
TOEFL iBT Academic Discussion and Writing Will papaer books be obsolete?

Lesson 18  Question

Will the prevalence of traditional paper books diminish as we progress through the forthcoming decades?



Let’s think

When you buy a new book, do you buy a paper copy or digitized one like Kindle books? Why?

Has the number of bookshops in your town diminished over the past 10 years?

Why do some people like paper books



Hints for points


Computers make information search more efficient.

Thousands of books are stored in an electronic reader.

Many functions allow quicker and better learning.



Traditional paper books provide more reliable information.

They help deeper understanding on a specific subject.

They are handier than electronic books as they need neither a special device nor electricity.

They are easier on the eyes than LED screens.



Sample Responses

A        I think the number of paper books will diminish as we already see it happening. People don’t buy paper books anymore for several reasons. First, digitized books are usually cheaper than paper books. Second, their availability is much better than paper books for a physical reason. They are often available before the paper versions, and even when both are available, it takes technically no time to download a copy while it takes days and weeks to have a paper copy sent by mail. Third, people have stopped reading books. They seek source of information online like Google search, social media, or YouTube, where comments of the people who read are available. Of course, this is a challenge to the intelligence level of all humanities and it is a problem to solve, but it is just the fact. The essence of books is information, and rapidly advancing information technology makes paper books obsolete as a medium for the mass. Even though book-reading must be encouraged, the medium to choose may not be the matter of guidance, and traditional paper books will not be chosen any more. (186 words)


B        It may be counterintuitive, but information technology cannot digitize all the functions of paper books. When digital books became available, I thought I would read all books, including books for studies, online and buy only my favorite novels as a token of my love for the author. However, the reality was to the contrary. The reason is the difference of usability between these two forms of books. It is rather difficult to hop around from page to page according to my thought on an electronic device while a paper copy allows me to find any page in less than a second just by flipping through the pages. As a result, I need to buy paper versions of books for studies for complicated reading activities like rereading and bookmarking and this is my experience as an ordinary reader. Professional readers like researchers and writers may need paper copies for underlining, writing in, cutting up, and filing. Digitized books may have the same kind of functions, but they are not really the same as those of paper books. True reading necessitates a substantial existence, a real book, to get the job done. Therefore, the need for paper books will not diminish.

 (200 words)



Your Sample Response


Introduction (Outline)


Supporting Details



Conclusion (Wrap-up)



Write your response in 10 minutes. Show each other your responses. Write down questions or suggestions to each other’s response.



















上智国際教養学部公募推薦  - revised -

傾向                 身近な話題や時事問題に関連する普遍的テーマ、特に国際的な課題と大学の役割



出題年                 出題内容                                                        論点

2022年 格差社会と実力主義の問題点                    Meritocracy lacks compassion.

Q. Is there any problem with just emphasizing the ethos of individualistic merit, hard work, and competition in society?

2021  グレタの様に情熱を持って取り組みたい課題issue, vision, goal, general knowledge, value

Q. Is there an issue that you want to solve like that of Grata Thunberg’s speech?

2020年 大学で作りたい学部                                    vision, goal, general knowledge, value

Q. Write an essay in which you define your ideal university course.

2019  過去4年間に行った重大な選択とその影響 value, self-reflection, change, aspiration

Q. What was the most important choice that you made in the past four years and what is its effect?

2018年 リベラルアーツと現代社会の課題               general knowledge, global challenge

Q. In your opinion, what are the defining characteristics of a liberal arts education, and how does a liberal arts education help prepare individuals for the challenges they will face in the world today?

2017年 政府開発援助額17年ぶりに増加                 global corporation

Q. In our age of globalization, what can Japan contribute to the international community? Your answer may discuss Japan’s cultural, political, economic, scientific and/or other contribution.

2016   OECD加盟国先進国中日本の留学率最下位             globalization, development aid

Q. According to the data issued by OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), the percentage of Japanese college students studying abroad while in college has been decreasing despite the globalization of college studies. Why do you think Japanese college students are reluctant to study abroad? Would more Japanese college students study abroad?

2015   大学改革                                                    university education

Q. There are two views about the roles of universities: one emphasizes that universities should educate their students to be able to find a suitable job, and the other gives priority to the role of expanding their students’ mind to have a wider perspective of things. Discuss these two opinions

2014                2020年東京オリンピック招致                      big sporting events and their effect

Q. Tokyo was chosen as the city to host the 2020 Summer Olympics, beating Istanbul and Madrid at the International Olympic Committee (IOC)’s general session. Did you agree or disagree with IOC’s decision ot choose Tokyo over the two other candidates and shy? If you disagreed, which city would you have chosen for what reasons? Will the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in 2020 be profitable or detrimental to this country, and what negative and positive consequences do you expect? How would you contribute to, or rather ovoid being involved in, the Olympics?


対策   志望理由書に書いた目標と関連事項関連の記事を毎日読んでまとめる 補助問題集および英検1級筆記試験エッセイとTOEFL iBT Independent Writing のトピックを使用して実際に書く練習をする。(知識が足りない場合、英検1級エッセイの模範解答を読んで要約することと準1級エッセイを書くことを並行して行う)


Day 1 Homework

After the ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus disease is over, what should be the priorities of the Japanese government?

Hints for Points

1.     気候危機対策: 脱炭素、脱原発、消費行動を変えるための対策、災害対策、インフラ整備

2.     格差対策: 企業増税と消費税廃止、内需拡大、福祉拡大(育児無料サービス、大学無償化、医療費無料化等)

3.     平和外交: 憲法9条を守る。米中対立を和らげる。領土問題は譲歩。※軍産複合体を拡大させない

結論 新自由主義経済を終わらせ、気候危機と世界人口の増加及び高齢化社会に対応できる社会体制を作る。

Day 2 Homework 

The world has been experiencing a downturn in many aspects such as politics, economy, or moral. What do you want to do during your college years to contribute to rebuilding the world or Japanese society?

Hints for Points

1.       Get rid of politicians that are related to the Unification Church, which is an anti-social organization that has exploited many Japanese and has been trying to rule Japan through its authoritarianism, while fighting historical revisionism and promoting actions of apology for our past crime to people in neighboring countries.

2.       Organize young people who want to change politics in issues of their concern such as climate crisis, constitutional revision, economic policies, and disarmament.

3.       Run for a local public office, if there is a chance, to start a change in my own backyard.

Conclusion: Change from competition to corporation, from hate to love.

Day 3 Homework

Sub Textbook 2022年度 Questions: 1. How do you understand Dr. Sandel’s idea of the common good?  2. Is there anything problematic with the Mahood Rab “success story”?  3. Is there any problem with just emphasizing the ethos of individualistic merit, hard work, and competition in society?

Hints for Points: 1. We need to build a mature society of compassion, where the winner acknowledges their luck and pay respect to those who are less advantaged.  2. The story attributes Mahood Rab’s success only to his hard work and misses the insight into his fortune such as his talent to make money or taking up a right job at a right time. This makes a false image that only people who make money deserve respect and losers can be left abandoned.  3. It will dehumanize everyone and degrade the humanity.

Name                              Vocabulary   /10 Grammar   /10 Content   /10 Organization   /10