Writing Topic
Some people like doing work by
hand. Others prefer using machines. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons
and examples to support your answer. 手を使って仕事をするのが好きな人もいれば機械を使う方を好む人もいます。どちらを好みますか?具体的な理由と例を使って答えを支持してください。
☆Let’s Think
This question is asking about
your preference. Preference is difficult to explain to others who know nothing
about you. Thus, detailed explanation is necessary. 自分を知らない人に好みを説明する時は細かい説明が必要
☆Hints for Points 要点のヒント
Working by hand … 手仕事は
gives you a sense of accomplishment.
達成感がある。 e.g. washing the dishes 皿洗い
makes you creative. 創造的にする。e.g. birthday card and greeting cards 誕生日カードや挨拶状
gives your work warmth and personality.
作品に温かみと個性を与える。e.g. scarf, sweater, et. マフラーやセーター等
Working with machines … 機械を使った仕事は
is efficient. e.g. writing on a computer 効率が良い。例 コンピュータによる作文
is accurate. e.g. calculation 正確。例 計算
allows you to do what you
cannot do by hand e.g. lifting
something heavy, forming metal into an interesting shape, etc. 手でできないことを可能にする。例 重いものを持ち上げる、金属を面白い形に成形する等
☆Sample Essay Structures エッセイ構成例
Sample 1 例1
【Introduction = Outline】Admitting that pursuit of efficiency seems to be related to today’s
malady, I still prefer doing jobs with machines to get things done well in a
short time.
【Good Point 1】Machines can do most jobs much
better than humans.
【Good Point 2】Machines help us save time, which I can use for other activities.
【Working by hand】I also enjoy making things by hand. I knit for a pastime and send
handmade cards to people I like. However, these are exceptions. It is a waste
of time not to use machines for a routine.
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】I like to do a job with machines for speed and accuracy.
【利点 1】機械は大抵の仕事を人間よりずっとうまくできる。
【利点 2】機械は時間を節約するのを助け、その時間を他の事に使う事ができる。
Sample 2 例2
【Introduction = Outline】Machines have freed us from a lot of drudgery and my life also owes
them a lot, but I still think that hand working is worth doing.
【Reason 1】Working by hand is enjoying life. e.g. cooking
【Reason 2】Physical work is good for your
health. e.g. cleaning
【Why bad points do not matter】A job done by hand is often
inferior in quality to that of a machine, but the joy of experiencing the tasks
is more important to me than the doneness of the finished work.
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】For what I get from the process, I prefer doing a job by hand to doing
it with machine.
【理由1】手仕事をすることは人生を楽しむことだ。 例 料理
【理由2】肉体労働は健康に良い 例 掃除
Sample 3 例3
【Introduction = Outline】Which way of doing work I prefer depends on what kind of job I do. However,
I like working by hand better than working with machines. The reasons are as
【Machine】When I do chores, I like to use
machines. e.g. cleaning, filling out a
【By Hand】When the job needs some personal
touch, I do it by hand. e.g. greeting
cards, gift
【Why I like working by hand】I like using my brain, which
includes working by hand.
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】I like working by hand although I often use machines.
【機械】雑務をする時は機械を使うのが好きだ。 例 掃除、書類の記入
【手仕事】心のこもった味わいを仕事が必要とする時は手でする。 例 挨拶状、贈り物
【結論=まとめ】機械をよく使うけれども、手作業をするのが好きだ。 (裏もあります↳)
Your Sample Essay Structure
【Introduction = Outline】
【Body 1】
【Body 2】
【Body 3 (Follow-up)】
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】
☆Sample Paragraph Development 段落展開例
by hand is enjoying life. Experiencing each single step of doing a task makes
me feel alive. Ironically, machines, which are supposed to make our life
better, take away the precious time of life. By cooking breakfast with an
electronic egg-beater and a coffee maker, you miss the pleasant, rhythmic sound
you hear when you beat the eggs with chopsticks and the first waft of the aroma
you smell when you filter your morning coffee, which seem to represent the peace
and hope that fill the morning air. By using a robot vacuum cleaner, a mother
will miss the delight of being followed by her admirers, her baby and cats,
from room to room as she cleans the floor of their house. By taking the
elevator, workers miss the fun of taking a glimpse of other departments or
companies. Even though some may find them insignificant and I do not blame them
for it, I myself am not going to give up those enjoyable parts of life to
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