
Academic Discussion and Writing  What kind of institution should a new university envision in our times?

Lesson 20  Question

If your nation were contemplating the construction of a new university, what kind of institution should it envision to best address the evolving demands of our times?



Let’s think

1.        What are two main functions of a university?

Note: A university is for research and education.

2.        What are the main issues of our time?

Note: Climate crisis, nuclear crisis, pandemics, pollutions, wealth gap, white-supremacy and other discriminations, capitalism and neoliberalism, lack of diversity, lack of ethics of technology are some of the main issues of our time.

3.        Which issue you named as answers to Question 2 is the most serious to you? Why?



Hints for points

1.     War: Similarities to the prewar period of Imperial Japan of the current government and society in Japan has been pointed out. It is clear that Japan learned nothing from its past mistakes and sins and is to repeat them in the near future.


2.     Climate Change: Global warming impacts not only ecosystem but also politics. It is the urgent issue that could threaten the survival of humanity and the effect is already evident in our country.


3.     Food and Water Security: Pursuing the short-time profits and bound by unfair treaties like Japan-US FTA, Japan has been punishing the domestic agriculture. Now the self-sufficiency is said to be 40% while a professor of Tokyo University calculates that it is actually 10% if the import of fertilizer, 99% of which is from China, is taken into account.


4.     Political Reform: The ruling party, Liberal Democratic Party, has been in power technically continuously since the end of WWII except for a couple of years around 2011 under the Democratic party. This is rare worldwide and problematic as a static political situation leads to corruption. Now the government is in its terminal condition with cronyism and plutocracy, rewarding only the billionaires while exploiting the rest.


5.     Aging Society: Tax increase on the working class and increase of non-regular employment is the root cause of low birthrate because they discourage people from marrying and having children.


6.     Industry Revival: Bid-rigging and monopolization have killed the vitality and enterprise of the Japanese industry. Immediate reform in this structural problem is needed for our industry sector to start all over again.



Sample Responses

I would like my country to build a new institution for peace studies. We are in dire need of a university devoted to peaceful coexistence of all kinds of people. As of 2023, we have yet to overcome as humankind our bigotry and discrimination. Hate suffers minorities and dehumanize all involved. Today’s world is full of crimes, conflicts, and wars, torturing and killing countless number of people, while nobles oblige is lost among those who are less unfortunate. This deterioration of human species is threatening its continuation as we can see in the recent pandemic and threat of nuclear war. Not only do the perverted activities of haters help cause these problems but also they hamper their solutions. Therefore, the events related to hate must be studied in an interdisciplinary approach for the whole picture of this issue to stop the predicament of the disadvantaged and prevent another distress of any human in the future.  (142 words)


Your Sample Response

Introduction (Outline)

Supporting Details

Conclusion (Wrap-up)


Write your response in 10 minutes. Show each other your responses. Write down questions or suggestions to each other’s response.


















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