
TOEFL, iBT, Independent Writing, a new university in your community -rewrite-

Writing Topic
The government of your area has announced plans to build a large, new university. Some people think that your community would be a favorable location for the university; others disagree. Compare and discuss the good and bad consequences that might result from building a new university in your community. Use specific reasons and details to support your essay.

Lets think
This question is made up of two parts: the premise and a direction. The first two sentences provide the premise of this topic, that is, a hypothetical plan to build a large, new university and the situation in which people separate on whether to support the plan. Therefore, your area is supposed to be both favorable and unfavorable for the university depending on the points of view. The third sentence is the direction. Since it says “compare and discuss the good and bad consequences, “ an essay referring to only good or bad points would not get a high score.

Hints for points
Good Consequences:
1. better access to information (library, audit program, extension school)
2. stimulation to the local economy (shops, apartments, construction of new facilities)
3. influx of young power (events, volunteering, interaction with the local people, younger population)

Bad Consequences:
1. loss of a large area of nature
2. heavier traffic
3. binge drinking

Essay Structure
♦Sample Essay Structure in the case that you have two or three reasons to support your argument
Introduction = Outline】 The addition seems to have both positive and negative impacts on my society.
Point 1A new university would vitalize the economy and the overall morale of our community.
Point 2The atmosphere in the community may have some adverse changes.
Point 3 / Counterargument-treatmentMy hometown already has two universities and has few problems.
Conclusion = Wrap-upThe community would be a little livelier and noisier than now.

♦Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3

Conclusion = Wrap-up

Paragraph Development
Paragraph development is a key to making your essay convincing. If a paragraph has only one sentence or two, it lacks some essential sentences such as supporting details (background information), or the main idea.

Main Idea The atmosphere in the community may have some adverse changes.
Transition There might be some environmental issues and concern about the increase of troublesome behaviors.
Detail / Example For example, part of the large hill would be used to build the campus and a new town for the students and people who work there. The number of automobiles and the amount of garbage would increase. Also, the usual habit of some students such as staying up very late or getting drunk in the street may disturb their neighbors.
Follow upHowever, most of these behaviors can be forgiven as lack of socialization and students will learn to behave in time.
ConclusionThe new university would bring about a loss of nature, which might disrupt the ecology in the area, and some rambunctious students, although this would not matter very much.

♦Your test paragraph development:
Main Idea


Detail / Example

Follow up


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