
TOEFL iBT Academic Discussion and Writing  Should the volume of homework assigned to high schools be scaled back?


Should the volume of homework assigned to high schools be scaled back?



Let’s Think

1.        Natalie says that too much homework will affect high school students’ mental health negatively, and that it will lead to less motivation to learn. Do you have any example for this point?

2.        Aaron is concerned that less homework will cause inadequate acquisition of what is necessary to pass entrance examinations of university or to find a job. Do you think it is possible? Why?


Hints for Points

Here is a sample of point-by-point brainstorming on this statement.


Not less homework

Less homework



Not enough due to the relaxed education policy

Many students hang out after school.

Too much homework

Cram schools



As the saying goes, practice makes it perfect.

High school students need pressure to study.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Rest is necessary for effective learning.

“To put the cart before the horse”


They will spend more time on their studies.

They can see what to review.

They will lose time for other activities.

They cannot study in their own ways.



Some classes require preparation and practice.

Homework helps acquire good work ethic

Causes of bad grades should be identified.

Whole curriculum must be worked on.


Response for Ideas and Expression

I partly agree with reducing homework. On the one hand, I think high school should respect students’ autonomy. High school education is not compulsory like university education, and homework is not assigned at university in general. Therefore, high school should not have homework, either. Teaching for university entrance examination is what after-school schools or private tutors do. Also, as Natalie points out, undue burden of homework can compromise precious years of high school life. On the other hand, many high school students are yet to know what to lean and how to learn it in some subjects, especially ones they are not good at. In these cases, they will appreciate it if there is advice on how to prepare for the class and what to review after the class. Therefore, I think homework should be assigned upon request. In other words, it should be optional and not mandatory. I believe this will maximize the motivation and learning.

 (157 words)


Sample Response Plans

A         Topic SentenceI don’t think high school should scale back the amount of homework.

Good Points of HomeworkStudents can preview and review more efficiently.

Bad Points of HomeworkMore homework means less autonomy.

Your IdeaMost high school Students learn better under intense coaching because they

hardly know exactly what is important in studies.

ConclusionAs long as it is not too much, homework will help high school students learn effectively.


B         Topic SentenceIt is tempting to assign much homework for better achievement, but less is more applies in studies, too

Your pointA large quantity doesn’t always lead to better results.

Counterargument-treatmentIt is true that test scores have dropped since the curriculum was relaxed in my county, Japan, but Sweden has higher scores without homework. The cause of bad grades should be identified before blaming less homework.

ConclusionAttention must be paid to the quality, rather than the quantity, of the class.


Your Response Plan

Topic Sentence


Supporting Details



Write your response in 10 minutes. Show each other your responses. Write down questions or suggestions to each other’s response.



















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