
中学生 英文法  主語(代名詞別) 疑問文・否定文 出だし表

主語(代名詞)別 疑問文(?)・否定文(not)出だし表
文の種類 意味 I we you (単・複) he she it they
beV ~ですか?(~に)いますか? Am I ~? Are we ~? Are you ~? Is he ~? Is she ~? Is it ~? Are they ~?
受動態: beV+過去分詞(-ed) ~されますか? Am I  -ed ? Are we -ed? Are you -ed? Is he -ed? Is she -ed? Is it -ed? Are they -ed?
進行形  beV+現在分詞(-ing)  ~しているところですか? Am I -ing? Are we -ing? Are you -ing? Is he -ing? Is she -ing Is it -ing? Are they -ing?
be going to ~? ~する予定ですか? Am I going to ~? Are we going to ~? Are you going to ~? Is he going to ~? Is she going to ~? Is it going to ~? Are they going to ~?
beV 過去形 ~でしたか?(~に)いましたか? Was I ~? Were we ~? Were you ~? Was he ~? Was she ~? Was it ~? Were they ~?
過去形 受動態: beV+過去分詞(-ed) ~されましか? Was I -ed? Were we -ed? Were you -ed? Was he -ed? Was she -ed? Was it -ed? Were they -ed?
過去形 進行形  beV+現在分詞(-ing)  ~しているところでしたか? Was I -ing? Were we -ing? Were you -ing? Was he -ing? Was she -ing Was it -ing? Were they -ing?
過去形 be going to ~する予定でしたか? Was I going to ~? Were we going to ~? Were you going to ~? Was he going to ~? Was she going to ~? Was it going to ~? Were they going to ~?
助動詞 can  ~できますか? Can I ~? Can we ~? Can you ~? Can he ~? Can she ~? Can it ~? Can they ~?
助動詞 must  ~しなければなりませんか? Must I ~? Must we ~? Must you ~? Must he ~? Must she ~? Must it ~? Must they ~?
助動詞 will  ~するつもりですか? Will I ~? Will we ~? Will you ~? Will he ~? Will she ~? Will it ~? Will they ~?
一般動詞  ~しますか? Do I ~? Do we ~? Do you ~? Does he ~? Does she ~? Does it ~? Do they ~?
過去形 一般動詞  ~しましたか? Did I ~? Did we ~? Did you ~? Did he ~? Did she ~? Did it ~? Did they ~?
現在完了形: have+過去分詞(-ed)  継続・完了・結果・経験ですか? Have I -ed? Have we -ed? Have you -ed? Has he -ed? Has she -ed? Has it -ed? Have they -ed?
現在完了進行形: have+been+現在分詞(-ing)  進行中の動作が継続していますか? Have I been -ing? Have we been -ing? Have you been -ing? Has he been -ing? Has she been-ing? Has it been -ing? Have they been -ing?
過去完了形: had+過去分詞(-ed)  継続・完了・結果・経験でしたか? Had I -ed? Had we -ed? Had you -ed? Had he -ed? Had she -ed? Had it -ed? Had they -ed?
beV ~ではありません。(~に)いません。 I'm not   ~. We aren't  ~. You aren't ~. He isn't  ~. She isn't  ~. It isn't  ~. They aren't  ~.
受動態: beV+過去分詞(-ed) ~されません。 I'm not -ed. We aren't -ed. You aren't -ed. He isn't -ed. She isn't -ed. It isn't -ed. They are n't -ed.
進行形  beV +現在分詞(-ing) ~しているところではありません。 I'm not -ing. We aren't -ing. You aren't -ing.  He isn't -ing. She isn't -ing. It isn't -ing. They aren't -ing.
be going to  ~する予定ではありません。 I'm not going to  ~. We aren't going to ~. You aren't going to ~. He isn't going to  ~. She isn't going to ~. It isn't going to ~. They aren't going to ~.
過去形 beV ~ではありませんでした。(~に)いませんでした。 I wasn't  ~. We weren't ~. You weren't  ~. He wasn't  ~. She wasn't  ~. It wasn't ~. They weren't ~.
過去形 受動態: beV+過去分詞(-ed)  ~されませんでした。 I wasn't -ed. We weren't -ed. You weren't -ed. He wasn't -ed She wasn't -ed. It wasn't -ed. They weren't -ed.
過去形 進行形 beV + not +現在分詞(-ing) ~しているところではありませんでした。 I wasn't -ing. We weren't -ing. You weren't -ing. He wasn't -ing. She wasn't -ing. It wasn't -ing. They weren't -ing.
過去形 be going to + not   ~する予定ではありませんでした。 I wasn't going to ~. We weren't going to ~. You weren't going to ~. He wasn't going to ~. She wasn't goinh to ~. It wasn't going to ~. They weren't going to ~.
助動詞 can ~できません。 I can't (cannot) ~.  We can't (cannot)  ~. You can't (cannot)  ~. He can't (cannot)   ~. She can't (cannot)  ~. It can't (cannot)  ~. They can't (cannot)  ~.
助動詞 must  ~してはいけません。 I musn't  ~. We musn't ~. You musn't  ~. He musn't ~. She musn't ~. It musn't ~. They musn't ~.
助動詞 will  ~するつもりではありません。 I won't  ~. We won't ~. You won't  ~. He won't ~. She won't ~. It won't ~. They won't ~.
一般動詞  ~しません。 I don't ~. We don't ~. You don't  ~. He doesn't ~. She doesn't ~. It doesn't ~. They don't ~.
過去形 一般動詞 ~しませんでした。 I didn't ~. We didn't ~. You didn't  ~. He didn't ~. She didn't ~. I didn't ~. They didn't ~.
現在完了形: have+過去分詞(-ed)  継続・完了・結果・経験ではありません。 I haven't -ed. We haven't -ed. You haven't  -ed He hasn't -ed. She hasn't -ed. It hasn't -ed. They haven't -ed.
現在完了進行形: have+been+現在分詞(-ing)  進行中の動作が継続していません。 I haven't been -ing. We haven't been -ing. You havn't been -ing. He hasn't been -ing. She hasn't been -ing. It hasn't been -ing. They haven't been -ing.
過去完了形: had+過去分詞(-ed) 継続・完了・結果・経験ではありませんでした。 I hadn't -ed. We hadn't -ed. You hadn't  -ed He hadn't -ed. She hadn't -ed. It hadn't -ed. They hadn't -ed.

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