
TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Drill Parents and communities should play an active role in protecting the safety of children in the area.

Discuss the following statement, write a short essay on it including sentences with the structures below, and write comments on or correct mistakes of each other’s essay. Parents and communities should play an active role in protecting the safety of their children.

●demand that SV仮定法現在(V=原型動詞)「SVすることを要求する。」
●If S’ pressured , S would …, but …「もしS’が~に圧力をかけたらSするだろうがしかし…。」

Hints for Points: Taxpayers should demand that safety of children be guaranteed. If parents pressured the police to increase the number of policemen on duty, the safety of the street would be insured, but the quality of overall policing could go down due to the shortage of the officers for serious crimes. It is fundamentally dangerous that citizens play the role of the police.



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