Translate the Japanese into English, using the following sentence patterns A or B.
~先行詞 関係詞… 「…する先行詞~」I looked for a place where eating was allowed.
~先行詞, 関係詞… 「~する。先行詞(に)は…」I rested in the
place, where there were many birds.
1. 各国政府は6秒にひとり子供が死んでいるこの時代に芸術に費やす余分なお金はない。(afford)
2. 芸術支援に資源を使うのは好ましくない。芸術は生存に必ずしも必要ない。(resources)
B. not simply~, but rather .... 「単に~ではなく、むしろ
Kendo is not
simply for acquiring skills to fight with sword, but rather for
4. 芸術支援は人々の芸術的衝動を満たすだけでなく、むしろ下層社会における不足を含む様々な問題を教育し不利な立場の人々のために働く動機づけをする役に立つ。(depravity)
Challenge Questions
5. 最低限の生活をしている人々を犠牲にして、十分にお金がある人々を支援するのは不公平だ。
(live on subsistence)
6. ほとんどすべての貧者は、彼らの自立を妨げている現在の社会制度の犠牲者である。
7. 芸術は公共教育に使われる。例えば小説や映画はよく社会問題を取り上げたり反映したりする。
Answer Keys
1. Governments do not have extra money to spend on the arts in these
times, when one child dies every six seconds.
2. It is unacceptable to use resources to support the arts, which we do
not necessarily need to survive.
3. The arts are not simply activities in leisure times, but rather
fundamental behavior necessary to live as a human being.
4. Supporting the arts not simply fulfills artistic desire of people,
but rather help educate them on various issues, including depravity of the
underclass, and motivate them to work for the disadvantaged.
5. It is unfair to support those who have enough money at the expense
of those who live on subsistence.
6. Almost all the poor are victims of the present social system that
prevents them from becoming independent.
7. Art is used for public education. For example, novels and movies
often take up or reflect social problems.
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