
Pre-TOEFL Reading, Summary (L. 9)

The Civil Rights Movement
On December 1, 1955, a 42-year-old black s        ress named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white person and was a       ted for her action. Then a boycott of the city’s s        ted buses by black people began in Montgomery. The leader was a young m      ter, Martin Luther King, Jr. The Supreme Court declared the city’s bus s            tion laws u             nal. A b         h among southern whites began and King’s home was firebombed. The black community was brought to the b    k of violence, but R       d King insisted on a non       t response. He was c         ced that blacks could achieve e     ty only through peaceful c     l d            ce. He led voter r         tion drives among blacks, helped organize s  t-  ns at segregated lunch counters, and organized Freedom Riders to test f       l laws banning segregation in bus station facilities. Southern whites re       ted violently. In August 1963, the March on Washington was held. It was the largest civil rights d       tion in American history. King gave his most m      able “I Have a Dream” a       ss. He offered a v    sion of an America where l      ty and e      ty were realities for all citizens. In 1964, Congress p  ssed the Civil Rights Act and King was awarded with the Nobel P     e Prize.

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