
Writing Practice: Moocs Academic and Business Writing Week 4 Optional Assignment Open Discussion (Pop-up 4): Merits and Demerits of Globalization

playing devil's advocate

    1. discussion posted 28 days ago by NorikoSasaki
      Globalization is economic imperialism with a nice face such as convenience, novelty, or entertainment. Under the banner of development, it forcefully opens a closed, self-sufficient economic system and makes it buy what it does not need to get what developed countries need. The benefits are spread of good commodities and information while the problems are spread of bad commodities and information, destruction of the traditional economic system and virtues, and environmental destruction. (The ideas and expressions in this writing are mixture of those from mostly "Friendly Fascism", via Michael Moore, and a teaching material on the West opening up Japan in the 19th century, which I was assigned to use in a class a couple of months ago. This comment was added on January 30, 2019)
      Related to: Week 4 / Pop-up 4
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      2 responses
      1. AHILL49
        24 days ago
        Well written.
        1. Thank you!
          posted 21 days ago by NorikoSasaki
        2. washington_joaquin
          2 days ago
          You write very well.
          1. Thank you, washington-joaquin. The ideas and expressions in this writing are mixture of those from mostly "Friendly Fascism", via Michael Moore, and a teaching material on the West opening up Japan in the 19th century, which I was assigned to use in a class a couple of months ago.
            posted about 3 hours ago by NorikoSasaki

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