
国際教養学部AO入試 reference racism and nationalism, Japanese psyche, Naomi Osaka


1/31(木) 6:00配信   DIAMOND ONLINE


TOEFL iBT Independent Writing, one change in the twentieth century that is most important to remember - rewrite -

Writing Topic
There were many changes in the twentieth century. What do you think is the one change in the twentieth century that is most important to remember? Include specific reasons to justify your choice.

Let’s Think
1.      Fill in the blanks and make two questions similar to this writing topic. (Hint: Note 1)
-What …………………….. in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country?
-What ……………………... in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country?
2.      How do the following two sentences differ? (Hint: Note 2)
A     What is the most important change in the twentieth century?
B     What is most important change in the twentieth century?
3.      How would you come up with the answer to this question? (Hint: Go to the next question)
4.      Name important changes in the following categories: technology, economy, politics, medicine and culture.
5.      How would you explain that a certain change is most important to remember? Read the following paragraph and discuss how you can improve it. (Hint: Note 3)
In my opinion, the invention of the mobile phone is a most important change to remember that happened in the 20th century. Mobile phones are great. You can make a phone call anywhere. Also, they allow you to do many things such as listing to music and taking a picture.
6.      Come up with expressions to prove that something is a most important change. (Hint: Note 4)
7.      Research about the important changes in the twentieth century.
8.      Which one do you think is most important? Why?

1.      The following are real TOEFL iBT Independent Writing questions of the same type as today’s topic:
-What invention in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country?
-What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country?

2.      Sentence A, “What is the most important change in the twentieth century?” is about the change that is more important than any other change in the last century, while Sentence B, “What is most important change in the twentieth century?” is about one of the most important changes in the last century. The article “the” does not precede the superlative in this question, most important. Thus you do not have to decide the most important change in the 20th century. There were some most important changes in the last 100 years. You pick up one of them and explain why it has the highest level of importance.

3.      Probably the difficulty in answering this type of question is to explain why you think your choice is a most important change. The hints to the answer are often in the questions. In this case, the hints are the words “change” and “most important.” They are related to great moments in history: the story of before and after the change. What is expected in your essay is comparison and contrast the situations before and after the change. Also, you are supposed to describe how great the impact of something was, in other words, in what way and how much it has changed society and/or the environment.

4.      Words and expressions to prove something is a most important change to remember would be as follows: has had a dramatic influence on, has provided a significant change of, has made everything more efficient than before, profoundly changed our perceptions or perspectives, has caused an irreversible change, has become the infrastructure of our life, or has made the world dependent on it.

Let’s make a point
Before writing your essay, let’s write about the points you are going to make by answering the following two questions.
Question 1  What is different before and after the change?
Sample response: I think the advent of the Internet is most important to remember in the last 100 years. In the past, the information was something that was provided in limited amounts by the authorities. However, these days, because of the Internet, most information has become available to anyone. Also, it has become possible for anyone to provide information for the public quite easily.

Your response
I think ………………………………………………………. is most important to remember in the last 100 years.
In the past, …………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………….
However, these days, because of …………………….…………………………………………………………………….

Question 2  What makes the change more important than other changes?
Sample short response: 1) The change brought by the Internet is most important to remember in that it has become the infrastructure of the world.  2) Its impact on our society was so great that no one in our society can live absolutely independent from the Internet any more.

Your short response
1)    The change brought by ………………………. is most important to remember in that…………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………
2)    Its impact on our society was so great that …………………………………………………………..…………….

Hints for points
The rapid development of technology
Technological breakthroughs had happened before, but it was in the 20th century that the rapid development of technology happened and the lives of people changed dramatically. Nowadays, thanks to electronic appliances, people have more leisure time than they did one hundred years ago and use it to do things other than daily chores. The changes were good for the most part, but since they happened in a short time, people did not have time to adapt to it or consider the influence. As a result, the people in the 20th century left some negative assets to coming generations, such as pollution, global warming, threat of uncontrolled nuclear power, new types of crimes and so on. The first three are especially unprecedented in that they could wipe out mankind.

The spread of the entertainment
The notion of entertainment has given people a new lifestyle. Before the 20th century people did have some fun activities but did not have much leisure time and what we now call the entertainment. However, in the last one hundred years, the entertainment industry has developed. Most people started watching entertainment programs and fun videos instead of reading books or playing with their families and friends. Following the trend in the entertainment industry has become the most important for many. A positive effect of this change is that people around the world started sharing the same entertainment experience. A negative impact is that the entertainment industry has promoted consumerism and made it easier for governments and corporations to control people’s thoughts.

The shift of hegemony
The two world wars ended imperialism. People learned it the hard way that peaceful coexistence is basic to the prosperity of humankind. Although international relationships do not always follow this idea, efforts are made to compromise and cooperate and no nation can invade and occupy another country without criticism anymore. At the same time, America has become the most powerful country in the world. Replacing England after WWI, it has played the leading role in politics, business, and culture. Its military bases, trading posts, and pop culture cover all over the world now. China gained power at the end of the century, but still its GDP is second to that of the US and its military spending rate to GDP is less than that of the US.

The development of transportation and communication allowed corporations do business worldwide. They can now build their branches and factories in other countries, import cheap materials from other countries, and sell their products in other countries. As a result, people all over the world use the same kind of things, and share more information than before. The drawback of this change is the loss of indigenous languages, traditions and cultures.

Essay for ideas and expressions
Barron’s Writing for the TOEFL iBT, p. 338


国際教養学部AO入試 reference inequality in Japan, 「子供配食」


1/22(火) 16:00配信


子供の食事格差解消へ 家庭に出向き配食や料理 世田谷区が支援事業


国際教養学部AO入試 reference UN speech by Greta Thumberg, 15-year old climate activist

You Are Stealing Our Future: Greta Thunberg, 15, Condemns the World’s Inaction on Climate Change

UN speech by Greta Thumberg,  15-year old climate activist


Pre-TOELF Grammar reference Grammar Nazis by College Humor on YouTube

Grammar Nazis  by College Humor on YouTube  Transcript, Translation, and Explanation


【解説: タイトルに使われているNazisNazi「(ヒットラーの)ナチス党員」の複数形ですが、「強制的にルールに従わせる人」の意味でも使われます。従って、Grammar Nazisは「文法に厳しすぎる人」の意味になります。】

Colonel: Good morning, Monsieur Lapadite. I am colonel Hans Landa of the SS. I was hoping you can invite me inside your home and we could have a discussion.
大佐: おはようございます、ラパディテさん。私はナチス親衛隊のハンス・ランダ大佐です。中に入れていただいてお話させていただきたいのですが。
Lapadite: Of course, please come in.
Colonel: Now, as you may have heard, I am in charge of rounding up all the Jews in this village.
Lapadite: Yes, I have heard that.
Colonel: Are you aware of any Jews hiding in the area?
Lapadite: No. No, I assure you that there haven’t been no Jews in this village.
Colonel: There haven’t been no Jews? So, there have been some Jews?
Lapadite: Oh! Ah, sorry. No, I meant there haven’t been any Jews. No Jews here.
Colonel: Sorry. I was confused by a double negative. You see grammar is very important to the Nazis Party. Now, are you familiar with one, Shosanna Dreyfus?

【解説: 「ひとりも/ひとつも~ない」は no . または not any です。ラパディテさんはこのふたつを混ぜる方言を使っています。この方言は標準英語では二重否定の間違った使い方とされます。二重否定とは否定語や否定的表現をふたつ使うことにより[否定の否定=肯定]の意味にすることを言います。ラパディテさんの”there haven’t been no Jews”notnoの二つの否定語により[否定の否定=肯定]の意味に取れるので大佐が”So, there have been some Jews?”と確認しています。】

Lapadite: Yes. I know her. Me and her buy our milk in the same market.
ラパディテ: はい、彼女を知っています。同じ市場で私と彼女をミルクを買っています。
Colonel: Me and her? Surely you meant to say, “She and I”, no?
Lapadite: Yes, of course.
Colonel: The trick is to take the other person out of the sentence to see if it makes sense. Me buy milk. I think not. I buy milk. You see?

【解説: 述語動詞buyの主語になる人称代名詞は主格ですのでShe and Iとすべきです。Meを主語にするのは口語です。】

Lapadite: I swear I don’t know where Miss Dreyfus is at.
Colonel: Did you just end the sentence with a preposition?
Lapadite: Forgive me colonel.

【解説: 古い文法では前置詞で文を終わらせるのは良くないとされていました。現在では例えば「彼女がどこの出身か知らない。」はI don’t know where she is from. が一般的ですが、昔はI don’t know from where she is.の方が好まれました。関係詞節の場合も、「これがその容器を開ける道具です。」はThis is the tool which you open the container with.よりもThis is the tool with which you open the container. の方が好ましいとする人は現在でもいます。ラパディテさんのI swear I don’t know where Miss Dreyfus is at.という発言は前置詞atで終わっているので大佐が非難し、ラパディテさんが謝罪しています。】

Colonel: When was the last time you saw the Jew Dreyfus?
Lapadite: About a month ago I was walking by the river Bayonne and I saw Dreyfus fishing so I went down to the river bank to see if it was her but I couldn’t get a good view.
Colonel: (Bang) Did you really think I was so stupid that I wouldn’t recognize a run-on sentence?

【解説: run-on sentenceとは適切な場所で文を切ったり句読点を使ったりせずに文を複数繋げてしまった文です。 尚、大佐のDid you really think I was so stupid that I wouldn’t recognize a run-on sentence? は[so that …構文]で「とても~ なので...」の意味です。Thatは口語では省略することも多く、このビデオでもthatはほとんど発音されていません。このような場合、thatの部分をカンマ( , )で表記し、Did you really think I was so stupid, I wouldn’t recognize a run-on sentence? とすることもあります。】

Lapadite: Sorry, there was no Jews here.
Colonel: Jew or Jews, plural?
大佐: ユダヤ人、ユダヤ人たち、複数形どちら?
Lapadite: Plural.
Colonel: Wrong! You have to match your subject with your verb.

【解説: [主語と述語の数の一致]です。Sorry, there was no Jew here. Sorry, there were no Jews here. のどちらかになります。no の後には単複どちらも来ます。存在する場合単複どちらになりそうかで使い分けます。】

Lapadite: What do you want from me?
Colonel: I’ve heard from numerous sources you are hiding Madamoiselle Dreyfus.
大佐: 多くの情報源からあなたがドレフュス嬢をかくまっていると聞いています。
Lapadite: From who?
Colonel: From whom?
大佐: 誰から(と言いなさい)?

【解説: fromは前置詞で、前置詞の後に来る語は[前置詞の目的語]と呼ばれます。従って疑問詞whoも目的格のwhomにするのが正式です。】

Lapadite: Don’t kill me, please.
Colonel: Monsieur Lapadite, I have one more question for you. If you answer correctly, I will leave you and your family in peace. If not, you are coming with me. Now, let’s say you are writing a list. Would you or would you not put a comma before the end?
Female voice: It depends on whether you’re following the Chicago Manual of Style or the Associated Press Guide.
女性の声: シカゴ文体マニュアルに従っているかAP通信ガイドに従っているかによります。

【解説: 何かのリストを書く、すなわち何かを並べ立てることを[並列]と言います。並列するものがふたつの場合、A and Bとしますが、3つ以上の場合、人によって最後(C)の前(B)の後にカンマを付ける場合(A, B, and C) と付けない場合(A, B and C)があります。これはどちらでもよく、女性の声が言っているように、習った教材によります。】

Colonel: Hiding under the floorboards, I have finally found you.
大佐: 床下に 隠れて、ついに見つけたぞ。
Lapadite: Wait. You were hiding under the floorboards or she?
Female voice: A dangling participle!
女性の声: 懸垂分詞
Colonel: A dangling participle… (a sound of a gunshot)

【解説: (1) 大佐が言いたかったのは、「あなたは床下に隠れていた、そして私は遂にあなたを見つけた。」です。この場合前半をフルセンテンスにすると、You were hiding under the floorboards, and I have finally found you. となります。大佐はこの文前半を分詞構文にしたのですが、 分詞構文にする文の主語が分詞構文にしない方の文の主語と異なる場合省略できません。つまり隠れていたのはYou (女性)であってI(大佐)ではないので省略できません。正しくはYou hiding under the floorboards, I have finally found you.です。ところが大佐はYouを省略してしまいました。これはネイティブスピーカーでも時々してしまうミスで、懸垂分詞(dangling participle)と言います。
(2) 大佐の分詞構文はHidingの主語がない(省略されている)ので、主語は自動的にIだと解釈されます。つまり Hiding under the floorboards, I have finally found you. I was hiding under the floorboards, and I have finally found you. (私は床下に隠れていた、そしてあなたを遂に見つけた。)だと解釈されるのです。
(3) このビデオでは状況から床下に隠れていたのは女性だと分かりますが、大佐の発言では床下に隠れていたのは大佐だということになります。この為、ラパディテさんがYou were hiding under the floorboards or she (was hiding under the floorboards)(あなたが床下に隠れたのですかそれとも彼女が(床下に隠れていたの)ですか?)と尋ね、女性が「懸垂分詞(のミスだ)!」と指摘した為、大佐は自らの文法ミスを認めて自殺します。】


Writing Practice: Moocs Academic and Business Writing Week 5 Revision

 Difference between revision and editing
"What's the difference? Revision refers to substantial changing of a text, for example, re-organizing ideas and paragraphs, providing additional examples or information, rewriting a conclusion for clarity, and so forth. Editing, on the other hand, refers to correcting mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and so on."

REVISION CHECKLIST Ask the following questions of your essay as you revise your draft:  Is your title interesting and descriptive of your contents? 
 Will your opening sentence attract the reader’s attention? If not, how can you improve it?  Will your readers learn something interesting from your essay? 
 Have you organized your essay in logically? 
 Do you support your main idea with examples? 
 Does all the writing relate to your main idea? Look for unnecessary information and edit it out. 
 Do you use effective transitions to connect your details and examples so that your readers can follow your writing? 
 Does the conclusion bring your essay to a satisfying close? Does it leave the reader something to think about? 
 Did you choose your tone and diction carefully? Did you check for accurate use of vocabulary? 
 Do you use a variety of sentence structures and length in order to make your writing interesting? 
 Have you checked your punctuation? 
 Have you checked your grammar, especially subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, and proper noun plurals? 
 How happy are you with your essay? Do you think readers will enjoy reading it?

Read Backwards

This is a common technique used by writers: read your paper backwards.

We often become "blind" to our own mistakes, seeing the correct word or grammar on the page when it really isn't there. In order to break this pattern you can read your writing backwards, phrase by phrase, or word by word. This will help you see your text in a new way.

Editing techniques I like

discussion posted 19 days ago by NorikoSasaki
I usually upload my writing to my blog and proofread it. Reading what I've written on a web page makes me alert about mistakes. Printing out the text is good for a person with aged eyes like me to find punctuation errors. I tried backwards-reading for the first time. I liked it. While I was doing this, I noticed spelling mistakes and an inappropriate usage of a preposition. The technique to check the logical order was new to me and it was also useful. It helped me have a fresh look at one body paragraph of my final project. Oh, and I've learned to turn on the free grammar & spelling checker in this course!
Related to: Week 5 / Your ideas
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5 responses
  1. Nsept7
    7 days ago
    A good practice, I might test it.
    1. Great one.
      posted 6 days ago by gobizen7e38
    2. Thank you for your response, Nsept7, and thank you for your compliment, gobizen7e38. I learned all the ideas I wrote above in this course except for the first one. This course was informative, and peer comments helped me a lot. Their corrections improved me. Good comments were heart-warming. I was encouraged by them a lot. I thank both types of comments and I must thank edX and Moocs.
      posted 3 days ago by NorikoSasaki


TOEFL iBT Independent Writing、A business research center or an agricultural research center? - rewrite -

Writing Topic
Imagine a university is planning to build a new research center in your country, but it has not been decided whether to create a center for business research or agricultural (faeming) research. Which of the two sorts of research centers would you prefer to be built in your country?

Let’s Think
1.      How would a business research center benefit the country? What about an agricultural research center?
2.      In which area does Japan need to research more? Why?

Ideas and Expressions
1.    Japan has been one of the biggest economies in the world for a long time, but now many manufacturers of other countries outshine ours. We are not good at marketing very much. Market research on specific demands of each country, for instance, will help diversify our exports and stabilize export earnings.

2.    With enough wealth and technology to help reduce the damage of global warming and environmental destruction, developed countries are expected to shift to a sustainable economy, or environmentally friendly economy. We need to do more research on related areas such as eco-friendly technology businesses.

3.    The low food self-sufficiency (40%) is not necessarily dangerous in the global economy, where manufacturers import food from food producers. Also, Japan has already been heavily industrialized and adding just another agricultural research center cannot change its economic structure. Moreover, the level of our agricultural research is very high. People come from all over the world to learn from our agriculture and we send experts to countries suffering from food shortage to help develop their farming.

1.    Japanese agriculture is at crises in general. The age-old problems of Japanese agriculture are very little farmland (90% of the land is mountains and forests), decreasing numbers of farmers and farmhouses, aging, and weakening functions of farming societies caused by industrialization especially after WWII. In addition, traditional sustainable agriculture has been destroyed by the introduction of factory style farming, or single crop farming. This trend will accelerate because restrictions on agribusiness have been lifted and Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) will slash or abolish tariffs on agricultural imports. It is necessary to transform our agriculture into one which prioritizes production of export crops, crops that have enough demands in the global market. Research and development on Japanese crops and potential markets for them should be put forth right now.

2.    Research on our low self-sufficiency (40 %) is necessary. The self-sufficiency of our staple food, rice, is 100% while most of the feed grains for meat production such as wheat and corn are imported. Since these crops will be in great demand for bio-fuel, research on more self-sufficient protein production is necessary. In addition, the decreasing number of farmhouses is causing concern about food shortage in case of emergency. It is true that the problem of low self-sufficiency is the problem of business and politics because deflation is making people give up farming and the government is prioritizing business and globalization over agriculture. However, approaches to improve the situation by those who are directly involved in farming would be effective and innovative.

3.    We have not eliminated deaths from starvation in poor countries. Also, population increase, global warming, and pollution can cause food crises in the near future. Developed countries are required to make more contribution to research on food security such as irrigation, plants more resistant to climate change, or genetically modified crops. Japan can live up to this expectation by continuing to offer our high-level agricultural techniques and technologies. For example, plant factory, which was invented and developed in Japan, can produce edible plants without soil all through the year. We can not only sell their produce but also export the technology. Also, biomass-energy, an alternative energy resource receiving particular attention, is our specialty.

Essay for ideas and expressions
Just a few years ago, the terms green or fair trade meant nothing more than opportunities for corporate image improvement to most huge corporations and never meant calls for total restructuring of the economic system, or more precisely so they pretended to interpret them. They had succeeded in propaganda to make people believe that things were going all right. However, climate change has started biting and corruption in business has become blatant, even the people in developed countries are now having difficulty in making ends meet, and the mass protests across the globe do not go unnoticed anymore. Studies for new economic systems are essential to tackle fundamental problems of our times. Therefore, I would prefer a business research center to be built if a university is planning to build a new research center in my country, Japan.

Research on alternative economic systems is crucial. It is now clear that capitalism or free market system is harmful to everyone including those who have enjoyed its benefits. It has exploited the resources and people in developing countries. It has widened the gap between the rich and the poor. It has also destroyed the environment, whose deterioration now threatens life on earth. Ideas for more natural and humane economic activities, which ordinary people as well as conscientious intellectuals have conceived probably since the onset of industrialization, should be crystallized. One of the examples of such effort is a system called employee ownership or democratization of corporations. Democratized companies will reflect public consensus and make more sensible decisions. They will encourage governments to promote real fair trade: fair transactions not just between companies but between countries. They would certainly stop exporting too many businesses. Also, they will support sustainable economy, since public awareness on the environmental issues is high. For instance, 70% of US citizens support green energy.

In the torrent of globalization, Japan is at the crossroads. Joining Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) will lead it to totally American type economy, which has just proved to be a failure in terms of the welfare of all people. Obviously the disadvantaged, who are already suffering, will suffer more. Also, even if Japan survives, taking advantage of its position as a developed country, the problem of morality will remain, for free trade works at the expense of the weaker. It is inevitable for those in developed countries to put more pressure on those in developing countries. Moreover, it has become clear that the corruption of the domestic economic system has already passed the point of meltdown. The misconduct in relation to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant symbolizes that Japan has not been so much a protective economy as it has been believed. Japanese people were made to accept nuclear power plants through sophisticated advertisements of Japanese mass media backed up by the US energy industry and US and Japanese governments. The industry neglected design upgrade of the reactor despite repeated warnings. After the disaster, the electric company and the government did not disclose crucial information, and the government did not take enough measures to protect the residents in the area, as well as everyone in the eastern part of Japan. The irresponsible economic leaders teaming up with political leaders could make the last 50 years of Japanese prosperity, where most people, rich or poor, enjoyed fundamental human rights and basic happiness of life, just a transient good moment of its history.

It might be true that competition promotes evolution of technology and systems, but the current system does not have a safety net strong enough to protect those who have lost in competition and those who are disadvantaged. Governments are manipulated by lobbyists from large corporations, so that channeling money to rescue the weak becomes increasingly harder. Also, the stock market, a world-scale casino for the rich, does not have a structure to give it decency to clean up its own mess. When crises occur, public money is used to make up for the loss and the return is not sufficient when those rescued start gaining profits again. Unemployment rates did not go down much for a long time despite record profits of the companies bailed out in the last financial meltdown. This system keeps siphoning a large amount of money from the poor to the rich.

Universities should suggest plans for rapid and less painful shift to the new economic system to build a society that protects life and the environment. For the purpose, I would like a new business research center to be built by a university.