
Pre-TOEFL Writing Teachers should have experiences of other jobs before becoming teachers.

Winter   Writing Topic

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should have experiences of other jobs before becoming teachers. Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.




Let’s Think  考えてみよう

When he was in jail as a political prisoner, Shoin Yoshida, who taught people who later played important roles in changing the regime, asked the other prisoners, including a woman, to be his teacher. This shows that Shouin thought that anyone can teach something to others and that life experience makes the person a good teacher. Then, a teacher may need to have some jobs before starting to teach. Why?




Words and Expressions

1.     What a teacher teaches must be related to real life.


2.     Some people become teachers after they retire from their career.


3.     Social experience makes teachers can acquire expand their views and become well-rounded.


4.     Teachers should be given plenty of time to brush up their teaching skills by actually teaching children.


5.     Other occupations cannot afford to train people who are trained only to be a teacher.




Your Essay Structure  エッセイ構

Introduction = OutlineI do not agree with the statement that teachers should have experiences of other jobs before becoming teachers. There are three reasons and specific examples to support my opinion.

Point 1          

Point 2

Point 3

Conclusion = Wrap-upFor the reasons above, I do not think it is necessary for teachers to be immersed in jobs that are different from teaching.



Sample Paragraph Development  段落展開例

A.      Main IdeaWhat a teacher teaches must be related to real life, and experiences of having other jobs can help teachers give better lessons.

Reasons and ExamplesAs part of motivation for learning, teachers must connect what is written in the textbook to what students can relate to. Real life experience, especially those acquired from on-the-job training, makes it easier for teachers to come up with good introductions to the subjects. For example, if the teacher uses a safety device in a factory to teach a law in physics, the phenomenon related to the law will become more familiar. If teachers experience the job of other essential workers, they will be more passionate in teaching civics.

Wrap-upJob experiences are the best realia in teaching.





B.      Main IdeaTeaching skills develop mainly through teaching, not having other jobs.

Reasons and ExamplesThe best teachers of teachers are students. By actually preparing for the class, teaching in class, seeing the reactions of the students, and observing their achievement as feedback, teachers learn how to teach better.

Wrap-upTherefore, doing other jobs before starting their teaching career, just delays this process.




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