
Writing for Academic Discussion  High school uniform

Some people argue that uniforms promote equality and reduce distractions, while others believe that they stifle individuality and self-expression. Given these perspectives, do you think it is better for high school students to have to wear uniforms



Lets think

1.      What kind of people wear uniforms?

2.      Why do they wear uniforms, or why are they made to wear uniforms?

3.4.      Which policy do you agree with? Why?


Hints for Points for Discussion

Uniform policy

1.       Uniforms help equal treatment. The policy is fair for students with financial difficulties.

2.       Uniforms make it clear that school is the place to study.

3.       Uniforms are for monitoring.

4.       Unlike university, high schools should exercise restrictions on some aspects of students life.


No-uniform policy

1.       To make students wear uniforms violates freedom.

2.       Having students wear uniform is controlling students on school days.

3.       No-uniform policy helps understand and nurture individuality.

4.       By wearing everyday-clothes, high school students can present themselves to others naturally.



Sample Responses


ThesisHigh schools should respect their studentsautonomy and should not force them to wear uniforms.

Supporting DetailsUniforms are labels. Clothing is an indicator of social status. A uniform is an icon of an occupation or a social status, and a person in a certain uniform is expected to play a certain role and behave accordingly. Military officers, medical personnel, restaurant workers, kindergarten pupils, and inmates are in uniforms, and they are expected to behave as society expects them to. A person wearing a high school uniform, therefore, is expected to behave as a minor and act in a way that matches the image of the school. Like a jar of jam with a label, students in uniforms are judged and treated uniformly. This may discourage students from having self-respect or modesty, and thus it may negatively affect emotional development of the students. They are half-adults who are in the period of life when their world view and identity is challenged and reestablished. The uniform policy limits this transformation by explicitly showing that they are watched and controlled, and this may contribute to making people uncritical and irresponsible.

Counterargument-treatmentAlthough there is a practical advantage that school uniforms lessen discrimination based on inequality as Emily points out, this restriction of individuality is unignorable.

ConclusionHigh school students should be treated as an individual with a distinct personality with freedom, independence, and individuality. School has no authority to limit them. (235 words)



Main IdeaUniform contributes to fairness.

Supporting DetailsThis is because uniforms can prevent wealth gap from being revealed. Under the no-uniform policy, rich students will naturally come to school in high-quality, stylish attire, and poor students keep wearing what they can afford for years. This difference can lead to separation, discrimination and even bullying, Students may not show such problems on the surface, but according to a professor, school is a closed space where even the smallest difference can make one ostracized.

ConclusionTill they go to university and acquire freedom to escape from belligerence, high school students, especially the vulnerable ones, need to be protected from it by being in the same clothes as others are wearing.

Counterargument-treatmentThe claim of James that uniforms restricts freedom of expression is true, but students can wear whatever they want during their free time. (137 words)

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