Writing Topic
When famous people such as
actors, athletes and rock stars give their opinions, many people listen. Do you
think we should pay attention to these opinions? Give specific reasons and
examples to support your answer
☆Hints for Points
Celebrities raise awareness of important issues and make changes.
Issues taken up by famous people are usually very important.
Most famous people follow the status quo and what they say could be
Endorsement by stars could be used to manipulate public opinions.
☆Sample Essay Structure
【Introduction】We should pay attention to the
opinions of celebrities with a reservation. 保留付きで賛成
【Point 1】Most celebrities have a good heart and
what they have to say is something. 心がきれい
【Point 2】Public opinion often comes out of a
celebrity’s mouse. 世論の反映
【Follow-up】However, celebrity influence can be
used for bad purposes. Famous musicians and artists have been used for war
propaganda. Also, a comment of an influential person can be an incitement for
illicit activities. When a popular TV show host said, “I’m usually against
death penalty except when it comes to Michael Moore,” people tried to kill
Michael Moore, a film maker who criticized the Iraq War, many of them not exactly
knowing what the issue was and making friends with him after they talked with
him in person. 戦意高揚や犯罪教唆への利用
【Conclusion】 As long as it does not have the
quality of provoking antagonism, we should listen to what famous people say. 敵意を挑発するのでない限り耳を傾けるべき
☆Sample Development
1. Celebrities raise
awareness of important issues and make changes. They have the power to mobilize
large numbers of people in a short time. Since their admirers follow them
through such media as SNS, when they mention something and call for an action through
such media, the comments will be shared by people and lead to some positive results.
Angelina Jolie has used her fame to support poor people in Africa. Leonardo
DiCaprio actively tries to alert the world to climate change whenever possible.
The 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, contributed to attention to police
brutality and all the discrimination against black people in the U.S. by
refusing to stand up but instead kneeling down during national anthem and the
news made people of all walks of life all over the world think about the problem
and the importance of taking a stand. Many stars are taking advantage of their status
for good causes and we should listen to them. 有名人は重要な問題への意識を喚起し改革を起こす。短期間で多数を動員する力がある。崇拝者がSNSのようなメディアを通してフォローしているので彼らが何かに言及し行動を求めると人々にシェアされ肯定的な結果になる。(アンジェリーナ・ジョリー→貧困問題、レオナルド・ディカプリオ→温暖化、コリン・キャパニック→アメリカの警察の暴力と黒人差別)多くのスターが良い運動のために地位を活用しており我々は耳を傾けるべきだ。
2. Most famous people
follow the status quo and what they say could be wrong. They live on their exposure
to the mainstream media, which depend on sponsors. Thus, they conform to the people
in power. For example, when a documentary film maker Michael Moore blamed
President George W. Bush for having a fictitious war, meaning that the Iraq War
was based on a false reason, at the Academy Award ceremony, almost all
participants booed him and accused him of being “unpatriotic”, but before long,
Michael Moore proved right. There were no weapons of mass distraction in Iraq
and it turned out that Bush administration had planned the war since 9.11 not
for war on terrorism but for oil. Few celebrities, just like mainstream media,
mention it even today. As this example shows, it is necessary to make an
educated guess on whether to pay attention to opinions given by famous people. ほとんどの有名人は現状に従うので発言が間違っている可能性がある。彼らは主要メディアに曝されることで生活しており、メディアはスポンサーに頼っている。従って権力のある人たちに合わせる。(ドキュメンタリー映画監督のマイケル・ムーアがアカデミー賞授賞式でブッシュ大統領を嘘の戦争をしている(イラク戦争は嘘の理由に基づいている)と言って非難した時、参加者のほぼ全員がブーイングし非国民だと非難したが、まもなくマイケルムーアだ正しかったことが分かった。(イラクに大量破壊兵器はなく、ブッシュ政権は9.11直後からテロではなく石油のために戦争を計画していたことが明らかになった。)現在そのことに言及する有名人は主要メディア同様ほとんどいない)有名人の意見に注目すべきかどうかについては、知識に裏付けられた推測をすることが必要だ。
Your Sample Essay Structure
【Introduction = Outline】
【Point 1】
【Point 2】
【Point 3 / Follow-up】
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】
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