terror”)
Article Nine as a soft power
the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty (American military bases in Japan)
other priorities (global warming, sagging economy, aging society, need for more research and development of science and technology)
Writing Topic B: In your school schedule, you are required to take an extra class in one of the following subjects: 1) physical education (sports and exercise activities), 2) home economics (cooking or sewing), or 3) current events (the study of topics from recent news stories). Which one of the three subjects would you choose to study?
☆Hints for points
Physical Education: keep in good shape, opportunities to try unfamiliar sports, refreshment, make friends
Home Economics: independence, to understand the world at the level of household (the basic unit of society)
Current Events: to understand what is going on in the world
related to many important aspects of our society such as economy, politics, and history
area that TV reports do not constantly cover in detail (especially international affairs)
☆Hints for points
neighboring countries (China, South Korea, and ASEAN countries) getting wealthier and spending more money on their military
America getting less wealthy
The threat of North Korea
less chance of war than before (strong economic and political relationships with America, China and other countries)
doubt about solution of international conflicts by military power (Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, “war on terror”)
Article Nine as a soft power
the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty (American military bases in Japan)
other priorities (global warming, sagging economy, aging society, need for more research and development of science and technology)
Writing Topic B: In your school schedule, you are required to take an extra class in one of the following subjects: 1) physical education (sports and exercise activities), 2) home economics (cooking or sewing), or 3) current events (the study of topics from recent news stories). Which one of the three subjects would you choose to study?
☆Hints for points
Physical Education: keep in good shape, opportunities to try unfamiliar sports, refreshment, make friends
Home Economics: independence, to understand the world at the level of household (the basic unit of society)
Current Events: to understand what is going on in the world
related to many important aspects of our society such as economy, politics, and history
area that TV reports do not constantly cover in detail (especially international affairs)
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試)
問2 筆者は主張を証明するために2つのスポーツに関する4つの調査に言及しています。筆者の述べていることに基づくと、あなたの考えではこれらの調査のどれが最も説得力があり、どれがもっとも説得力が無いでしょうか?理由を説明しなさい。
1) 調査の「説得力」とは何か考えてみる
調査1 ドイツ人審判の行動の調査、3500試合、12年間のデータ
結果: 地元チーム優遇傾向
要因: 観客の存在、観客席が近い―トラック競技コースのない会場では誤審率10%増
調査2 プロサッカー審判に同じ試合のビデオを音あり/なしで見せる調査
結果: 地元チームに反則を取る確率が音ありは音なしより15%低 要因: 観客席の音
調査3 サッカーのPKでける方向の調査
結果: 直接ゴールを狙うべきときにそうしないことが多い
要因: はずすと恥だから(研究者Levittの説明)
調査4 野球チームオークランド・アスレチックスの成功例
要因: 注目されないタイプでリスクを恐れない選手を起用
説得力あり 調査1 data covering 3500 games for 12 years→statistical credibility is high / running track→telling evidence that judges are affected by the crowd 調査2 The sound of the crowd is the only factor that is different between the two groups, which means that other factors are controlled and indicates strongly that the sound of the spectators has a strong influence on the decisions made by the judges.→This makes this survey more convincing than others.
説得力なし 調査3 The explanation is subjective (Levitt’s translation) / needs more data covering the reasons why players did not shoot straight, such as questionnaires in which players, teammates, and coaches are asked to explain why the kicker made the decisions / usually professional football players consider many factors such as the condition and the movement of the keeper, other players’ positions, advice from his coach and teammates, and his own condition, experience, and intuition in a second and make a decision, and therefore not kicking straight down the middle can often be a positive decision made by the player trying to lead the team to its victory調査4 based on the success story of only one team for probably one season→In the case of other teams, the same thing might not have happened. Also, it is unlikely that the same team kept winning for many years with the same strategy, for there is no such reference in this passage. There are possibilities of accumulation of good luck or other contributing factors such as chemistry among players / criteria of misfits are subjective→Many baseball stars are thin or heavy.
出題のポイント: 資料を読む力を見る、問題の本質を自己の体験と関連づけて考え表現する力を見る
主題: 人の判断は周囲の人や環境に影響される可能性が高く、ビジネス管理者にも同様のことが言えそうだ。 (l. 56 – 62 スポーツビジネスに当てはまることはより一般的なビジネスにも当てはまるのだろうか?評判が高く注目されるほど判断力は鈍るのだろうか?その場合、はみ出しもの判断がベストなのか、あるいは(外野の)雑音をなくすべきなのか、あるいは人目を気にせず、自我を忘れることがよいのだろうか?)
a. 調査によれば、サッカーで審判は時々反則をとり間違えるがその理由は片方のチームへの個人的な好みだ。F (l. 7) “not the referee’s own affiliation”「審判の個人的な関係ではない」
b. プロスポーツ選手は通常、戦法が失敗した場合おろかに見えるリスクを犯してでもチームが勝つ可能性をあげるために危険度の高い決定を通常下す。F (28-30) “players kick the ball straight down the middle much less often than they should if their aim was to maximize the chance of getting a goal.”「ゴールを決める可能性を最大にするのが目的である場合真ん中にキックすべき時の頻度よりも、選手が真ん中にキックする時の頻度が低い」(l. 31-32 ) “If you kick it right down the middle and you don’t score, it is damn embarrassing. “ 「もし真ん中にキックして得点できなければ非常に恥ずかしい。」
c. 重要な教訓は、スポーツであれ他の分野であれプロの管理者が情報不足の判断を下し大きな金銭的損害を伴うことがよくあるということだと筆者は暗示している。 T (l. 51–58) “If professional sporting managers get so much so spectacularly and expensively wrong in a field in which there are clearly defined rules and massive documentation, what does that say about other fields, such as fund management, in which there are few rules and almost no documentation of minute-by-minute decisions?”「ルールが明確に定義され大量に記録を取るスポーツの世界で管理者の判断がそんなにも目を見張るほどにまた金銭面の損失の大きい形で間違っているのなら、他の分野(資産運用など)はどうなのだろう。これらの分野においては決まりがほとんど無く1分毎の記録はほぼゼロに等しいのだ。」
問2 筆者は主張を証明するために2つのスポーツに関する4つの調査に言及しています。筆者の述べていることに基づくと、あなたの考えではこれらの調査のどれが最も説得力があり、どれがもっとも説得力が無いでしょうか?理由を説明しなさい。
1) 調査の「説得力」とは何か考えてみる
調査1 ドイツ人審判の行動の調査、3500試合、12年間のデータ
結果: 地元チーム優遇傾向
要因: 観客の存在、観客席が近い―トラック競技コースのない会場では誤審率10%増
調査2 プロサッカー審判に同じ試合のビデオを音あり/なしで見せる調査
結果: 地元チームに反則を取る確率が音ありは音なしより15%低 要因: 観客席の音
調査3 サッカーのPKでける方向の調査
結果: 直接ゴールを狙うべきときにそうしないことが多い
要因: はずすと恥だから(研究者Levittの説明)
調査4 野球チームオークランド・アスレチックスの成功例
要因: 注目されないタイプでリスクを恐れない選手を起用
説得力あり 調査1 data covering 3500 games for 12 years→statistical credibility is high / running track→telling evidence that judges are affected by the crowd 調査2 The sound of the crowd is the only factor that is different between the two groups, which means that other factors are controlled and indicates strongly that the sound of the spectators has a strong influence on the decisions made by the judges.→This makes this survey more convincing than others.
説得力なし 調査3 The explanation is subjective (Levitt’s translation) / needs more data covering the reasons why players did not shoot straight, such as questionnaires in which players, teammates, and coaches are asked to explain why the kicker made the decisions / usually professional football players consider many factors such as the condition and the movement of the keeper, other players’ positions, advice from his coach and teammates, and his own condition, experience, and intuition in a second and make a decision, and therefore not kicking straight down the middle can often be a positive decision made by the player trying to lead the team to its victory調査4 based on the success story of only one team for probably one season→In the case of other teams, the same thing might not have happened. Also, it is unlikely that the same team kept winning for many years with the same strategy, for there is no such reference in this passage. There are possibilities of accumulation of good luck or other contributing factors such as chemistry among players / criteria of misfits are subjective→Many baseball stars are thin or heavy.
問3 他人や環境の影響が原因で、後で後悔するような判断を下してしまうのはどんな時ですか?どのようにしてよい判断を下すように勤めていますか?
調査1+2 審判は観客に影響される
調査3 人前で恥をかきたくない心理が判断に影響する
調査4 注目されていなくてリスクを犯すことができる人たちが成功した
自分以外は全員同じ意見の時、peer pressure(仲間の圧力)に負ける
1) 調査の「説得力」とは何か考えてみる
調査1 ドイツ人審判の行動の調査、3500試合、12年間のデータ
結果: 地元チーム優遇傾向
要因: 観客の存在、観客席が近い―トラック競技コースのない会場では誤審率10%増
調査2 プロサッカー審判に同じ試合のビデオを音あり/なしで見せる調査
結果: 地元チームに反則を取る確率が音ありは音なしより15%低 要因: 観客席の音
調査3 サッカーのPKでける方向の調査
結果: 直接ゴールを狙うべきときにそうしないことが多い
要因: はずすと恥だから(研究者Levittの説明)
調査4 野球チームオークランド・アスレチックスの成功例
要因: 注目されないタイプでリスクを恐れない選手を起用
説得力あり 調査1 data covering 3500 games for 12 years→statistical credibility is high / running track→telling evidence that judges are affected by the crowd 調査2 The sound of the crowd is the only factor that is different between the two groups, which means that other factors are controlled and indicates strongly that the sound of the spectators has a strong influence on the decisions made by the judges.→This makes this survey more convincing than others.
説得力なし 調査3 The explanation is subjective (Levitt’s translation) / needs more data covering the reasons why players did not shoot straight, such as questionnaires in which players, teammates, and coaches are asked to explain why the kicker made the decisions / usually professional football players consider many factors such as the condition and the movement of the keeper, other players’ positions, advice from his coach and teammates, and his own condition, experience, and intuition in a second and make a decision, and therefore not kicking straight down the middle can often be a positive decision made by the player trying to lead the team to its victory調査4 based on the success story of only one team for probably one season→In the case of other teams, the same thing might not have happened. Also, it is unlikely that the same team kept winning for many years with the same strategy, for there is no such reference in this passage. There are possibilities of accumulation of good luck or other contributing factors such as chemistry among players / criteria of misfits are subjective→Many baseball stars are thin or heavy.
出題のポイント: 資料を読む力を見る、問題の本質を自己の体験と関連づけて考え表現する力を見る
主題: 人の判断は周囲の人や環境に影響される可能性が高く、ビジネス管理者にも同様のことが言えそうだ。 (l. 56 – 62 スポーツビジネスに当てはまることはより一般的なビジネスにも当てはまるのだろうか?評判が高く注目されるほど判断力は鈍るのだろうか?その場合、はみ出しもの判断がベストなのか、あるいは(外野の)雑音をなくすべきなのか、あるいは人目を気にせず、自我を忘れることがよいのだろうか?)
a. 調査によれば、サッカーで審判は時々反則をとり間違えるがその理由は片方のチームへの個人的な好みだ。F (l. 7) “not the referee’s own affiliation”「審判の個人的な関係ではない」
b. プロスポーツ選手は通常、戦法が失敗した場合おろかに見えるリスクを犯してでもチームが勝つ可能性をあげるために危険度の高い決定を通常下す。F (28-30) “players kick the ball straight down the middle much less often than they should if their aim was to maximize the chance of getting a goal.”「ゴールを決める可能性を最大にするのが目的である場合真ん中にキックすべき時の頻度よりも、選手が真ん中にキックする時の頻度が低い」(l. 31-32 ) “If you kick it right down the middle and you don’t score, it is damn embarrassing. “ 「もし真ん中にキックして得点できなければ非常に恥ずかしい。」
c. 重要な教訓は、スポーツであれ他の分野であれプロの管理者が情報不足の判断を下し大きな金銭的損害を伴うことがよくあるということだと筆者は暗示している。 T (l. 51–58) “If professional sporting managers get so much so spectacularly and expensively wrong in a field in which there are clearly defined rules and massive documentation, what does that say about other fields, such as fund management, in which there are few rules and almost no documentation of minute-by-minute decisions?”「ルールが明確に定義され大量に記録を取るスポーツの世界で管理者の判断がそんなにも目を見張るほどにまた金銭面の損失の大きい形で間違っているのなら、他の分野(資産運用など)はどうなのだろう。これらの分野においては決まりがほとんど無く1分毎の記録はほぼゼロに等しいのだ。」
問2 筆者は主張を証明するために2つのスポーツに関する4つの調査に言及しています。筆者の述べていることに基づくと、あなたの考えではこれらの調査のどれが最も説得力があり、どれがもっとも説得力が無いでしょうか?理由を説明しなさい。
1) 調査の「説得力」とは何か考えてみる
調査1 ドイツ人審判の行動の調査、3500試合、12年間のデータ
結果: 地元チーム優遇傾向
要因: 観客の存在、観客席が近い―トラック競技コースのない会場では誤審率10%増
調査2 プロサッカー審判に同じ試合のビデオを音あり/なしで見せる調査
結果: 地元チームに反則を取る確率が音ありは音なしより15%低 要因: 観客席の音
調査3 サッカーのPKでける方向の調査
結果: 直接ゴールを狙うべきときにそうしないことが多い
要因: はずすと恥だから(研究者Levittの説明)
調査4 野球チームオークランド・アスレチックスの成功例
要因: 注目されないタイプでリスクを恐れない選手を起用
説得力あり 調査1 data covering 3500 games for 12 years→statistical credibility is high / running track→telling evidence that judges are affected by the crowd 調査2 The sound of the crowd is the only factor that is different between the two groups, which means that other factors are controlled and indicates strongly that the sound of the spectators has a strong influence on the decisions made by the judges.→This makes this survey more convincing than others.
説得力なし 調査3 The explanation is subjective (Levitt’s translation) / needs more data covering the reasons why players did not shoot straight, such as questionnaires in which players, teammates, and coaches are asked to explain why the kicker made the decisions / usually professional football players consider many factors such as the condition and the movement of the keeper, other players’ positions, advice from his coach and teammates, and his own condition, experience, and intuition in a second and make a decision, and therefore not kicking straight down the middle can often be a positive decision made by the player trying to lead the team to its victory調査4 based on the success story of only one team for probably one season→In the case of other teams, the same thing might not have happened. Also, it is unlikely that the same team kept winning for many years with the same strategy, for there is no such reference in this passage. There are possibilities of accumulation of good luck or other contributing factors such as chemistry among players / criteria of misfits are subjective→Many baseball stars are thin or heavy.
問3 他人や環境の影響が原因で、後で後悔するような判断を下してしまうのはどんな時ですか?どのようにしてよい判断を下すように勤めていますか?
調査1+2 審判は観客に影響される
調査3 人前で恥をかきたくない心理が判断に影響する
調査4 注目されていなくてリスクを犯すことができる人たちが成功した
自分以外は全員同じ意見の時、peer pressure(仲間の圧力)に負ける
投稿 (Atom)